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100 questions... 1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? Beer 2. Do you watch college football? Negative 3. Who will fill this survey after you? No idea 4. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Josh 5. Last time you went swimming in a pool? I can't even remember 6. Are you happy? Yes 7. Where was the last place you went shopping? Target 8. How do you feel about your hair? I like it 9. Where do you work? At a sporting goods store 10. Last thing you ate? Yogurt 11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? As long as it's not work, I am fine with where I am 12. Last time you smoked a cigarette? Months...I quit 13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? I ahve a locket 14. AIM or MSN? AIM 15. What classes are you taking now? None, but I need to get a move on that 16. How many hours on average do you work a week: At least 40 17. Any stupid reality tv shows you cant help but watch? Little people big world 18. Favorite NFL team? I don't have one 19. Do you watch the Olympics? Sometimes 20. Last restaurant you went to? Chinese food!?! 21. Who was the last person to call you? My mom 22. What's your sign? Leo 23. Do you have a favorite number? Anything even 24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation? Some little kids were outside stop & shop collecting money and I gave them a dollar 25. What do you spend the majority of your money on? Bills 26. Where does most of your family live? RI 27. Are you an only child or do you have sibling? 1 older bro and an older sister 29. Ever been called a BITCH? That should've been my first name, haha j/k 30. Got any guilty pleasures? Hmmm... 31. Do you drink beer? Mmmhmm 32. Have you ever experienced true love? NOW 33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? No, but a friend of mine gave me one at some point...I laughed 34. Ever bought anything online? Sure 35. Myspace or Facebook? MySpace 36. Do you have T-Mobile? Yes 37. What was your favorite subject? Culinary arts (vo-tech) and english 38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? No way 39. Do you usually fall for the "bad boys or slutty girls"? I don't go for any girls and I don't really go for a "type" of guy...it's all about the personality 40. Were you an outcast in high school? I don't think I was 41. Last time you saw your parents? Today 42. Do you have any talents? I like photography and singing...talent!?! 43. Ever been in a wedding? Once 44. Do you have any children? Not yet 45. Last Movie you watched? I don't remember 46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Josh 47. Did you take a nap today? Nope 48. What was your high school's mascot? A patriot!?! 49. Ever been on a cruise? No, but I would like to 50. Favorite vacation spot? Never been on vacation 52. Do you have any wealthy friends? Not that I know of, haha 53. Ever met anyone famous before? Yep 54. Favorite actor? Let's see...Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Walken, and Edward Norton 55. Favorite actress? I don't think I have one 56. Are you multi-tasking right now? Typing and drinking red bull isn't considered multi tasking, haha 57. Could you handle being in the military? No...I wouldn't want to be in the military 58. Are you hungry or thirsty? BOTH 59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Teco Bell 61. What is your average cell phone bill? $60 or so 62. Do you own a camera phone? Yes 63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? No 64. Do you believe in Karma? Yes 65. Can you speak any other languages? No 67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Two or three, but I need new ones 68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? Photobucket 69. Last place you were at? Work 71. Ever been to Las Vegas? No, but I want to 73. Have you ever bought condoms? No 75. What do you think is your best feature? My eyes and my hair!?! haha 76. Have you ever been gambling? Once and it wasn't very fun 77. How old are your parents? My mom is 54 I think and my dad is 65 or so...what a bad child! 78. When is the last time you updated your blog? I don't know... 79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? No 80. Favorite place to be? Josh's house...at a show 81. Have you been to New York City? Once 82. Favorite sit down restaurant? Cheesecake factory, India 83. Ever been to Disney Land? No, but I will be going to disneyworld for the first time...next month 84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Aqua teen hunger force and the Brak show! 85. Last thing you cooked? Maybe pasta... 86. How is the weather today? Chilly 87. Do you email? Sometimes 88. last mail u recieved? Bills 89. Favorite store? Newbury comics, the gap... 90. Are you dating someone right now? Mmmhmm 91. Last voicemail you received? My mom 92. Do you drunk dial? Very rarely 93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Dropped it...many many many times 94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in? I liked living on my own in pawtucket 95. Favorite band? Way too many to list... 96. Last time you were sick? A month ago I think 97. Are you bored right now? No, but I am very hungry 98. Last concert you went to? An Acariya show 99.what do you think about before you go to bed? Life...work...what I will do the next day 100. What are your plans for tomorrow? Working in NH at my new 2nd job ********************************************** 10 Are You/Do You 1. Are you missing someone right now?: Yes 2. Are you happy?: Yes 3. Are you talking to anyone right now?: My cat keeps stepping on the keyboard... 4. Are you bored?: No 5. Are you sexually frustrated?: No 6. Are your parents still married?: Yes 7. Do you love someone right now?: YES 8. Do you feel like crying right now?: No 9. Are you satisfied with your life?: Yes 10. Do you hate the state you live in?: I don't hate where I live, but I want to travel 10 Nationality 1. Are you German?: No 2. Are you Irish?: Yes 3. Are you French?: No 5. Are you Swedish?: No 6. Are you Greek?: No 7. Are you Portuguese?: No 8. Are you Russian?: No 9. Are you Italian? Yes 10. Are you Norwegian?: Yes 10 Favorites 1. Store: Newbury comics and the gap 2. Flowers: I love flowers in general 3. Color: Pink and black 4. Sport: to play: Martial arts 5. Mall: Emerald square 7. Food: Fruits and veggies 8. Season: Fall 9. Animal: Skunks and penguins 10. State: I don't know yet....I really haven't been too many places...so far it's vermont 10 Facts 1. Born in: Westerly, RI 2. Hair color: Black and red 3. Shoe size- 5 in kids 4. Hair style: Long and straight 5. Eye color: Hazel 6. Favorite jeans: the ones with skulls on them 7. Mood: Hungry 8. Height: 5'3" or so 9. Available: NO 10. Lefty/righty: Righty 10 Things About Your Love Life 1. Have you ever been in love?: I am now 2. Do you believe in love: Yes 3. Why did your last relationship fail? He was self centered and only did things to benefit himself... 4. Have you ever been heartbroken: Sure 5. Have you ever broken someone's heart? I think so 6. Have you ever fallen for one of your friends: No 7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them: No 8. Are you afraid of commitment: I always was but now I am not 9. Has someone ever kissed your hand: Mmmhmm... 10. Have you ever had a secret admirer: I don't know 10 This Or That 1. Love or trust: BOTH 2. Hard liquor or beer: Beer 3. Night or day: Night 4. One night stands or relationships?: Relationship 5. Television or internet: Internet 6. Pepsi or coke?: Pepsi 7. Wild night out or romantic night in: Depends on how I am feeling...most likely a romantic night!!! 8. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate 9. Phone or in person: In person 10. MSN or myspace: Myspace 10 Have You Ever 1. Have you ever been caught sneaking out? Yes 2. Have you ever skinny dipped: No 3. Have you ever done something you regret: Who hasn't 4. Have you ever bungee jumped: No 5. Have you ever been on a house boat: No 6. Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: No 7. Have you ever liked someone so badly it hurt?: Yes 9. Have you ever danced in the rain?: No, but I have sang in the rain 10. Have you ever had a hang over?: Once


3 word answers: Not as easy as you might think... 1. Where is your cell phone? On the desk 2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? I love him 3. Your hair? Long abd straight 4. Your mother? At work today 5. Your father?: Watching tv upstairs 6. Your favorite item? My new locket 7. Your dream last night?: It was random 8. Your favorite drink? Mango iced tea 9. Your dream car? My new car 10. The room you are in? My mom's office 12. Your fear?: I have lots 13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Happy and Comfortable 14. Who did you hang out with last night?: Friends at karaoke 15. What you're not?: I'm not thrilled 16. Muffins?: I want one 17: One of your wish list items?: A new camera 19. The last thing you did? Called a friend 20. What are you wearing? Shirt and pants 21. What did you do today? Just layed around 22. Favorite Book? Way too many 23. The last thing you ate?: Bowl of cereal 24. Your life?: Happy for once 25. Your mood? I'm pretty tired 26. Your friends?: They are silly 27. What are you thinking about right now? Going to work 28. Your car(s): In the street 29. What are you doing at the moment?: Nothing at all 30. Your summer?: Will be fun 31. Your relationship status? Taken and happy 32. What is on your tv? A blank screen 33. When is the last time you laughed? Late last night 34. Last time you cried?: I might today 35. School? I don't go


RED-ANGER:: 1. Are you currently mad at someone? Not really 2.Which of your family members has the worst temper? My whole family! 3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Of course 4. Does your face turn red when you're angry? Yes...I think I even get a little eye twitching action, hehe 5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell? A little of both and some shaking of the fist ORANGE - EXCITEMENT:: 1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? No 2. Are you easily excited? I am easily amused 3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about? I am going to florida in about a month...mmmhmm 4. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? Paying of my bills and buying the camera that I want 5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? A stress free/dept free life YELLOW - SELF DISCOVERY:: 1. Name: Kim 2. When were you born?: August 14, 1982 3. What's your main goal in life?: Happiness 4. Do you want to have children? Someday 5. How do you want to die? Not alone... GREEN - OPINIONS:: 1. Are you against gay marriage? No 2. Against lowering the drinking age? Sure 3. Against Capital Punishment? No 4. Against Abortion? No BLUE - LOVE:: 1. Do you love someone? Yes...a lot 2.do you have a bf/gf? Yes 4. Do you believe in love at first sight? No 5. Have you ever been in love? I am now PURPLE-Q&A:: Q:how many beds did u lay in today? A: 2 Q: What color shirt are you wearing? A: Black Q: Name one thing that you do everyday? A: Shower Q: How much cash do you have on you right now? A: The money that I have is to pay bills...my life story Q: Look to your left. What's there? A: A tv Q: What's the last piece of something new? A: My socks Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? A: Myspace Q: Do you have plants in your room? A: No, I don't have a room Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? A: My back Q: What city was your last taxicab ride in? A: None Q: Do you own a picture phone? A: Yes Q: Recent time you were really angry? A: Yesterday _______Last________ 1. Person you saw?: My parents 2. Movie watched in cinema?: Pursuit of happyness 3. Last song you listened to?: Journey 4. Person you talked on the phone with?: Tiffany ______Today________ 1. What are you doing right now?: Waiting to go out 2. What are you doing tonight?: Going to karaoke 3. What are you going to eat?: Food ______Tomorrow_____ 1. Is: Monday 2. Goal: Go to work and go home 3. Are you going to laugh: Most likely

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The Letter A Are you available: Nope What is your age: 24 What annoys you: Liars, self - absorbed people... The Letter B Do you live in a big house: It's a pretty nice size When is your birthday: Aug 14th Who is your best friend: Josh The Letter C What's your favorite candy: Sour patch kids Who's your crush: No crush...love When was the last time you cried: A few months ago!?! The Letter D Do you daydream: Who doesn't !?! What's your favorite kind of dog: I <3 dogs What day of the week is it: Monday The Letter E How do you like your eggs: Omlette Have you ever been in the emergency room: Yep What's the easiest thing ever to do: Being honest...being myself The Letter F Have you ever flown in a plane: once...I will be doing it in a month or so Do you use fly swatters: no Have you ever used a foghorn: No The Letter G Do you chew gum: Indeed Are you a giver or a taker: I am definitely a giver...sometimes a little too much Do you like gummy candies: mmmhmm...sour patch kids! The Letter H How are you?: I am bored What's your height?: 5'3" What color is your hair?: Black and red The Letter I What's your favorite ice cream?: <3 Have you ever ice skated?: no Do you play an instrument?: I sing The Letter J What's your favorite jelly bean?: I don't know Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: Almost everyday... Do you wear Jewelry: I wear my piercings everyday The Letter K Who do you want to kill?: No Do you want kids?: Someday Where did you have kindergarten?: In RI Letter L Are you laid back?: Sometimes...depends on my mood for the day Do you lie?: I am one of the most honest people ever...seriously The Letter M What’s your favorite movie?: Boondock Saints, Nightmare Before Christmas...tooo many to list Do you still watch Disney movies?: yes Do you like mangos?: They are my favorite fruit! The Letter N Do you have a nickname?: Yep...a few What's your favorite number?: anything even Do you prefer night over day?: usually The Letter O What's your one wish?: To be happy Are you an only child?: No Do you wish this was over?: Yes The Letter P What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Death...dying alone What's a personality trait you look for in the opposite sex?: Sense of humor... The Letter Q Are you quick to judge people?: I try not to judge others...I know I hate it when people do it to me The Letter R Do you think you're always right?: Do you watch reality TV?: Only I try not to The Letter S Do you prefer sun or rain?: Sun Do you like snow?: I like taking pictures in the snow What's your favorite season?: Fall The Letter T What time is it?: 8:42pm The Letter U Are you wearing underwear?: No Do you prefer underwear or thongs?: Neither Underwear or boxers?: Boxers The Letter V What's the worst veggie?: I seriously love all of them Where do you want to go on vacation?: anywhere but RI...I am going to Florida in a month or so Where was your last family vacation to?: Never had one The Letter W What's your worst habit?: Being to nice...having ocd Where do you live?: RI The Letter X Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yes Have you seen the X Games?: once Do you own a xylophone?: No The Letter Y Do you like the color yellow?: It is ok What year were you born in?: 1982 What’s one thing you yearn for?: happiness The Letter Z What's your zodiac sign?: Leo Do you believe in the zodiac?: sure...
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