67 Year Old
Joined on January 19, 2006
Born on September 2nd
Walker Bryan Watson, Jr. (3 Scotish sirnames in 1)
Born: Tripoli, Libya (then, Wheelus AFB)
AKA: Brydawg(ie) or just "Bry", or even "Dawg" works.. my g/f calls me "Brynechka" (Russified nick)
Some friends know me as: "SPARTAN-117" or "HALO" (not for the "X-Box game) but for "High-Altitude-Low-Opening".. a parachuting term.
Age: Between 30.. and death!
Height: 188 cm 6'2"
Weight: 100 kg 220 lbs
Town: Woolwich
State: State O'Maine (Ayuh!)
Country: USA, by way of Germany and North Carolina (Go "Tarheels"!!!)
Eyes: blue-green-brown (hazel)
Hair: brown wavy medium
Occupation: Archaeologist/College Professor. I was a "Paratrooper"(once upon a time)
Education: Post-graduate studies in Underwater Archaeology
Religion: Taoism/Secular Humanism
Marital Status: Single, Married, Divorced, Married (in that order) Second (and FINAL) marriage to Russian "trophy wife" in 2007
Kids: Son from first marriage, Thomas, born 1993
Languages Spoken: German (fortschrift deutsch), French (un pere) Spanish (uno poquenos), Arabic (limited), Russian (conversational), Polish(presently studying ;p) I also speak Latin, for what it's worth.. (btw.. they do not speak "Latin" in Latin America..much to my dismay) LOL
My personality traits: loyal, devoted, passionate, humorous, strong but gentle natured; a VIRGO (2 September). Being half-German, I tend to have what may be considered, a "warped" sense of humor. On the negative side.. I am critical, tend to speak my mind without considering ramifications.. I hate ppl who get in my way or waste my time!
If I had to describe myself in a word: "spartan"
Spartan - adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of Sparta or its people [syn: Spartan] 2: resolute in the face of pain or danger or adversity; "spartan courage" 3: unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"- H.G.Wells; "a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien"; "a strict disciplinarian"; "a Spartan upbringing" [syn: severe, strict] 4: practicing great self-denial; "Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it"- William James; "a desert nomad's austere life"; "a spartan diet"; "a spartan existence" [syn: ascetic, ascetical, austere n : a resident of Sparta [syn: Spartan]
Rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained.
Simple, frugal, or austere: a Spartan diet; a spartan lifestyle.
Marked by brevity of speech; laconic.
Courageous in the face of pain, danger, or adversity
Spartan·ism n.
Spartan·ly adv.
I HATE: people who say.. "I hate.."
67 Year Old
Joined on January 19, 2006
Born on September 2nd
I usually read: A lot! Mostly history and world culture, eastern philosophy, the classics, poetry and everything I can on the Internet about world travels.
I like to go out to/and: All the fun things either alone, with my son or with friends, including; but not limited to, dining at fine restaurants, picnics in the park, going to music concerts, cinema, theatre, museums, art galleries, walks on the beach and boating. I live for romantic weekend getaways to resorts with my significant other.
My favorite cuisine: I love food, therefore I cook. I was raised in my family kitchen where a wide variety of traditional American and ethnic foods were prepared daily. My parents met in a kitchen more than 50 years ago. My mother, originally ethnic German from Innsterburg (near Kaliningrad)is a world class chef in her own right. Family and friends often request her Lasagna, Roulade and Konigsburger Klopse. I love Asian (Thai, Chinese and Filipino) dishes, but confess, not a great fan of sushi :((
I like these physical activities: I have been a student of the sacred Martial Arts (especially Tai Chi)for many years. Intense training is an integral part of my daily life. It is my goal to teach my son to live according to the way of the spiritual warrior in seeking peace, love, truth and knowledge. I am a water person; Ai Chi and swimming is my calming activity and necessary to my profession as an underwater diver. Also enjoy mountain biking.
More about me:I am educated (I trust), well traveled and worldly, ascribing to the Arab proverb in seeking knowledge from cradle to the grave. As the son of a military father and from my birth in Tripoli, North Africa, I have lived the world over. I attended secondary school and University in Germany. My Archaeological work has carried me even farther a field and across the sea.
My hobbies include art (ceramic sculpture) and photography. I enjoy acting in theatre (with my son) and collecting objects of antiquity.
I do not live extravagantly, nor do I make any pretensions thereof(though I appreciate the finer things in life), rather I revere the simple things of life. Family is the foundation of our ultimate purpose in life.
One of my favorite quotations: Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given.
- Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) Russian dramatist and writer
Age group of partner: I believe that age is merely an indication of cumulative life experiences. I appreciate the open-minded naivete of youth, from the viewpoint of wisdom that comes only with many years of life experiences. Both can provide much to each other in a symbiotic way.
My perception of an ideal: PASSION, PASSION, PASSION! I am a hopeless romantic. I am dedicated to being the best possible father to my son (my raison detre), often to the neglect of my own needs. I will search the world over to find that certain lady with a nurturing spirit, to be my equally passionate partner, to share the fruits of our life experience and one who will walk beside me on the same path of life, love and destiny.
My fantasy: My "true love" will wear a foreign accent. I have an "accent" fetish.. if there is such a thing.. ;p
My fave line: "Love means, never having to say..I'm sorry"
(from the film "Love Story")
Though I am of the Woodstock generation, my music tastes are quite diverse (everything from classical to punk. I once worked as a DJ for a public radio station; programs called "Caribbean Sounds"(Soul/Calypso and Reggae) and "Jazz 'til One". I play bass guitar and am especially partial to R&B and the Blues.
I have an affinity for the music of my Celtic heritage and especially female vocalists. My favorite vocalist is Agnetha Faltskog (of ABBA); especially her early German language songs.
I am a big fan of Eric Clapton, as well as the three "B"'s: Bach, Beethoven and the Beatles.
Lately I have been listening to 'guitar virtuoso' named Yngwie Johann Malmsteen. He playes classsical music with the New Japan Philharmonic.. he makes a "Stratocaster" soumd like a violin. Of course, I love violins: Vivaldi, Paganini, Mozart and Tchaikovsky.
The yin of that yang.. I also love Primus, RATM and Blood for Blood.. go figure

The CD's I can most relate to:
Eric Clapton's "Journeyman" and..
Crosby Stills and Nash's "Daylight Again"
To me, music is the opiate of the soul.
I love movies; especially old classics, comedies, suspense and historical War films:
"Slaughterhouse Five" *Schlachthof Funf*
"The Longest Day" (John Wayne.."the Duke")
"Cross of Iron" (James Coburn)
"Full Metal Jacket"
"Blackhawk Down"
"Wind Talkers"
*** I have a concientious objection to War.. but I am willing to give my life, if that is the cost of "Freedom"!
I love foriegn films.. especially..
"Requium for a Dream" Darren Aronofsky, director (Intense!)
"Das Boot" (the Boat).. too realistic! (I couldn't take a shower for days.. after seeing it for the first time)
Among my faves of all time:
"The Great Escape" and..
"Cool hand Luke"(Steve McQueen, iz da shizz)
"Love Story" (Ali McGraw, the first actress who made me cry)
"Gone With the Wind" ("Frankly my dear..")
"The African Queen" and "Casablanca" (Bogart, need I say more?)
Monty Python's:
"The Holy Grail".. of course I have committed the entire script to memory.. (lol) and..
"The Life of Brian"
"Princess Bride" also commited to memory, line by line..lol
"Stripes" (Bill Murray.. my kinda funny guy)
"History of the World" (Mel Brooks)
"Resevoir Dogs".. excellent!
"Pulp Fiction"..I have seen too many times.
"Rocky Horror Picture Show"
"Little Shop of Horrors"
"The Butterfly Effect"
My favorite actress: is Jodie Foster.. I kinda grew up with her and her films.
I am "in love" with Bridget Fonda "Point of No Return" (secretly..)
Favorite actors:
Harrison Ford, all his films.. esp. the "Indiana Jones" series! (I am an Archaeologist, and sometimes we just "make it up as we go..")
Mel Gibson, all his films.. "Gallipoli".. "Braveheart" (of course), "The Patriot" and "We Were Soldiers"
Johnny Depp.. "Pirates of the Carribean".. love that film!
My favorite "new" actress.. Leelee Sobieski (lots of hidden talent, yet to be tapped)really showed in "Uprising"
Too many more to mention.. I am a film "buff", so to speak ;)
I don't really have any "Idols", so to speak, but I read a lot of philosophy.. eastern as well western, "old school" and "new age" philosophers.. such as John Lennon and Paulo Coelho.
I would like to share with you, one of my favorite quotes:
"But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for." (Paulo Coelho)
I am a big fan of Coelho's works, especially "the Alchemist" in which states that we should not avoid our destinies, and urges people to follow their dreams, because to find our "Personal Myth" and our mission on Earth is the way to find "God", meaning happiness, fulfillment, and the ultimate purpose of creation.
As the alchemist himself says, when he appears to Santiago in the form of an old king "when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true". That may sound like an overly simplified version of "new age" philosophy and mysticism, but as Coelho states "simple things are the most valuable and only wise people appreciate them".
About giving advice: I rarely give advice, because "wise people" don't need it.. and "fools" won't take it!