For me, Reading a good book, cuddling, watching sci-fi, cuddling...(still looking for the right one to cuddle with). In general, computers, cars, taking walks and spending time with my kids...
I also believe strongly in helping those who have served our country. My father served in WWII, my brother was in 'Nam in 68-69 and I was drafted in the last draft for 'Nam. I served 22 years protecting the rights of those who would call us "baby killers", "war-mongers" and those that spit on us in the 70's and 80'. I never retalaited against those that did such vile things to use because that was why I served, so that they would have the "right" to do so. To this day I have never regretted a single day of my service. My oldest son just finished his second tour in Iraq.
"Redneckmafiafamily" is an organization that supports our troops and their family. I support them...
Mostly country but still listen to some oldies (50's - 70's) as well...also like big band...