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42 Year Old · Female · From Campbell, NY · Invited by: 2363844 · Joined on December 25, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on September 9th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
42 Year Old · Female · From Campbell, NY · Invited by: 2363844 · Joined on December 25, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on September 9th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

I own and run my own business from home single handedly. I'm doing well for myself with it and work everyday to increase its success. Thats my main focus at this time in my life.

My business is I sell body jewelry via Ebay. My price are very competative. Here is a link to my listings. Check back weekly because I am always getting in new inventory.
BODY JEWELRY LINK: http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/beaniesjewelry_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ


"Bunny slippers remind me of who I am. You can't get a swelled head if you wear bunny slippers. You can't lose your sense of perspective and start acting like a star or a rich lady if you keep on wearing bunny slippers. Besides, buny slippers give me confidence because they're so jaunty. They make a statement; they say, 'Nothing the world does to me can ever get me so far down that I can't be silly and frivolous.' If I died and found myself in Hell, I could endure the place if I had bunny slippers."----DEAN KOONTZ

Its, sad but I feel the need to point out, that I will not participate in an internet pissing match. Argueing on the internet is ridiculous and people that take this site, that supposed to be a source of entertainment, that seriously really need to get a life. If you insist on being childish, I will give you the internet equivelant of a time out and put you in the iggy bin and subsequently forget all about you. Then you're free to go on and bother people that actually care what a complete stranger thinks of them. FYI: You'll be able to recognize these people as the people that continually reply to your mindless chatter.

milk milk lemonade around the corner fudge is made
(I know in recent years this has been said on Family Guy but this is not a quote from Family Guy, I do not watch it and am not a fan,this is somthing my friends and I have been saying since we were little kids....(this saying has been around waaaaaaaaaaay before family guy...so DO NOT msg me about family gay)

(thats my fan page set up by a friend)

My name is.........well fuck that, if you don't know my name then maybe you shouldn't be here at all. Ok what else.....oh yeah! I'm a hypocrite with the greatest intentions...not for myself, but for the rest of the world. Thats why I hold everyone else to a higher standard than myself. Hahahahhahaha. If you know me well you're probably calling me on my bullshit at this point. Which brings me to my second point. I can justify pretty much anything no matter how bad.....atleast in my own mind. I'm pretty selfish except with the few people in my life that I love. For those few people I'd give anything, do anything and co sign anything they say or do, oh and they're exempt from my hypocrisy. My behavior is usually inappropriate and I lack the ability to think before i say things, so what usually comes out isn't taken well even though its the truth. I'm really easy to talk to....just ask the waitress that was telling me about bondage while serving my food. I always have the best intentions even when I do somthing mean, and usually when I do somthing nice there's an alterior motive :) Ok I think thats enough. Oh wait! I write poetry. And now I would like to take the opportunity to say THAT EVEN THOUGH COME TO MY WINDOW BY MELISSA ETHERIDGE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS IT IS IN NO WAY WHAT SO EVER AN INVITATION. PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT COME TO MY WINDOW! I DON'T CARE HOW GOOD OF AN IDEA IT SEEMS AT THE TIME....JUST DON'T.

Who I'd like to meet:
HMMM.......good question. Johnny Depp tied up in my closet next to Colin Ferrel. OK and maybe i'd be ok meeting a normal person thats not tied up in my closet or in my friends basement...an honest asshole..that would be perfect.

NOTE: I dislike pretty much everyone...probably even you. So in advance fuck you

And finally my favorite quote of all time!!!!!
"I will resort at every turn to amusement, for laughter is the perfect medicine for the tortured heart, the balm for misery, but I will not beguile you. I will not use laughter as a curtain to spare you the sight of horror and despair. We will laugh together, but sometimes the laughter will hurt"

And last but not least....my favorite song at the moment is a toss up between 3 songs by The Used-All That I've Got and Box Full OF Sharp Objects and Buried Myself Alive


Here for: Friends
Orientation: Bi
Body type: 5' 6" / Average
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Religion: Agnostic
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Smoke / Drink: NO / Yes
Children: Proud parent
Education: High school
Occupation: Business Owner of Beanies Body Jewelry

42 Year Old · Female · From Campbell, NY · Invited by: 2363844 · Joined on December 25, 2008 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on September 9th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Music: My musical taste is pretty ecclectic. I'll listen to pretty much everything, except country music and classical. I can't stomach it. Though lately I have been listening to alot of NOFX, THE USED AND NIRVANA(my all time favorite band)

Movies: My favorite movie of all time is The Party Animal. I'm a huge lover of comedys. But on the flip side i'm also a huge lover of horror movies. Theres nothing better than to laugh or to be scared out of my mind.

Television: Favorite shows are Weeds, Dexter,CSI Miami, In Plain Sight, Two and a Half Men, and Snapped.

Books: My favorite book is The Monk by Matthew Lewis and was written over 700yr ago. If you haven't read it you should. A true classic in gothic horror novels. I'll also read anything by Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Ann Rule or James Patterson to name a few.

Heroes: Anyone thats brave enough to stand up and be who they really are and truely own it.

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