People can say long distance romances can't work, but I believe they do. There is no distance that is too long for a heart. Yes the distance will be a difficult thing to deal with.
But if two people can make a connection over the internet or phone line or whatever then ther is something there. We all have soul mates. God made sure of that. But he didn't always put us in the same city or town. Our soul mates can be scattered across the globe. Our hearts will seek the other out and one day they will find each other.
Love should not be bound by distance or time. Love is never ending. Love is part of who we are. When we find that special someone, and we truly fall in love with them, that's all the matters. Distance, race, color etc. should NOT matter. All the matters is the love we share.
To those who know me, I thank you for reading. To those who don't know me, I hope this will give you an inside look of a person who can love absolutely, unconditionally, and with all his heart.
Unless it gets broken :-(