Over 20 years out of the game I swore if I ever got back in, it was going to be a wild ride ...
As of July 18th I was recruited into the Bodog Battle of the Bands !!
Bookmark this link and
*** Vote here Daily ***
This is huge, Canada, US and Europe, competing for a $1,000,000 contract ...
I intend on winning and to that end have begun to assemble a stage show to do the job.
And so it begins ... are your in ??
To all Fans, Musicians, Sponsors and Promoters ...
Check this blog to see how you can get involved with me on this venture.
While this qualifying voting process unfolds, I ponder the wonders of the universe and plan the next phase ...
Building a stage show that can win ... and here is where you can get involved
If you fit the bill, as per competition rules, drop me a line right away !!
Musicians, I can have up to 12 in the band
- must be Canadian and have a valid passport
Sponsors, We'll need a full compliment of stage gear
- get your name involved with the winner !!
Promoters, while an Official capacity is not allowed
- unofficially your help on spreading the word is vital
- require an official band photographer to travel with us
- require a choreographer to help work the act
Fans, without you nothing can happen !!
- I humbly request
Daily Voting support
- spread the word, post bulletins
- your help will not go unnoticed nor unrewarded
This is an undertaking the requires cash donations
To quote BTO - "give me your money please"
- spare change, grants etc.
Contact me directly via this site
Have an awesome day !!
Dennis Paul
To my US and International supporters :
If you have trouble voting ... let me know, I have additional info for you.