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Justin is packing to leave for a whole week. *sniff sniff* That bastard is going to Bonnaroo!!

Yay! My kitty came home.

Four days ago our cat Star Rocky Marshmellow ran outside. We thought he was gone for good but last night he came home! I am soo happy. He is the kitty in the picture sleeping with me and I would get depressed whenever I saw it. I wa about to delete it it was so bad but then he turned up! And just in time for Minxy to not be in heat anymore! So everything worked out for the best! :D That's about it. I just wanted to share that Rocco came home.
[be honest no matter what.] [one] what is your natural hair color? Darkblond, light brown, but it looks red in the sun. [two] where was your default picture taken? Naplion, Greece [three] what's your middle name? Kathleen [four] your current relationship status? Happily taken by the perfect man for me. [five] does your crush like you back? AM not 10; don't have crush. This is why I left m-place in the first place. [six] what is your current mood? Meh. [seven] what color underwear are you wearing? Invisible. lol [eight] what makes you happy? Ali telling she loves me or Booga smiling. [ten] if you could go back in time and change something, what would it be? I would have started school in Jan of '03 rather than Aug. [eleven] if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be? A squirrel. [twelve] ever had a near death experience? Yes [thirteen] something you do a lot....? smoke [fourteen] what's the name of the song stuck in your head right now? Goodnight Demonslayer [fifteen] who did you copy and paste this from? Greta, whom I adore. [sixteen] name someone with the same birthday as you? Sam Walton, the guy who created Wal-Mart [seventeen] when was the last time you cried? Watching Love, Actually a couple nights ago. [nineteen] if you could have one super power what would it be? Invulnerability [twenty] what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Height and hair [twenty-one] what do you usually order from starbucks? Grande Vanilla Latte with 8 pumps of vanilla [twenty-two] what's your biggest secret That I think whoever answers this is a tard. [twenty-three] favorite color? dark red [twenty-four] when was the last time you lied? about 10 minutes ago [twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Yup. [twenty-six] what are you eating or drinking at the moment? Nada [twenty-seven] do you speak any other language? I speak french and a little Greek and I can sorta read latin. [twenty-eight] what's your favorite smell? jasmine in the night [twenty-nine] if you could describe your life in one word what would it be? chaotic [thirty] when was the last time you gave/received a hug? right before i got out of bed [thirty-one] have you ever been kissed in the rain? Yes, it was wet. [thirty-two] what are you thinking about right now? All these typos must mean I'm tired. [thirty-three] what should you be doing? Sleeping. [thirty-four] what was the last thing that made you upset/angry? I'm sure it was something the dog did. [thirty-six] do you like working in the yard? I kill plants. [thirty-seven] if you could have any last name in the world, what would it be? Today? Twatwaffle. [thirty-eight] do you act differently around your crush? Not 10, don't have a fucking crush. Grrrrrr.
1. Where will you be in a hour? Laying on the couch with a wrestling dvd playing. lol 2. Who will be your next kiss? Either Alianna or Justin I'm sure. 3. Is there something purple within 10 feet of you? Alianna's shoe. 4. Are you wearing socks right now? no 5. When was the last time you went out of state? I was in Oak Grove like a week ago. 6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Nope, don't go to the movies anymore. Watch them for free on the puter! 7. What was the last thing you had to drink? Glass of root beer. 8. What are you wearing right now? My tiered skirt as a dress, and it still comes down to mid calf! 9. What was your last purchase? Cigarettes probably. 10. What's the last thing you wrote down? I was trying to remember how to spell a word in French and it's easier for me to write it down. 11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Corinne. :D 12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Nope. 14. What's the last sporting event you watched? Wrestling. 15. What is in your pocket right now? I dont have any pockets right now. 16. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? *sigh* In Greece with Dr. Winters and everyone else. 17. What is the last thing you purchased online? I think it was my Wrestlecrap book. 18. One thing you hate about yourself? My nose being crooked but that will be changed soon enough. :D 19. What's your favorite soup? I Know by Jude 20. Do you miss anyone? Of course. 21. Last play you saw? Something at school I don't remember the name. 22. What are your plans for tomorrow? Wash some clothes. 23. Have you ever gone to camp? I went to Band Camp once. And the first one to crack an American Pie joke gets their ass kicked. 24. What do you want right now? Money 25. Were you an honor roll student in Elementary school? Technically, no because my elementary school counted gym as a letter grade and I always got C's. Other than that I was a straight A student. 26. What Do You Know About Your Future? I foresee drama in my future. When is Border Raids again? 28. Where are your best friends located? ClarksVegas and Lawrenceville, GA 29. Do you have a tan? LOL no. 30. How old do you want to be when you have kids? I've already got two thanks. I was 20 and 27 when I had them. 31. Last person who made you cry? Mark and Juliet in Love, Actually. Every time he holds up those signs I blubber like a 5-year-old girl. 32. Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Three tatts and asorted holes sans jewlry. 33. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Have you ever been to a restaurant? Twatwaffle. 35. Last time you took a shower? About 2 hours ago. 36. What is one thing you're afraid of right now? Can't think of anything. 37. What is your mood right now? Plotting. 38. Are you someone’s best friend? Yes and I even know where they are located. Jackass survey writer. 39. What did you get for Valentine's Day? A dozen dual-colored roses (my favorites) and a wrestling DVD. He knows me so well. :D 40. What are you doing right now? This survey, loser.
. .by simply replacing it with another social networking site! LOL If you guys want to get ahold of me your best bet is to hit me on cherytap.com. Go through Ben's site because with all the "phantom" hits my myspace blogs always seem to get I don't feel the need to broadcast my Cherrytap addy. Let's see, other than that what's been going on. . . Well school is finally over. That's good. I fucked up our money situation and we are completely broke. That's bad. But we have been in this boat before and we have always come out of it just fine and I am sure we will again. Mostly because even when we had less than nothing (sleeping in Rob's kitchen, what? ) we had each other. And just being around Justin makes me incredibly happy and content. Now don't get me wrong. We fight, we argue we bitch and moan at each other but then the goofy bastard does something to make me giggle. Or like the other night when he was just sitting on the edge of the porch and I looked at him and was struck once again by how beautiful he is. Okay, jackass!! No crying in blogs!! Sorry guys, had to get ahold of myself there. That's what I get for listening to Sarah MacLachlan while I blog! Is it wrong that sometimes I get scared that one day he'll wake up and be like, 'Dude! I can do soooo much better!'? Though I do have that one trump card (lol). . . Speaking of, Boogas' 1st birthday is at the end of this month. It SERIOUSLY does not feel like a year has gone by. Then again, Alianna will be eight on her next birthday. EIGHT!!! Where the hell did those years go! I mean I know I wasted a few in my expiriment in co-dependancy (and for the record, that is directed at NO ONE but MYSELF), but still, has it really been EIGHT years. Fuck I'm old! LOL But anyway, for those of you that don't know, the Booga Man is walking and has been fo raout a month now. His first word (not counting DaDa, because dammit I won't have two kids do that to me! ) is HIIIII! accompained by a wave and a very toothy girn. He has eight of those. We are just marking time on the formula. He hasn't wanted anything to do with a bottle for over a month now, its all sippy cup. He just proves, the Goddess gives you what you ask for. As many of you know, when I was preggers the only thing I asked of Her was that my baby eat normally (and anyone who has ever sat through a meal with Ali understands why!). She more than fufilled that wish. I swear, we could give that kid a hunk of steak and he would figure out a way to eat it! LOL He definately has Justin's eating habits. Now here's hoping he has my book smarts and Justin's common sense! As for Miss Alianna, she is just about finished with the 1st Grade. The last progress report was all As except for a C in Reading. I swear I don't get it. She has been written up every day for the last week and half for talking. And I'm talking multiple times a day! I am at wit's end. I really don't want to turn her into a medicated zombie like some other kids I have known. Is there anything else I can do? Well, I've been at this for the entire length of the "Afterglow" CD (lol) so I think I may be done for the moment. Until then my friends, and whoever else may be reading this, don't forget to ADD,FAN, RATE !!DAMN!! Wrong site! LMAO. Trust me, Ben is laughing. HEHEHE
Here you go mommies - a different kind of survey for a change - it's all about your first born! 1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? Hell no. And for the record, neither was the second one. 3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? I was kinda ambivalent. 4. WAS ABORTION AN OPTION FOR YOU? While I am Pro-Choice, I don't view abortion as a form of birth control, so no. 5. HOW OLD WERE YOU? Barely 20 6. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? Just had a feeling. Wasn't late or anything, I just knew. So I went and peed on the stick in a WalMart bathroom. LOL I had it confirmed before I was mroe than 2 weeks along. 7. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? Angie, she's the one who drove me to WalMart. Hehe. 8. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? Didn't need to. I knew she was a girl. 9. DUE DATE: January 17, 2000. 10. DID YOU DELIVER EARLY OR LATE?Exactly 4 weeks early. 11. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? Nope. I have never been healthier in my life. 12. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Watermelon slushies but that might have been because I worked next door to a Sonic. (= 13. WHO IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? A couple of the girls I worked with but nothing major. 14. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CHILDS SEX? Girl 15. DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX OF WHAT YOU WERE GETTING? Not at all. I got exactly what I wanted. 16. HOW MANY POUNDS DID YOU GAIN THROUGHOUT THE PREGNANCY? 15 lbs. 17. DID YOU HAVE A BABY SHOWER? Nope. We were supposed to but I deliever before we could. 18. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? I knew about it. 19. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? She never turned or dropped, so her head was jammed under my ribs while she was laid out flat in my tummy. I also became very ill a couple of weeks before she was born and had to get IVs to be rehydrated. 20.WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? Gateway Medical in Clarksville. 21. HOW MANY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? About 18 but it never hurt at all. 22.WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? Rico. 23.WHO WATCHED? My mother and believe me, I heard about it for the next three years. 24.WAS IT NATURAL OR C-SECTION? Emergency Caesarian. Her feet were in the birth canal and she was face-down as well. 25.DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Numb from the armpits down. 26.HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? 6lbs. 2oz. 27.DID YOUR CHILD HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS? She had some fluid on her lungs so they took her out of the OR rather quickly. 28.WHAT DID YOU NAME HIM OR HER? Alianna Elizabeth Kathleen 29. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? 7 OK mommies repost this as "MY FIRST BABY"

Survey swiped from MS

1. Last beverage: A&W Cream Soda 2. Last phone call: Justin 3. Last instant message: Ben via shoutbox on CT 4. Last cd played: an old mix w/ Creed, Bush and Incubus 5. Last time you cried: About an hour ago 6. Last text message: . . . SIX HAVE YOU EVERS: 1. Dated someone twice?: Yes 2. Been cheated on?: hehe yes 3. Kissed someone & regretted it?: Yes. I was trying to make my ex-boyfriend jealous. Failed miserably. 4. Lost someone special?: yeah 5. Been depressed?: I didn't used to be. I think something got broke inside at some point. 6. Been drunk and thrown up?: Oh yeah. LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 1. Crimson 2. Black 3. Forest Green THIS MONTH HAVE YOU 1. Made a new friend: Yes 2. Fallen out of love: Nope, still very firmly in. 3. Laughed until you cried: yes 4. Met someone who changed your life: Not especially. 5. Found out who your true friends were: I already knew. 6. Is there something you want to tell someone: Not that I can think of. 7. Would you kiss one of your top friends: Is there someone on there I haven't kissed (at least on the cheek)? :checks: Nope, sure isn't. 8. How many people on your top friends do you know in real life: All. I know EVERYONE on my friends list in real life. 9. How many kids do you want to have?: The two I've got are more than enough thank you. 10. Do you have any pets?: 3 cats and a very stupid puppy names Jack. . ASS! (BTW, v.sorry Anita :( ) 11. Do you wanna change your name?: When I was younger I thought I would go by Kat (middle name) but I have come to grips with my name. 12. What did you do for your last birthday?: How sad is it that it was barely a month ago and I have no idea!?! 13. What time did you wake up today?: Haven't slept yet. 14. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Playing Guitar Hero. 15. Name something you CANNOT wait for?: Go get the Boogs today!! 16 Last time you saw your father?: LMAO, is this a trick question? 17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: The same as any college student: money. 18. What are you listening to right now?: The Divine Sarah 19. Have you ever talked to Tom?: No, I deleted that bastard within the first 10 secs. I didn't approve you, biatch!! 23. Who's getting on your nerves right now?: There ain't nobody awake but me. Even the animals are asleep LOL. 24. Most visited webpage?: Cherrytap.com several times a day. 25. Coke or Pepsi?: Diet Vanilla Pepsi but the Nazi bastards took it off the market, so I'm back to plain old Diet Pepsi.

Rated a 4

You know, I can understand someone not liking the way I look. Hell, most of the time I don't like the way I look. And if it had been a picture of me and got rated a 4 I'd have said 'Uh, alright.' and moved on. But the picture of my eyes?!? By a chick who makes me look as skinny as Nicole Richie and as pretty as Nicole Kidman?!? I mean COME ON! I know she was just looking for attention so I didn't give her any beyond looking at her page, which was filled with comments about how she had done the same thing to others. I just don't get it. If I don't think someone is a 10 I just don't rate them. Is that hipocritical? Should I do what she did? What do you guys think? Comment and let me know.
Learn 63 things about your friends, and let them learn 63 things about you! Nothing special will happen if you do, and nothing bad will happen if you dont, but maybe you'll get to know someone better, and they'll care to learn something about you* 1)How old do you wish you were? 23. I liked 23. 2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? Watching it from the very begining at the house taking care of Ali. 3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? hit the selection button a few more times, beat on the coin return button multiple times, curse it and walk away. 4) Do you consider yourself kind? Sometimes yes, sometime very no. 5) If you had to get a tattoo? I alreasy have three and have been simply too poor to get more, 6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? French (I'm conversational but I don't consider myself fluent) and the next language I want to learn is Italian (if I ever have time). 7) Do you know your neighbors? On one side, sorta; on the other side, nope. 8) What do you consider a vacation? Whenever both kids are gone. 9) Do you follow your horoscope? No. Who does? 10) Would you move for the person you loved? Sure. I live in CLARKSVILLE! Give me an excuse! 11) Are you touchy feely? VERY. 12) Do you believe that opposites attract? Not anymore. 13) Dream job? First female play-by-play announcer for a major wrestling company or best-selling author of historical biographies in that order. 14) Favorite channel(s)? Bravo and Food Network. 15) Favorite place to go on weekends? To drop the kids off with a set of grandparents? 16) Showers or Baths? Both, but I tend to rinse off after a bath. 17) Do you paint your nails? not usually 18) Do you trust people easily? I used to but I have been burned BAD twice by people I thought were my friends so I don't do that shit anymore. 19) What are your phobias? Enclosed place, crowds, possums, and becoming seperated in a grocery store. 20) Do you want kids? I've already got two, kthanxbi! 21) Do you keep a handwritten journal? Nope. I've tried several times but I am really bad about keeping it up. 22) Where would you rather be right now? On a beach, asleep. 23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy? Balian. 24) Heavy or light sleeper? I used to be a SUPER heavy sleeper but now I can hear the kids anywhere. 25) Are you paranoid? Yes. Shout me if you wanna know about what. 26) Are you impatient? Always 27) Who can you relate to? I can relate to most people. 28) How do you feel about interracial couples? I'm obviously for them since I was in one for three years. 29) Have you been burned by love? See above answer. 30) Whats your favorite pick up line? D'ya wanna bit o'fanny fun? (Watch Evening eith Kevin Smith 2.) 31) What's your main ringtone on your mobile? N/A 32) What were you doing at midnight last night? I was listening to Voltaire. He's my new hero. 33) What did the last text on your cellphone say? N/A 34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night? My own, alone. Justin passed out on the couch. 35) What color shirt are you wearing? A plain grey T. 36) Most recent movie you watched? Pump Up the Volume. 37) Name three things you have on you at all times? My cigarettes, lighter, and ID. 38.) What color are your bed sheets? Black cotton fitted sheet, red satin flat sheet. 39) How much cash do you have on you right now? WIthout going and getting my purse? None. 40) What is your favorite part of the chicken? Thighs. 41) What's your favorite town/city? Matala Bay, Crete or St. Augustine, FL. 42) Disappeared as usual 43) Who got you to join cherrytap? The Don Don 44) What did you have for dinner last night? I didn't. 45) How tall are you barefoot? 5'5 3/4" 46) Have you ever smoked heroin? no 47) Do you own a gun? no 48) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? same thing I drink all day long: diet soda. 49) What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My sense of humor. That or my ginormous boobs. 50) Do you have A.D.D.? I think so. 51) What time did you wake up today? Haven't slept. 52) Current worry? Not getting my finals done. 53) Current hate? Same as always. 54) Favorite place to be? On the beach in Matala Bay. 55) Where would you like to travel? Europe and Australia mostly. Oh yeah and the Caribbean. 56) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs? Teaching to pay off my loans. 57) Last thing you ate? Gardettos Rye chips and I'll about to eat more. 58) What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever is on the radio. 59) Last thing you laughed at? Prolly Boogs. 60) Worst injury you've ever had? Broken foot. That sucked! 61) Does someone have a crush on you? I dunno. Does my boyfriend count? 62) What's your favorite candy? Sour gummi worms 63) What song do you want played at your funeral? Death, Death, Devil, Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil Songs by Voltaire.
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