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Brat Her golden curls fell soft around her face and down her back. Her sweet little cherub-like face always smiled, giving her a glow that some believed was kissed by angels. Her tiny little body clothed in an over-sized t-shirt that was given to her to use as a night gown. The small four-year-old girl sat shivering in the room she shared with six other children. The other girls picked on her, because she was so small and she hadn’t spoken since her parents were killed two years before. The little girl never fights back, but would always smile at them as if she had a secret that only she knew. . No one knows her given name; they just called her Brat. They said her curiosity always had her underfoot. Brat now curious as to why it was so cold walked to the window with her blanket wrapped around her. To her delight, it had snowed during the night and covered the world with a blanket of sparkling white. Her little eyes sparkled with delight at what she saw. She had never seen snow before and she was fascinated. She ran to wake the others, to show them the treasure she had found. She excitedly pointed to the window whenever the girl would wake. The girls told Brat to go away. Brat continued to tug on them until the girls go to see what Brat is so excited about. They tell Brat, “It is snow, Brat. It is nothing special. It is just cold and makes more work for everyone.” Brat’s eyes wide with wonder at the wonderland she discovered wanted so much to run out to enjoy it. Brat smiled brightly at them, while they mocked her, “Brat, you are so weird. You smile at everything, even bad stuff.” The older girls help Brat wash and put on the only ragged clothes she has. They know if everyone is not clean from head to toe; they will be going without breakfast. The matron, a thin crone of a woman, has a heart of ice and a tongue like fire, that cause those around her to feel as if they had been burnt from her words. The matron for some unknown reason is especially critical of little Brat. The matron roughly checks her to see if she has been washed properly. When she finds Brat clean, she snaps, “Brat go sit at your table. Brat walks over to her seat which is the on the floor in a corner away from everyone, her table a small foot stool. Brat smiles, she knows she will be the last to be served, and sometimes won’t receive anything because not enough was prepared. Brat watches as everyone is served and she is brought some food. They have two sausages and eggs and biscuits for breakfast today a real treat from their usual oatmeal. Brat hides the extra piece of sausage and a biscuit in a napkin in her pocket The matron stands and slaps her spoon on the table angrily retorting, “Here now you should be thanking the Lord not delving in like wild animals. Now put your forks down while the blessing is said. Rebecca, it is your turn to say the blessing and I will have none of your asking for people to be your parents. You are plain and no one wants a plain girl. You will be here until you are of age to work, get used to it.” Rebecca starts crying and Brat’s little heart goes out to her wishing she could give her the family Rebecca wants so badly. Then matron becomes angrier snapping at Rebecca to cease at once or her food will be given to the dogs. Rebecca becomes more upset and cries even harder. The matron, red with fury screams for Rebecca to leave the table that she will deal with her at a later time. Brat knows this means that Rebecca will not have any meals today and will be spanked without any mercy. Rebecca will have to do even more chores than usual. Each girl after their meal will have to do chores. They will also have to make certain that Rebecca does her chores also. The matron tells them if Rebecca does not do her chores they will not get to play plus the Christmas party will be cancelled. The matron always wants the place will be cleaned until everything shines brightly. She wants to make the guests and the prospective parents feel the place is well run and a nice place for children. She must play the game she tells the children to get what they need to get by. She assigns tasks to all the children. She tells them if they get the work done before noon that they can play outside in the snow. The matron tells Brat she will be helping Rebecca clear the table, dust all the woodwork, and bring in firewood for the fireplaces. The matron then storms off to deal with Rebecca. Soon is heard the cries from Rebecca as the others hear each hit from the barber’s strap. How many times did she hit Rebecca, Brat cannot begin to count but se says a small prayer that Rebecca will be alright. As soon as everyone is done eating Brat starts to clear the table taking extra care with the glasses knowing it could cause her the same treatment as Rebecca if any are broken. Soon Rebecca joins her and silently helps Brat clear the table. Brat knows Rebecca is hurting badly from the way Rebecca now limps and moves slowly. Brat walks over to Rebecca, looking up at the older girl hugs her and smiles. Rebecca looks down at Brat and hugs her back whispering, “Thank you, I didn’t think anyone cared for me here.” Brat smiles brighter knowing she helped Rebecca feel better. A little while later while dusting one of the rooms Rebecca’s stomach growls in hunger. Rebecca says, “I wish I hadn’t upset the matron I am so hungry.” Brat then remembers the sausage and biscuit in her pocket and hands it to Rebecca. Rebecca hugs Brat tightly. Rebecca smiles, “You are not the brat everyone says you are. You are a bright shining gift from God.” Rebecca quickly eats the sausage and biscuit praying that she doesn’t get caught knowing if it happens that not only she will be beaten, but Brat also. Rebecca smiles again at Brat then tells her lets hurry and finish or we won’t get to play. Brat smiles broadly at Rebecca and hurries to finish their last chore. They hurry to their room and get their coats and hats on. Just as they start toward the door of the room the matron walks in. “Where do the two of you think you are going?” she screams. “We were going out to play with the others. We finished our work maam.” softly answers Rebecca. “You two will not be going anywhere. I have decided the two of you need to be put in a special room and you will be moving your things to that room Understood!” Rebecca looks like she is about to cry when Brat gently squeezes her hand, feeling she now has a friend replies “Yes maam.” They both remove their coats and start to gather the little they have. They follow the matron down a dark hall to a set of stairs leading down into a dark place away from the others. They are shown a small dismal room with two small cots and told to put their things away. This is their new room. The matron tells them to clean the room and when they are finished they may come up stairs. The matron leaves the girls alone. Rebecca collapses on a cot saying she hurts to much to clean anymore. Rebecca falls asleep. Brat smiles at her new friend and gently covers her up. Brat starts cleans the room standing on rickety chairs to reach areas that she can’t reach. Brat works so hard her little hands start to bleed but she doesn’t stop until the entire room is cleaned. Rebecca starts to moan as Brat finishes. Rebecca tries to sit up but the pain is to sharp. She tells Brat to get the matron she thinks something is wrong. Brat’s smile is now gone she know Rebecca is in trouble as she runs to get some help for her friend. She finds the matron and tries to tell her that Rebecca needs help but the Matron pushes her to the side telling her to get out of the way. She runs to the cook and she also pushes her to the side, telling her get lost she was a brat. Brat finally decides to get one of the girls but they are all outside and the matron said she wasn’t allowed outside. Brat knows she will be spanked but runs out the door with no coat on to get one of the girls. The girls all push her to the side also and tell her to go away. Brat looks around for anyone she can get to help. She sees no one, but she suddenly hears a voice “Telling her not to give up.” Brat looks everywhere for where the voice is coming from only sees the snow angels the girls made in the snow. Brat smiles at the angels; she thinks how beautiful they are. As if she had spoken the words out loud she hears “Thank you, we think you are beautiful also.” Brat looks at the angels closer and they seem to come alive. They tell Brat, “Soon you will have a wondrous home filled with love and laughter, but for now you must find your way to help your friend.” Brat smiles broadly again as she hurries through the gate of the orphanage. She runs until she bumps into a tall figure dressed in a red suit. Brat smiles at the man she bumped into. The man’s gentle face smiles back at her and soft asks, “Where are you going in such a hurry little one and where is your coat are you not freezing?” He picks up the small child and pulls his coat around her trying to warm her. Brat smiles at him and points toward the orphanage franticly. The man seems to understand she wants him to go there and walks hurriedly to the home. He places the small girl down on the ground at the home. Brat grabs his hand and pulls him toward the door. He laughs “Ok I am coming.” Brat takes him to her small room and shows him Rebecca. The man gently checks Rebecca and finding her very weak. He smiles at Brat and asks her “Is this why you brought me here?” Brat nods. The man hugs the small child saying “Don’t worry I will see that your friend is taken care of.” He gently picks up the broken Rebecca and tells Brat to put her coat on that she is coming with him. Brat does as she is told and follows the man carrying Rebecca up the stairs. When they reach the top of the stairs the matron see them and demands to know what is going on. The man without missing a beat looks at the matron with a look that makes the matron stop in her tracks. “I madam am taking these children from your care they are in need of treatment and they are going to get it understood.” The matron stammers, “Y-Y-Yes sir. Let me get my coat and go with you.” “No! You will stay here and take care of these other children or I will know why you haven’t!” He angrily retorts. The matron tries again, “B-B-But I’m their guardian, I must…” The man cuts her off, “That will change I am certain of that.” At the hospital Rebecca is found to have internal bleeding and severe bruising over 96 % of her body. Her ribs are broken is several different paces. It is also discovered that she is suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion. The doctors tell the man that if the child hadn’t been brought to the hospital the child probably would have died within 24 hours. The man starts to cry; Brat hugs the man and softly plays with his hair. The man looks up at Brat and tells her that her friend will be alright thanks to her. Brat smiles, then points at him and holds up two fingers. The man smiles “Ok I helped too. I’m hungry, how about some lunch?” Brat smiles happily at the man and nods her approval of the idea. The man picks her up and says “Well let’s go, but first we must clean up. Let me see how dirty your hands are.” Brat shows him her hands. The man starts to tear up as he sees her hands, “I think we need to get some help for your hands they are blistered and bleeding then we can eat what do you say honey.” Brat nods, somehow she knows this man will never hurt her. After her hands are treated and bandaged he takes the girl to the cafeteria to eat. The little girl’s eyes wide as she sees all the food there to choose from. She points to what she wants to try. Thy man laughs as he tells the people to give her what she wants. He smiles at the girl as she happily eats quickly as if she hadn’t eaten before. He notices when she thinks no one is looking she slips a few things in her pocket. His anger grows thinking of what this small child must have been through. The doctor taking care of Rebecca come in and tells him that Rebecca is back in her room resting fine. He then looks at Brat and tells her she is a hero. Brat looks at the man with a puzzled look. The man says, “You saved Rebecca so you are special.” Brat smiles with her mouth full of food and shakes her head as she points to both of the men. The doctor talks to the man quietly while Brat eats, “Does she talk at all?” he asks. “I have never heard her say anything I guess she can’t” “Do you mind if I check her to see what is wrong?” “Doctor, the child is not mine. She is from the orphanage. She bumped into me while I was working as Santa Claus on the corner. She had no coat on and she was frantic about something so I did what I could. She led me to this filthy basement where she shared a room with the little girl you just worked on. When I saw the little girl I knew she needed help right away and I didn’t want to leave this small child there by herself. It is apparent that they have been mistreated.” “Ok I will deal with what needs to be done for her care. You can trust me she will be well taken care of. When she is finished eating bring her to see her friend and we can talk further there.” Brat skipped happily at the man’s side as they walked into Rebecca room. Seeing her friend she ran to the bedside. The bed was so high she couldn’t see Rebecca in the bed when she stood beside it. The men seeing her dilemma picked her up and sat her gently on the bed near her friend telling her, “You must be very careful that you don’t pull on any of the wires that are on her.” Brat smiles and nods and she gently hugs her friend. Rebecca smiles weakly, “You saved my life Brat. I love you.” Brat smiles and shakes her head and points to the man. Rebecca smiles again, “Yes he helped, but you found him.” Brat nods and smiles with her friend. She looks around and when no one is looking she pulls out the food she saved and hands it to Rebecca. Rebecca smiles and tells Brat, “Thank you I will save it for later if that is ok.” The man sees this and is deeply touched by the kindness that Brat has shown her friend. He walks over to the bed then asks, “Why do you call her Brat?” Rebecca replies, “That is the name the matron gave her.” The man angrily says, “That is no name for a child of such a wonderful nature. I think she needs a better name don’t you?” Rebecca laughs, “Yes I do can we give her a new name? What do you think Brat would you like a prettier name?” Brat nods excitedly. “Then it is settled we have to find a name that suits you.” says the man. Rebecca asks for the first time, “What is your name? I don’t think anyone has told me it.” The man smiles, “My name is Peter Knight, but you may call me whatever you like.” “Great,” says Rebecca, “Now I have my knight in shining armor.” They all laugh at what Rebecca said. The doctor walks in and asks, “What is all this laughter I hear coming from this room don’t you know hospitals are not a happy place to be?” trying not to laugh as she speaks. Rebecca tells the doctor that the man is her knight. The doctor smiles at Rebecca as he checks her. “I think you will live.” He laughs. He then looks at Brat and says “May I look at your throat little one.” Brat looks to Peter for reassurance, when he nods, she complies with the doctor. The doctor shines a light into her throat and checks her thoroughly: the whole time he is saying uh huh interesting. When he finishes he looks at Peter and looks at the door. “Can you young ladies excuse us while we talk some business?” ask the doctor. Peter smiles, “I will be right back and we will think of a nice name, Ok?” The girls nod. Rebecca rattles off all the fun they will have when she is feeling better. Rebecca starts to tire and slowly drifts off to sleep. Brat watches over her making certain that Rebecca is ok. She fusses over her as if she is her child. In the hall the doctor and Peter talk. “I need to know if the child has ever been treated for any medical problems. I am going to have to contact the matron of the orphanage to find out.” states the doctor. “What did you find?” asks Peter. “The child has some stiffness in her throat that shouldn’t be there. It may be why she can’t talk it may also be something much more dangerous.” replies the doctor. “Whatever it is take care of it.” Peter says urgently. “I will pay for it. You know I am good for it.” “Yes, Mr. Knight, your family is well known here for you charity to the less fortunate. Looking at you no one would know you are one of the richest people in the world.” “That little girl in there is truly the richest in the world. She has a heart that is solid gold. She has a smile that outshines the sun. She shares everything she gets. Did you know that she hid some food in her pocket and when she thought no one was watching she gave it to Rebecca? Don’t worry Rebecca didn’t eat it she told Brat she would save it for later.” “Brat?” repeats the doctor. “Yes, Brat that is what that woman named her at the orphanage.” “What on earth for, she is such a sweet child?” remarks the doctor. “My guess is the woman is spiteful and cruel that didn’t really want the job she has. It is apparent to me she knows little of what children need. I am willing to bet she is who did that to Rebecca.” “If that is the case something has to be done immediately we can’t allow a woman like that to run an orphanage.” “I agree with you. That is why I have made some calls to my lawyers and the authorities. No one should have to live in fear and hunger like these poor children have been forced to do.” They hear laughter coming once again from Rebecca’s room. “That is a miracle right there.” replies Peter. The doctor nods and walks away. Peter stops a nurse asking, “Can you tell me where the gift shop is?” The nurse tells him she is headed that way and would be glad to show him. In the room Brat smiles at her friend sleeping until she hears laughter. She looks up to see her friends the angels from before. She smiles broadly at them ad points to her friend lying in the bed. The angels walk over and gently kiss Rebecca’s forehead and whisper, “Sleep well small one The Lord is watching over you and soon all your dreams will come true.” The angels smile at Brat and take her hand and invite her to play with them. Brat gladly joins them as they skip and dance around the room playfully. The angels tell her soon will be a time of great celebration, not be sad no matter how hard or painful things get, it will all be worth it in the end.” The nurses watch from the hallway as the small child dances and skips as if she is playing with friends. The little girl has captured their hearts and makes their work lighter and the day brighter. When asked if they might play, she readily invites them to join the fun. Peter walks in with an armload of gifts for the girls. He walks over and tells Brat the toys are for her and Rebecca, but he slowly opens a bag and pulls out a dress just perfect for Brat. Brat touches the dress in awe. Brat’s tiny fingers are enraptured with the soft velvet. She smiles as Peter asks, “Do you like it?” Brat nods at Peter, refusing to stop touching the dress in front of her. “Well then don’t you think we need to get it on you then?” Brat’s eyes shine with magic as she hugs Peter tightly thanking him for the treasure he has given her. Peter calls a nurse in and asks if she will assist Brat in dressing. The nurse smiles broadly at Peter and promised she will. The nurse takes Brat by the hand and they skip to empty room. She helps Brat remove the old torn clothes and gently bathes the girl. The nurse starts crying when she sees the scars on the small frame of the child. This child had suffered a lot of abuse she can see from the scars. She pulls out the dress and the accessories and dresses the little girl. She brushes the thick mass of curls and fixes a beautiful matching bow in her hair. She looks like an angel and the nurse catches her breath when she sees how truly beautiful the child is. She takes her back to the room where Peter is waiting. Peter stands with his mouth open then he whistles softly at the child. He finally finds his voice, “I knew she would look wonderful in that dress but that dress was made for her. She is angelic and so beautiful she takes your breath away doesn’t she?” The nurse nods in agreement as she smiles at Brat. Peter hands Brat the toys he bought for her and tells her that these are hers to do with as she likes that he gave Rebecca some like hers so she would have some too. Brat looks at Peter and point to her dress and then to Rebecca. Peter smiles, “Don’t worry sweetie, Rebecca will get a dress to when she is well enough to wear it I promise. The children at the home will be taken care of too. I am going to adopt you and Rebecca so you never have to return to that dreadful place.” Brat smiles and plays with her toys while the adults talk. She wonders down the hall until she sees a room that has a boy in it. The boy is crying softly and doesn’t see Brat until she softly touches his hand. The boy looks at her when she offers him her new teddy bear. He smiles at her and tells her, “I can’t take your bear, but thank you for offering.” Brat looks up at him and smiles. She lays the bear on his bed and walks away. The boy yells, “Hey, you forgot your bear.” Brat turns and smiles and shakes her head and points to the bear and him. “You mean it? You want me to have it?” asks the boy. Brat smiles and nods, then walks down the hall farther. The little boy smiles at the teddy bear then whispers, “How did she know I needed a friend to talk to?” Brat walks into another room looking at the small child lying there with no one around. The child’s parents were to busy with work and their other children to be there for the small girl. Brat walks to the girl’s bedside and hands the child the doll, she had just received. The little girl smiles and hugs the doll tightly and tells her thank you as she watches Brat disappear. Brat wonders the hall and gives every toy that Peter bought her to a child that seems to need someone or something. Brat becomes very tired and finds the chapel and walks in smiling at the image portraying the Lord. She lies down on a pew and falls asleep. When they find her they realize the child’s spirit had left her. Their tears flow freely for the small child, little knowing that the child is standing nearby with the other angels gently consoling them. Later it is learned that Brat had a cancer that destroyed her voice box and small life. The doctors say the child had to be in incredible pain, but she never showed it. She always showed the love she never gotten, until the day she finally found a friend and someone that actually cared. Carved on her headstone is Brat - Beautiful Radiant Angelic Tot.
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