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Stats for Mar 28

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Female · Joined on June 5, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on February 10th · 28 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
Female · Joined on June 5, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on February 10th · 28 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

What can I say about me. ??? I am MARRIED, I don't hide that I'm married so don't act all surprised when I'm talking to you and you suddenly realize that I am. I'm just here to meet some cool people that share similar interests, just like everyone else is. I have amazing children and an even more amazing sexy hubby, and I'm a BBW (big girl,fat,whatever you call it haha)if that matters. And I am just one of many (937,140 current CT members) who are out and about here in Cherry Tap.

when I get bored on here I end up hitting the "I'm Bored" and just rate away...so HI. I randomly rate and fan sometimes all it takes is a GREAT pic that amuses me. haha so people don't be suprised.
Now lets see if ANYONE actually reads this..I accept friend requests but try not to leave them blank. :)
hmmm in case anyone is even reading this..fan me :) I have twice as man friends & fans of than I HAVE fans. So take a peek and see if you've fanned me, thanks

I am a big fan of B&W pics and for some odd reason I also like salutes haha..so once again even if I don't know you I might rate you.

As of today (June 20th, there are now 958,040 members)
okay July, Friday the 13th update. While I was away Cherry Tap hit the 1,000,000 mark WOOHOO. Did the millionth get something special?? who was it I wonder haha
but today there are NOW 1,010,077 people on CT

WTF??????? okay it is now Thursday July 19th and farewell to the Cherries, we are now FUBARS.. hmmmm how will we come up with clever little pics to show our "fubar luv" haha. 1,024,700 Fubar members.

okay okay..it's been awhile it's Oct. 9th. there are 1,210,944 members (54,058 currently online :P )
is anyone reading this?? probably not, but if you are rate me :) I return the favor.

and I have to say, there are some VERY nice, friendly people out here. I'd say hello but I don't want to forget anyone. But they know who they are. I can't just say the peeps in my "family" because there are others who I talk with regularly, who are AWESOME!!! but taking an idea from Pie Daddy (there I go name dropping haha) I will begin a "shout out" pic folder. TTYS XOXOXOX

It's October 17th. I got a little bored and added this:


Leave me a message :)

okay another change..sometime around Friday,October 19 the Mumms became a charge per mumm. it's like 50,000 fubuck if you want EVERYONE to see it hahahaha.. *good times good times*
It's been QUITE some time since I've updated this. It's now 2008! There are now 1,501,186 member (RIGHT! haha)lots of new fu-changes (friggin bartab) and that's about it.
A few fu-friends have decided to call it quits, something I've contemplated and I will miss their chats, but who knows maybe they will be back.
*hugs* to all

I HAD a guestbook...but somehow it was deleted.. so since you are here..come sign my book :)
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Female · Joined on June 5, 2007 · Relationship status: Married · Born on February 10th · 28 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
I am creative and I like making things. I would love to have my own business someday.

I love HORROR movies even the bad ones...I give each a chance haha. The older cheesier ones they are great too.

BIG HARRY POTTER FAN!! I'm looking forward to the new book and the new film.
Well the movie came out three days ago, and I haven't seen it!!! YET.. I am off to now WOOHOO

I love TV old and new. TV themes..yeah I have them on my ipod.

Like most people I am into a little but if everything, it makes life more interesting :)

I am not looking to meet or cam with someone.

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I like everything, almost everything

I watch TV..maybe too much
No matter how is ends I will be diappointed
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New Season coming soon!
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Great show.. Hiro and Sylar!!!!
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Chloe has an ability
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Most of my favorites are gone :(

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Finale aside...GREAT series!
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Season 8 lives on in Comic book form!!
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I also love movies.. HORROR!! the scarier the better (it's hard to scare me) Funny is great too.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Halloween..the original
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Halloween Rob Zombie!!
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They're all gonna laugh at you!!
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It's all for you DAMIEN!
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Want to go to a midnight show?
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I also like comic books...well not as much as I used to :)

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Video Games
yes I am an adult and I do like video games. I like being able to take them with me now too. PSP and DS!!! awesome :)
If I can kill a ZOMBIE in the game then even BETTER!

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