Author: Irma Louise Chase-Sholes (RIP)



Entire painting by my Uncle Charles (RIP)

I have blogged a few of her poems also.
A journey, through poetry and verse written by my Grandmother to her children and loved ones, she wrote of the seasons, her emotions and feelings, relationships, and life. This collection of poetry has helped me to get to know my Grandmother, even though she passed away a year before I was born. Since publishing this book and passing it on to my loved ones I have decided that my Gramma would want me to share her work with the world and use it for good things. That being said, I am going to donate all the royalties from the sales of this book to the American Cancer Society, as well as to the research of the cause and cure for Alzheimer's Disease. I have chosen these research groups due to the fact that I lost my Father and Uncle to Mesothelioma and also I have several relatives that are stricken with Alzheimer's Disease. I know that the work in this book will touch your heart as it has touched mine.
Thank you and God Bless.