49 Year Old
From Paw Paw, MI·
Invited by: 1209555·
Joined on February 5, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 19th
Name: Frank Birthdate: 12/19/75 Birthplace: Kalamazoo Current Location: Paw Paw Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Dark brown Height: 5'7 Weight: 160 Piercings: 1 Tatoos: 3 Boyfriend/Girlfriend: 0 Overused Phraze: That's bull shit FAVORITES Food: P&J Candy: Red hots Number: 30 Color: Green Animal: Wolf Drink: Monster Alcohol Drink: Captain&Coke Bagel: none Letter: S Body Part on Opposite sex: Legs This or That Pepsi or Coke: Coke McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice tea Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Love or Money: Love Most Missed Memory: Childhood Best phyiscal feature: Ass First Thought Waking Up: I have to piss Goal for this year: To live. Best Friends: Chris & Ivan Weakness: ? Fears: None Heritage: ? Longest relationship: 8 years HAVE YOU... Pot: Y Ever been Drunk: Y Ever been beaten up: N Ever beaten someone up: Y Ever Shoplifted: Y Ever Skinny Dipped: Y Ever Kissed Opposite sex: N Been Dumped Lately: N IN A GUY/GIRL Favorite Eye Color: Blue Favorite Hair Color: Brown Short or Long: Long Height: 5'4 Style: Random Looks or Personality: Looks Hot or Cute Cute Drugs and Alcohol: ? Muscular or Really Skinny: Tone RANDOMS Number of Regrets in the Past: 5 What country do you want to Visit: ? How do you want to Die: On a bike at the top of the speed charts... Been to the Mall Lately: No Do you like Thunderstorms: Love Get along with your Parents: One yes one no Health Freak: no Do you think your Attractive: no Believe in Yourself: yes Want to go to College: no Shower Daily: yes &..39;Been in Love:' ? Do you Sing: no Do you want Children: yes Have your future kids names planned out: no Age you wanna lose your Virginity: I did at 19 Hate anyone: Yes
49 Year Old
From Paw Paw, MI·
Invited by: 1209555·
Joined on February 5, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on December 19th
a href="http://www.fubar.com/new_lounge.php?lid=59219">Click the Pic To Enter The Lounge Come check out ~Twitterpated Click the Pic To Enter The Lounge Click this link to visit us in ~Twitterpated~ Now hiring DJs and cam hotties, if you think you have what it takes, then get in here have a great day
I got An X-ray today and they found you in My heart. he said if I took you out, I would die cuz I could not live without you....Give this heart¢¾to every person u care about including me if u care.Try to collect 12. It's not easy!