Ok...so I've been seeing quite a few people in the MUMM's asking about the font color change. It's quite simple really if you have a general knowledge of HTML. If you don't understand, follow along.
[font color="pastel green" face="Comic Sans MS" size="2"]TYPE YOUR MESSAGE HERE[/font]
1)change the [] to <>
2)pastel green can be any color like... blue orange red...look around
3)fonts are usually arial tahoma verdana...again look around
4)I would keep the size at 2 or 3. If it's too much bigger, then the text is going to be huge in the MuMM.
5)Place the text you want people to see where it says TYPE YOUR MESSAGE HERE.
This is how it would look when you type it out..

You will have to copy and paste this code into every comment you make. I use the keyboard shortcuts for convenience.
(Ctrl + C) Copy
(Ctrl + V) Paste
That is all..take care! :)