37 Year Old
From Wichita, KS·
Invited by: Odinsraven·
Joined on March 4, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 16th
I have a crush on someone!
37 Year Old
From Wichita, KS·
Invited by: Odinsraven·
Joined on March 4, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 16th
I have a crush on someone!
about me...let's see. what should i say? im tough asshole that doesn't take no shit from nobody, i hate people with no opinions, i'm addicted to video games, i have no idea what i am doing on this site, i listen to all types of music, and i have to urinate....done now. and now that i am back i will be serious. i currently live with my girlfriends brother, who just happens to be a very good friend. i also live with my brotha from anotha motha. i am a very laid back person who loves to just hang out and have fun. i have been told i have a great sense of humor and i won't disagree. i believe that in order to love life you have to laugh at it. i am a very opinionated person wich tends to get me into a lot of trouble considering i am also very outspoken. i did not receive my full edumacation, there's a neat little fact about me...oh, and i don't bother with spelling or grammar as you probably have already noticed.
37 Year Old
From Wichita, KS·
Invited by: Odinsraven·
Joined on March 4, 2008
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on February 16th
I have a crush on someone!
my interests include the chicken, the steak, and the chicken fried steak...mmmmmm
so let me guess, this is where people put a huge list of all the bands they listen to...am i right? fuck that, let's just say i enjoy almost every type of music...any music i don't like is because i do not understand it.
Video Games
i am very picky when it comes to video games. i think it is because i never have any money so when i have enough to purchase such an item i want to KNOW it's good.
heyy :).. just stoppin by to show some love by rating your homepage a 11..Id REALLY REALLY appreciate if you could take 2 seconds to rate my page a 10..If not its ok!..(feel free to add me too if you wanna)Take Care-Ash
YOU HAVE BEEN FUCKED!Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCKTHEM! This is for any one you think is hot!RULES:1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course.2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon,ENDURANCE)! Be creative!*3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy!4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it ontheir user page so they feel slutty!5- Random sex is perfectly okay!6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT.7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away!This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOWBAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (androughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUSTFUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>F.U.C.KStands For:Friends U Can Keep.So promise meWe'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. Toknow who your true F.U.C.Ks are9,675,000,000 people in this world && yet i ended up with yourcrazy ass as a friend?Damn,Im lucky!-lol-Send this to everyone youlove.Get 1 back-ppl feel sorry for youGet 2 back-You have a couple true friendsGet 3 back-Your alrightGet 4 back-Your lovedGet 5 back-Your adoredGet 6 or more-Damn your a celebrity!
Welcome! Came across your page while showing random love.I rated you a 10! feel free to return the fAvor and/or add me! Either way, have a fantastic thursday!!:)