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Other Ingredients
(Gel Capsules): Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Flogard AB (from natural plant sources), Gelatin and Water.

Silicon Dioxide (Silica)
Silicon Dioxide, also known as Silica, occurs ubiquitously in the environment and has been used for many years medically. Food contains various amounts of Silicon Dioxide, of which include potatoes, milk, drinking water , mineral water , and beer . Very small amounts of Silica are normally present in all body tissues but there is no evidence that they play any physiological role. Any silicate absorbed is excreted by the kidneys without evidence of toxic emulation in the body. Methods for estimating Silica in body tissues have been greatly improved in recent years making some of the earlier data somewhat less valuable. This information taken together with human clinical experience and the frequent occurrence of these compounds in the environment does not point to any significant toxic effects when these substances are used as food additives.

Magnesium Stearate
Magnesium Stearate - Magnesium is a mineral that supports bone mineralization, heart function and many enzyme systems. Magnesium is essential to the body's use of glucose, which gives energy to the body. It also supports normal immune system function. Magnesium is found abundantly in legumes, nuts, seafood, chocolate and green leafy vegetables, and in "hard" water. The adult recommended food intake is 400 milligrams per day, and the upper limit is 350 milligrams from nonfood sources. Toxicity is not known, except that large doses cause diarrhea.

Magnesium Stearate is the form that manufacturers use in vitamins. The Stearate is a very inexpensive synthetic "salt." Magnesium lactate is how it is found in whole foods and "natural vitamins." Absorbability varies slightly with different preparations.

Dicalcium Phosphate
Dicalcium Phosphate is manufactured from phophoric acid. It is mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry to make calcium tablets, tablet medicine additives, etc. Dicalcium Phosphate also supports curing acalucosis of women during pregnancy and lactation, and for the prevention and control of rickets and dental caries. It's an antioxidant in food, an abrasive agent in toothpaste (dicalcium phosphate dihydrate) as well as being a firming agent. Firming agents are added to separate residual pectin (occurs in ripe fruits and vegetables and is used in making fruit jellies and jams), thus strengthening the supporting tissue and preventing its collapse during processing. Organs and glands communicate chemically through very tiny quantities of hormones and polypeptides, indicating that even very small amounts of a specific glandular factor may have a substantial impact on the function of a gland. Other typical products include tinned and packaged fruit deserts, granular food products, muffins and doughnuts, and protein and health bars.

Flo-Gard AB (from natural plant sources)
Flo-Gard AB silica was specifically designed for use as an anticaking agent for food products high in oils or fats, and also for converting hard-to-handle liquids into free flowing powders. Some food product applications include granulated salt, non-dairy creamer powders for coffee, powdered milk, ground herbs and spices, powdered sugar, pancake and cake mixes, and cocoa, to name a few.

Herbal Grobust® Ingredients:

Blessed Thistle (Cnicus Benedictus) Blessed Thistle, also called Holy Thistle, reportedly derived its name from its successful use as a smallpox cure in medieval Europe and for its other powerful properties. The 17th century herbalist, Culpepper, referred to Blessed Thistle as an effective treatment for headaches, fever and female complaints. Historical uses also include support for the kidneys, gallbladder, liver, and spleen as well as normal brain function.

Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca) Originally from Mexico, Damiana was named mizib-coc by the Mayan Indians and was used for lung health, dizziness and increasing sex drive. The herb's reputation for arousing sexual desire gave the herb its second Latin name (aphrodisiaca). Today, Damiana is primarily used for female complaints and is well known for restoring the body's vital energies, even when exhausted. Other general uses include kidney, sinus, lung and nervous system support.

Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale) Also called Lion's Tooth, Priest's Crown and Puffball, the common Dandelion is a native of Greece and thrives under almost any conditions, enabling this hardy plant to spread to nearly every part of the world. The Latin name for Dandelion (Taraxacum) is taken from the Greek word taraxos (meaning disorder) and akos (meaning remedy). It's believed that the name Dandelion was taken from the French, 'dent de lion' (teeth of the lion) because the jagged leaf of the plant resembles lion's teeth.

Dandelion is perhaps best know for its ability to support the liver and to purify and cleanse the blood. Dandelion is also an excellent natural source of potassium which contains rich sources of sodium and other natural salts, as well as calcium, making it an excellent electrolyte balancer. Dandelion is widely cultivated in France where the roots are cooked as a vegetable; in Germany, dandelion leaves are used in salads. Dandelion greens are said to contain 7,000 units of vitamin A per ounce and are considered to be an excellent survival food.

Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) Dong Quai has an extremely long history of use, particularly in China and Japan, dating back to 588 B.C. Principally used for female complaints, Dong Quai is also used to promote normal blood circulation, blood pressure, colon function, lung, pituitary, kidney and lymphatic system support. Its traditional uses in relation to women include reported benefits for hormone balancing, menopause and nervous system.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Lemon balm, a mild sedative with a delicate lemon scent and flavor, has been used throughout history as a medical herb. A native to southern Europe, it is a perennial that grows to a height of about two feel with small light blue to white flowers that appear in late spring to midsummer. Charlemagne once ordered lemon balm planted in every monastery garden because of its beauty. Before the Middle Ages, lemon balm was used to lift the spirits, reduce anxiety and help heal wounds.

MotherWort (Leonurus cardiaca) Known as an important herb since the time of the Roman empire, MotherWort (Mother's Word) derives its Latin name from the Greek word meaning Lion's tail, which describes the shaggy shape of the plants' leaves. Motherwort tea has long been used as excellent support for the heart and female complaints. Mother Wort has been found to be helpful for maintaining normal feminine cycles, sleeping patterns and nervous system function.

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) Used for generations in America, Saw Palmetto or Sabal actually dates back to the Mayan civilization. When eaten, Saw Palmetto berries have a definitive regulating and beneficial effect on weight, disposition, reproductive functions and appetite.

This versatile plant provides a wide range of benefits for women. As a nutritive supplement, Saw Palmetto has been historically used to promote normal bust development and to also assist the thyroid in regulating sexual development. Saw Palmetto is also well known for its calming effect on the nerves.

The Bradford Institute, under the direction of Dr. Robert Bradford in San Diego, CA, supervised a clinical study with 108 women over a period of 24 months to test breast growth and enhancement. The results of their investigation documented breast enlargement of one-half inch to three inches over a 45-day to nine-month period. Additional clinical studies by a pharmaceutical research team in Miami are also presently being conducted.


Breast Gain Plus Ingredients:

Feneugreek Seed Extract contains some of the highest concentrations of the plant elements recommended by herbalists for breast enlargement. Also hormone regulator that that has been used to treat menopausal symptoms and balances the female system. Fenugreek seed, which is also known as Methi in Urdu and Hindi, Hulba in Arabic is a popular supplement for minimizing symptoms of menopause, relieves constipation, controls diabetes, reduces cholesterol, soothes sore throat pain and coughs, eases minor indigestion and relieves diarrhea*.

Fennel Seed rich in flavonoids that cause estrogenic effects. This boosting of secretion is key to the formation of new breast cells and tissue, and the boosting of excretion is key to the cleansing of the estrogen receptor sites which get clouded with environmental toxins that mimic estrogen. By acting to remove these and other toxins from the body, it acts as a tonic and stimulant as well. An infusion of the fresh root is said to be good for gallstones, jaundice, and other liver problems. No side effects or contradictions with normal use.

Dong Quai Root aids the body in the efficient use of hormones. Also used as treatment for some menopause symptoms. It has been used successfully to alleviate PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopausal symptoms (Hardy 2000). Dong Quai extract has been shown to have a muscle relaxant effect and has been used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Scientists believe that one mechanism of action of Dong Quai is to promote natural progesterone synthesis. Progesterone (to be discussed in more detail later) is another hormone whose production declines at menopause. The plant nutrients can help to wash these out of the system, aiding in increasing the health of the breast tissue.

Blessed Thistle Herb used to treat a variety of female concerns including painful menstruation and associated aches and pains. Also used as a hormonal regulator and aid in digestion and circulation. Containing B-complex, calcium, iron, manganese, cincin and essential oils, Blessed Thistle can be used to alleviate inflammation caused by poor digestion. Blessed Thistle also improves circulation and purifies the blood increasing oxygen to the brain to stimulate memory. Because of it's powerful estrogenic properties, it is chiefly used now for nursing mothers, the warm infusion scarcely ever failing to procure a proper supply of milk. It is considered one of the best medicines which can be used for this purpose.

Dandelion Root is a perennial plant found almost everywhere. The oblong or spatulatae, irregularly dentate or pinnatitid leaves grow in a rosette from the milky taproot, which also sends up one or more naked flower stems, each terminating in a single yellow flower. Dandelion has two particularly important uses: to promote the formation of bile and to remove excess water from the body in edemous conditions resulting from liver problems. The root especially effects all forms of secretion and excretion from the body. This boosting of secretion is key to the formation of new breast cells and tissue, and the boosting of excretion is key to the cleansing of the estrogen receptor sites which get clouded with environmental toxins that mimic estrogen. By acting to remove these and other toxins from the body, it acts as a tonic and stimulant as well. An infusion of the fresh root is said to be good for gallstones, jaundice, and other liver problems. No side effects or contradictions with normal use.

Watercress Leaf a native of Europe and Russia, common in Great Britain and widely naturalized in the United States and Canada, Watercress is a hardy perennial found in abundance near springs and open running watercourses, of a creeping habit with smooth, pinnatifid leaves and ovate, heart-shaped leaflets. Watercress is the most ancient of green vegetables known to man and it's use can be traced back to the Persians, Greeks and Romans. The common method of preparation in those days was with oil and vinegar. In the 21st century, scientists are discovering that Watercress may indeed have properties to counteract the effects of smoking. Its cruciferous nature may even help prevent lung diseases, such as emphysema and cancer. Watercress contains gluconasturtin (only released when the leaves are chopped or chewed), which helps neutralize a carcinogen in tobacco. Watercress also contains credible amounts of folic acid and Lucien. J.E. Meyers, Botanical Gardens of Hammond, Indiana informs us that Watercress is one of the best sources of vitamin E. This is the fertility vitamin, essential to breast enlargement, Vitamin E helps the body to use oxygen, which increases physical endurance and stamina and improves heart response. As a medicinal plant, Watercress has been traditionally considered a diuretic, expectorant, purgative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. It has also been used as a remedy against anemia, eczema, kidney and liver disorders, tuberculosis, boils, warts and tumors. Watercress has more iron than spinach, more calcium than milk and three times as much Vitamin E as lettuce. It’s packed with vitamins A and C, and is low in calories.

L-Tyrosine is a direct precursor to Thyroxine, a primary thyroid hormone, as well as Adrenaline and Nor-adrenaline. Thyroxine has been found to increase metabolic rate and control growth rate. L-Tyrosine is a necessary amino acid in the production of neurotransmitters including epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. L-Tyrosine also appears to have a mild stimulatory effect on the central nervous system.

Kelp is the common name for seaweed. It absorbs fats and has been shown to have efficacy for obesity, cellulitis and rheumatism. It is rich in nutrients, containing 30 minerals, so it is especially beneficial for anyone who is mineral deficient. It is reported to be beneficial for the brain and nervous system and the spinal chord. Kelp contains iodine which stimulates the thyroid. Kelp has also been reported to improve skin, nails and hair, protect against radiation, soften stools and treat obesity and ulcers.

Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant, plays a role in the body's ability to utilize oxygen. It also protects Vitamin A from destruction in the body and unsaturated fats from abnormal breakdown. Vitamin E prolongs the life of red blood cells and promotes cell respiration and is reported to be the anti-aging vitamin. In addition, Vitamin E helps minimize scarring and assists in the healing of wounds, retards blood clotting, keeps youthful elasticity in tissues and alleviates hot flashes and menopausal distress.
BREAST SUCCESS™ Ingredients: 

Below is a list of some of the ingredients and how they assist in breast enhancement as well as overall female health and sexual improvement! Breast Success™ contains absolutely no synthetic compounds, additives, lubricants or fillers. The ingredients in Breast Success™ in order of quantity are:

Fenugreek Seed Extract: Fenugreek is a unique herb rich in phyto-estrogens. Fenugreek aids in hormonal production, and facilitates the development of the mammary glands which 'feed' on estrogens. Trigonelline, a chemical found in Fenugreek, has been in testing as a potential treatment for cancer as well.

Saw Palmetto Berry: Saw Palmetto is a small palm tree with large leaves and large deep red-black berries. Saw Palmetto berries contain an oil with a variety of physosterols. Studies have shown Saw Palmetto to successfully reverse atrophy of the mammary gland.

Fennel Seed: Fennel has long been praised for its abundance of flavonoids. These compounds exert mild estrogenic effects and are completely harmless and non-toxic.

L-Tyrosine: A naturally occurring amino acid, Tyrosine plays an important role in the functioning of the adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands, which control hormone production. Some studies suggest that Tyrosine may also stimulate the production of growth hormone, which helps build muscle and reduce body fat.

Mexican Wild Yam Root: Commonly used as a treatment for osteoporosis, Mexican Wild Yam is a excellent source of Beta-Carotene and diosgenin, which are powerful Phytochemicals aiding in optimal breast development.

Pacific Kelp: Kelp is an excellent source of minerals from the sea, including iodine, which is essential for proper thyroid function. Cultural studies relating to the result of diet including kelp have determined a link to a lower breast cancer rate, and a healthier hormonal balance.

Damiana Leaf: Damiana is a small shrub high in phytochemicals such as alpha-pinene, beta-carotene, beta-pinene and beta-sisterol. Damiana is primarily used for treating female hormone imbalances.

Dong Quai Root: For centuries, this Asian root has been used to treat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and cramps. Dong Quai has been shown to assist the body in efficiently using hormones.

Mother's Wort Herb: Mother's Wort is native to many parts of Europe on river banks and under hedges. Mother's Wort contains, Leonurine which is a uterine stimulant.

Black Cohosh Root Extract: Numerous studies have been conducted to show the medical benefits of Black Cohosh. Studies suggest that Black Cohosh is similar to the drugs used in hormone replacement therapy.

Oat Grass: Oat Grass (Avena Sativa) is rich in saponins, flavonoids, minerals, and alkaloids necessary for a healthy hormonal system.

Blessed Thistle Herb: Blessed Thistle has long been used around the world as a hormonal balancing agent in women.

Hops Flower: Hops flower is a shrub rich in flavonoids, whose action in regulating the hormonal production facilitates development of the mammary glands.

Vanity Breast Enhancement Pills Ingredients:

Vanity contains 15 all-natural ingredients that are the richest in estrogen and human growth hormone stimulation in the world. Vanity is the original breast enhancer product. It has been used successfully for over 8 years worldwide. Truth be known no product has been more successful in stimulating the growth of breast tissue than Vanity. With over 80,000 successful cases and a 92 percent overall success rate, Vanity remains a very successful product.

Each capsule contains 500mg of a propreitary herbal formulation containing the following:
Fenugreek Extract, Saw Palmetto, L-tyrosine, Wild Yam Extract, Avenal Satliva, Chinese Red Ginseng Root, Astragalus Root, Cayenne Fruit, Echinacea Whole Plant, Fo Ti Root, Gotu Kola Leaf, Golden Seal Root, Guarana Seed, Panax Ginseng Root & Extract and Siberian Ginseng Root.

One study found that after consuming fennel seed for 10 days, the mammary gland weight of female rats increased. Higher doses increased the weight of the uterus.

Consult the appropriate healthcare professional before using any of these products, especially during pregnancy and any disease conditions involving the hormones.


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About  the Author:  Clyde Nassif is an international lecturer and Holistic  Consultant with a client base in Houston, TX. He is a noted author of  many blogs on health and personal issues across the Internet. He does  both training on personal (in-home appointments only) as well as group  sessions. Submit any questions you may have or to schedule a session(two  week notice needed) to :
Visit his web site at:




DISCLAIMER: The information in  this column, is NOT intended to diagnose and/or treat any health related  issues and is provided solely for informational purposes only. Consult  the appropriate healthcare professional before making any changes to  your healthcare regime. Even what may seem like simple changes in the  diet for example, can interact with, and alter, the efficiency of  medications and/or the body’s response to the medications. Many herbs  and supplements exert powerful medicinal effects. Neither the author,  nor the web site designers, assume any responsibility for the reader’s  use or misuse of this information.
© 2002 Nature’s Corner

Clyde T. Nassif, Holistic Consultant, Houston, TX

832-292-8057(NO PHONE CONSULTATIONS-appointments ONLY)

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