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Bella's blog: "blogness"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/blogness/b529

Diabetes Tour de Cure

Doing a 30 mile bike ride for diabetes.


Wanna donate?


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K, bye.

ERROR: This user's permissions don't allow you to view their profile.

It's true. I was blocked. Oh no! It's the end of the world! LOL, Not really. And I really don't care about being blocked, just the reasoning behind it makes me giggle.

A week ago, on March 27th I get a message in my ShoutBox reading "hey...please do not keep fanning me with the other 2 people...you wont get rates or likes"

Now, I didn't see this message until 12 hours later seeing that I'm not activly on Fubar 24/7, yes, I have a fubar tab open on my browser and am technically logged in 24/7, but I am not constatnly doing on Fubar. Even when I am 'active' it's to rate, like, and if needed shitface a small handful of people, clear out inbox messages, and go through the list of friend requests that have built up for several days.

So, again 12 hours after first message, I am totally confused, because again, I had barely been on. So I responded with "I have no idea what you're talking about...but...ok..." 

The rest of the conversation goes like this:



Me: I've barely been on and probably haven't fanned anyone in months.

Him: look at my page!

Me: ...and

Him: if you havent been on..how did you fan me "AGAIN" today?

Me: if your talking about my picture being under the fans tab, that is all in Fubar's coding.<

Him: no i isnt..it doesnt show unless the person does it

Unfortuanaly at this point, I had to go more important things and didn't have time to break it down for him. Then the next day or so after, when I had noticed he came by my profile, and I was going to go to his page to unfan him, he had already blocked me. Okay, that solves that.

But yes, when you get fanned the person will show under that fan tab. However, they will only stay there until they get bumped out by other new fans or roughly 24 hours have passed since they fanned you. After that 24 hours they are knocked off. Now, if you haven't been fanned for 24 hours, the people shown under the fans tab are picture in the order of how long they have been on Fubar. So, if you have 1 new fan in that 24 hour window, they will be the first person shown, followed by the oldest member, followed by the second oldest member. Oldest being determined by when they signed up/user number. The lower the number the longer they have been here. 

So, this person was fanned and then had some 24 hour quiet times, and wasn't fanned at all. Now, guess who is his fan, and has been on Fubar a long time. Yup. *this girl* User number 1284, joined December 3rd 2005. I win.

So, in other words, if I have fanned you, and you haven't had any new fans for at least 24 hours it is very likely I am under that wonderful fan tab. Unless you have been fanned by someone with even lower user numbers, like Babyjesus, or Scrapper, or any of the other 1283 people that signed up before me. Minus any of those profiles that may have been deleted. Then there are the profiles that are still there, but they haven't been active for 5+ years, and you only joined 2 years ago, obviously they haven't fanned you, so, the number of people before me gets smaller and smaller. Babyjesus has only 46 "old" people that are his fan before me, Scrapper only 38. Some of the top lifetime members have around 5 people before me.  

And seriously. What sort of benefit would I even gain if I actually were to refan someone "over and over"? 22 points? WOOHOO! Watch out! Yeah, probably could fart on someone's page and get more points than that. Rating and likeing is so much easier than unfanning and fanning (I really hate that little drop down that pops up when you do it, why would I want to deal with it over and over again)And clearly I'm not worried about points. Leveling isn't on my priority list. Last level in January. Need 300,000,000 points to level. If I wanted to, I could have that done months ago. So yeah, there is no perk to refanning someone.

If I was blocked, I wouldn't be surprised if the two other offenders were blocked too. Now he will probably have 3 new people who are constatly "refanning" him. 

I can see the cycle now. 

Hopefully he will learn before he ends up blocking all of Fubar. Or he becomes popular enough that he is fanned regularly. 

If "it doesn't show unless the person does it" then Babyjesus and Fubar Office are constantly refanning me. Yeeeeeeah, that's not the case. 



aww look...someone wants to be me! I feel so special o.O http://fubar.com/user/2055340
I love it when people make fake profiles off of my profile, then they proceed to go and downrate someone or leave a nasty comment or whatever. Then the person who gets downrated comes with their little posse to MY profile after they go to this newb profile and attack me as if I had something to do with it. "you're the only one on their friends list" or "you referred them" or some response of the sort is what I get when I ask why I'm being attacked for someone else's actions. It's like you walking into a bank and holding the door open for the person behind you. They then proceed to rob the back and you getting arrested for holding the door open for them. I am often on the front page of Fubar. It's not that hard to go to Fubar.com click on me and then they are asked to sign up for Fubar hence making them my 'referral'. Why they can't just go to Fubar.com and hit join now at the bottom? IDK, maybe they saw me and were like "she's hot, I'm going to check her out first" (hahahaha yeah right.) But yes...I have many people who have joined off me that way. 99% who don't make it to level 1. So either they're spying on you, hating you, or whatever. But I have nothing to do with it so just leave me out of it. I am not responsible for their actions after they join. Yes they're a friend of mine, I get the new friend requests saying "I just joined!" so I figure cool, they joined off of my pic on the front page, I'll add the since I'm nice like that. and yes I send them a Corona, only because it's a default of Fubar. If someone joins off of you Fubar automatically sends them a Corona for you. /end rant

New Puppy :-D

Meet the newest member of our family! Her name is Marie. She is a 4 month old Bassett Mix. P1030489.jpg





oh waaah...I looked at your profile so you sign on multiple accounts to downrate me... · someone rated your profile a '1' at '2007-03-14 14:37:17'! · someone rated your profile a '1' at '2007-03-14 14:35:37'! · someone rated your profile a '1' at '2007-03-14 14:33:49'! so lame..
some kind of indication on those user Tooltips(the small boxes of information that appear when you put your mouse over someone's image) if you have that person friend and/or fanned and/or rated. Like a little person under their picture for friend, a little icon, like a fan for fanned and a cherry for rated. So, something like this: idea2-1.jpg and then when you go to someones pictures, some kind indicator that by photos that you have rated. I've gone to photos thinking that I've rated time but I haven't, I've also gone to photos thinking that I haven't rated them, but I have. maybe a cherry by the rating in the gallery. so something like this: idea3.jpg
I don't know why, but randomly this morning while getting ready, I was thinking that it would totally piss people off if your main pic had to be a saluted photo. I AM NOT SAYING THAT'S WHAT THEY SHOULD DO!!! before you all jump down my throat. I'm just saying if they did that it would piss off a good chunk of people. I think I was just bitchy this morning...


yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of my father's death. I use to, up until about 2 or 3 weeks ago, have a album dedicated to him in my photos. I took it down because I was tired of the disrespect it was getting. There was several occasions that the photos in it would get straight 1's. so when I got: "you should put up nudes instead of this SHIT" I deleted the album because I was tired of it. ANYWAY...I've decided to put it back up Which can be seen here *hugs and kisses* Bella


I have new pics! If you have nothing better to do, stop on by and check 'em out. :-D
HeartbrokenIt's my birthday!!
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