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amskater's blog: "Blogs"

created on 09/29/2006  |  http://fubar.com/blogs/b8163
First off this is how it started. someone ran by and jacked my backpack here were contents of what was in my bag Kirks Ipod mini Aharons sick ass digital camera Aharons remote flash My new fishing pole and takle Aharons 256MB XD Meremy card My XD memery cards 512 MB 128MB 32MB My Lunch and snacks for the day a Knife and tools all my wax and shoe laces for the trip and some other random shit I bought with me Im SOOOOOOOOOOO BUMMMMMMED Right now! you have no idea nothing could cheer me up I think I want to go home =( Later in the day I decided to goto Macba for one last sesh with Kirk and Warren before they go back to CA. So me and Ryan are skating this barrier down a drop having a fucking great time then these Moroccan�s start playing soccer in front of us Ryan does a big spin front board down the barrier and he slips out and it rolls by them but did not hit them at all then when Ryan gets back to where I was he said I think these guys are gona try to start shit then this guy runs up to Ryan and gets all in his face yelling shit and I hop in between them cause I have Ryan�s back and didnt want it to get out of hand then the guy pushed Ryan and then Ryan charged at him and started hitting him then Anthony ran up and didnt know what was happening and he began hitting the guy with his board then the guy got more mad and ran to a trash can and pulled out a leather belt with a metal buckle then another one of his friends grabed another belt and came charging at the 3 of us swinging at us with the belts I saw them hit ryan in the back then they tried getting Anthony im not sure if they hit him at all I think I saw him getting kicked but im not sure it was maddness then both of them came after me and I was getting hit from both sides not know what was going on yelling at them what the fuck I didnt do shit fuck you I didnt try to hit them once just tried to get everything to calm down got hit in the arm thats a big welt got another hit on my right ear, another one on the right side of my face so my right side of my face is all swollen, then I got hit 2 or 3 times on the back of my head my ear was ringing and at this time Kirks and Warrans mom show up and then people are telling me im bleeding and then I can feel the blood running down my head and neck so I take off my hoody dont want to get blood all over that and some guys give me napkins to hold on my head but that didnt help too much cause I was bleeding too much so Ryan, Anthony, and me take off towards the main street walk down the ally then I get sick of walking so i just hop on my board and skate to the hostel on the way there I was getting some crazy looks cause of all the blood I get to the hostel and and check out my wound in the mirror and im like fuck thats alot of blood so i get some first aid stuff then I take a shower and clean up as much as I can get dressed and notice im stick bleeding and ask Robert to look at it and he says I need to get stitches so im like I dont want to goto the hospital so he wraps up my wounds and Robert, Ryan, Anthony, and me start walking to the subway so we then take the subway to Kirk and Warren�s hotel we bump into Erick and then goto Warren�s room and Warren�s wants to give me hug and tell me sorry this happened then I goto Kirk�s room and use his laptap and post a bulletin about me getting jumped then we decide its time to take me to the hospital so Warren�s mom gets us 2 cabs so we can all go once we got there we found to sick long down hill metal ledges at the hospital we will go back to skate those on another day so I go in and Robert and Warrens mom help sign in and get to a doctor go in the waiting room and wait for awhile they finaly call my name and ask what happened and all that then start cleaning up the wounds it stung a lil then they started giving me shots in the wounds so they could stitch me up once they started putting the stitches in it hurt like a bitch and then they tied them pretty tight so it was pretty uncomfortable so 2 stitches are in now then she goes oh there another gash and im like damn and she stitches that one and I ask if they are pretty deep and she says yes they are then they clean me up a lil more and I look at the table and they is bloody gaze all over im pretty bummed at this point then they come in and say they have to give me a tetnis shot in my arm fuck I hate shots but I took it like a man lol then they took me to get xrays of my skull to see if it was fractured and when the guy was postioning me he was all pressing down on the back of my head and right by my gashes agian that didnt feel to well but I got back the xrays and my skull was not fratured I was stoked about that and I got to keep the xray so that was cool they give me some pills to take and we begian to leave and I meet up with everyone in the waiting room we walk outside and get a cab and go back to the hotel in the cab I was talking to Warrens mom and we relized we didnt pay whoops so ill probbly get the bill in the mail =( shit happens and shit happens to me all at once I guess. sorry for the long blog I dont think im gona sleep tonight just incase since I do have a head injury and now its Ryan�s 21st birthday. Happy Birthday Ryan! well that was my shitty ass day I hope the rest of this trip goes a hell of alot better than this day was. Goodnight!

Help send me to BARCELONA!

x-click-but21.gif To amskater™

My Friends are all going to Barcelona this December and say I really need to go with them But I can not afford to go I feel lame asking for money but I really need to go and get that footy I have over 2200 friends on here and if my friends donated just $1 or $2 I would be able to go and make my dream become a reality. For all donations over $2 I will send you a envelope with 5 - 10 stickers. If you are able to make a donation just click on the button below or send it to the Po Box below, thank you. & If possable send a self addressed and stamped envelope for the stickers to be sent back to you. Doug Des Autels Po Box 1796 Arcadia,Ca. 91077 x-click-but21.gif spaingraphbh2.gif
My Trip to Texas A Snowboarding Trip They are not much but I enjoyed making them let me know what you all think thanks
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