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36 Year Old
Bronx, NY
Joined on June 7, 2007
Born on December 26th
36 Year Old
Bronx, NY
Joined on June 7, 2007
Born on December 26th
Im pretty outgoing, easy to talk to, great listener [just dont make me listen to hard] [lol] im 18 years old I'm bisexual,I AM original [of course u will never meet anyone like me on this planet] love wise... I'm the best damn thing that could ever happen to you [in other words im the best girlfriend ever] [of course not everything lasts forever now does it?] let me make it clear to you that I AM NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN [not that there is anything wrong with that but im tired of being confused with being so]Im puerto rican fused with dominican [i speak spanish fluently] I love skater boys and guys with piercings [moderate ones... no gauges or any weird and awkward piercings]but for some awkward reason skater boys are my predilection!pred·i·lec·tion [prèdd’l ékshən](plural pred·i·lec·tions) n liking: a particular liking or preference for something (formal) [FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT PREDILECTION MEANS][LOL]
36 Year Old
Bronx, NY
Joined on June 7, 2007
Born on December 26th
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