Angel, I was originally not going to post the letter I sent to you this afternoon, it was for you and you alone. But the more I thought of you, the beauty of you, I want the world to know. I am so proud to be in your life, to be with you. I have said it before, that for you I have no shame, no pride. I want the world to know how beautiful you are, what you make me feel, I have never been this happy.
"When I spoke to you this morning I felt better, but when I saw you online, I was intoxicated. I can not express to you the power of the beauty you posses in your face, the overwhelming joy and happiness it brings me. I have never seen anything more beautiful. Your beauty is demanding, it compels me to feel, it drives me mad, and sooths me simultaneously. Your lips are exciting, sexy, and soft. The curl of your lips as you smile makes me smile, they are so engaging, I can not turn away. Your eyes, those big beautiful brown eyes, they warm me. They have the power to see straight through me, they can formulate thoughts on to them selves. They break me to the very core of who I am. I can easily loose my self to your eyes, they capture me, keep me, hold me. The curve of your face, is a thing of beauty all on its own. They guide me from one point of your face to another, they flow with a grace unlike anything I have ever known. Your expressions, they speak to me, to my heart. I can feel you, feel the words you speak. No one, absolutely no one has ever had this effect on me. You are the only woman to command my attention without even knowing that you are doing it. You fill me with a longing I have never known. The thought of you, your beauty, can make me cry, it can make me smile. I will always be a slave to your charms, of which you have many. I know there are so many wonderful tings about you I have yet to discover, and the idea of discovering them fills me with excitement and anticipation. I have never loved someone as I do you. You are truly are a dream come true. You sometimes cause my passion to run a muck. And I love that. You are beautiful Angel, you are desired, desired in ways you have never known, in ways only I could know. I will never apologize for staring at you, I know I will do it often, so get your self used to the idea. You are the most incredibly beautiful woman I have ever known. Nothing compares, nothing, no one. You are the only woman to actually take my breath away, I always thought it was a figure of speech. I never knew it could really happen. You do that, you take that, the very breath from my body. You are so beautiful. I know you can see it in my face when I see you, sometimes you don't know what it is, and you will say, "what?" I am telling you what it is, when I look lost, confused, its you, its your face, it's the power of being pulled to the most beautiful thing I have ever known, its you., the inability to focus, to understand or even care what is happing to me, that is the power of you, the incredible beauty you posses. Its you. "
I love you, always.