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The Constitution of We The People Tuesday, February 12, 2008 The Constitution of We The People Ok this is my first official blog. I am writing with the intention of having other people know something that I feel is somewhat important, and, once that information is available and familiar to people, having that information MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I shall use this forum as an avenue to express myself. What I forsee as typical topics would be politics, society, culture, fashion, fads, what have you, usually my commentary will be on what I percieve from all of the sensory overloading media outlets and observations from my own eyes on the Human Condition...I hope, I sincerely hope, no, I AUTHENTICALLY HOPE I can make a difference for the many... Isnt it ironic how our society, once the cutting edge of everything, is not conducive to innovation, or progress in general? I remember how proud I was to be an American when I was young. Back in the day, when I was a young boy growing up in Long Island, New York, I remember with great clarity all that the schools taught me about the Original Thirteen Colonies and The Founding Fathers. They taught me ideals mostly, how they gave up so much for the greater good, the common cause. I know now that the history taught is a bit biased, it is slanted a little bit to make the F.F.'s look even greater than they actually were, but I still have this picture of Great Statesmen in my mind. I suppose that the truth is more like the simple picture I have in my mind, information assimilated by a child. These guys knew they had an opportunity to mold the greatest society Man has ever seen. They made a grand attempt, they even projected into the future and set checks and balances into the original documents that outlined how this great new society should be conducted. It didnt take long for the money changers to assert influence upon any and all who could not or would not resist the temptations to undermine the new country's government. Even before the infantile United States had concluded its Revolutionary War, it was in debt to the Central Banks. You see, the Constitution of The United States talks specifically about money and who gets to produce currency for all of us to use, among a great many other things that affect our daily lives. What seems to be accepted as The Constitution today is far from what the Founding Fathers had envisioned for us. Let's take a quick look at the opening paragrapoh called The Preamble... We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Every elected official and apponted office holder employed by the government of the US takes an oath swearing to uphold The Constitution of The United States of America. On Inauguration Day the President and Vice President take that oath...Lets look at G.W.Bush and Dick Cheney and the state of the union during their tenure in office in which they swore to uphold the Constitution. Establish Justice...hmmm...I need a definition here... JUSTICE: 1c the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity, 2 a: the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b (1): the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2): conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness c: the quality of conforming to law3: conformity to truth, fact, or reason : correctness To me Justice means something about all people being treated fairly and considered as equal in the eyes of the Law, and Law Enforcement. Justice means that all people have the same clean slate and are innocent until proven guilty by a preponderance of the evidence used against them in court procedings, not speculation in the words of a newspaper...nor should people of color be "profiled" by law enforcement agencies... I think Justice also means that EVERYONE is to abide by the SAME Laws that rule the country, not there should be an entirely different set of Laws, or that the Law of the Land should not apply, to the President and his "Boys". In my opinion, when the President says to Congress," I am above the Law", Congress and The Judicial Branch of Government have a responsibility to the People to remove the megalomaniac from office. I understand the position of the Pres, and I also understand Executive Priviledge, but there should be at least one or many oversight committies that he has to answer to. No Rogue Presidents!!! Next in the Constitution, is "insure domestic tranquility"...I dont know exactly who is reading this or what your views are, your political affiliations, or loyalties, but I have done extensive research on the whole 9-11-2001 event, and there are many many unanswered questions and even more questions that have been answered with pure bullshit from the Bush Government. In short the Official Story does not add up. The totals are false. I dont wish to get into specifics just yet, but in this man's opinion, neither Bush nor Cheney did their part to help insure domestic tranquility. I could most likely expound on this in almost every single point in Bush's current governing policy, but I just mean letting the attacks happen, if they werent actually INVOLVED in the attacks in some way, which is what I think...We dont even need to talk about Hurricane Katrina, and the illegal wars since 9-11, the torture of detainees, the illegal domestic surveillence, the illegal Executive Orders, the illegal accords signed with foriegn governments...the list literally goes on and on... "provide for the common defense" yeah at the expense of all social programs that benefit the common man...the government agencies both Constitutional and illegal that exist to part the average US Citizen with his or her hard earned cash, seem to never need for resources. When was the last time the IRS needed more money to confiscate someones property, or take them to Court for Tax Evasion. Evading paying taxes on your income, which according to the Constitution is not taxable. I SAID, 'WHICH ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION, IS NOT TAXABLE'!!! The Constitution defines income as "revenue derived from corporate activity", so, unless you have incorporated yourself, and if you arent worth in excess of $1,000,000 there really is no need to do so. Even if you own an incorporated business, you get paid a salary or a wage, your "income' still should not be taxed, but the corporation should be. Your wages are not income according to the Founding Fathers. "promote the general welfare", LMFAO. OK here is why there is no promotion of general welfare in the USA...Privatized Healthcare. As long as the HMO's, Pharma Corps, and Insurance companies are in the busuness to make money for their stockholders and not in the business of saving every life thay can and making existence more comfortable and enjoyable for all afflicted with "whatever ails them" there shall be no general welfare, period. Healthcare should be about The Hippocratic Oath, not the bottom line... 'secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves', yeah, right! As I see it, when the President announces a new "War on _ _ _ _" as in the War on Terrorism, there will be no end to it, and whatever progress or regress is whatever he (the bullshitter, I mean The Presidents spin doctor) wishes to tell us it is. Usually if there is any progress, its because they are trying to boost the approval ratings for elections or to get support for yet another bullshit 'War on _ _ _ _" If there is regress, it's so the Pres or whoever is Czar of that particular War on _ _ _ _, can request more money or other resources. Either way the end result seems to always be We the People giving up some convieniences or priviledges. Rarely in this context are they referred to as Rights. Which is what they really are. "and our posterity", Our posterity went out the proverbial window when the Federal Reserve Act was put into place. I say put into place, because The Federal Reserve Act was NEVER PROPERLY RATIFIED! I have no idea why there is assent to allow the Federal Reserve Bank a PRIVATELY HELD BANK, not under control of the Government of The USA, to have total control of production and distribution of our currency!!! When we have resessions and people lose houses, cars, cant get out of debt, that benefits the owners of the Federal Reserve! So do the Wars we are fighting. Bush finances the War efforts with money the Government borrows from the Federal Reserve! The security on the loans are the TAXATION of We The People!!! Once upon a time our Founding Fathers dressed up as Indians and went on the War Path and dumped all of the King's Tea into Boston Harbor, why did they do this? They were protesting that the King of England had put a hefty tax on the tea he shipped to the Colonies. Taxation Without Representaion! was the battle-cry. Before the Federal Reserve Act, Congress had to ask We The People to borrow money, and that was agaisnt gold reserves, and if We The People did not approve the request, Congress had to wait to ask again, or forget it. With the Federal Reserve Act, Congress only has to vote amongst themselves to borrow money and as I stated, the security is We The People being taxed without our approval. In fact since The Fed Res Act, Congress doesnt seem to give much of a shit about We The People's approval, or rather our DISAPPROVAL... That was just my take on The Constitution, and the rather large amount of disrespect and indifference it seems to get from the very people who have taken a binding oath to uphold its Values, Standards, Laws, and its Ideals. What it means, what it stands for should never be diluted, exceptions should not be made. The Constitution in it's original context is not outdated. It is not contextually obsolete. It is the perfect guide to running a Republic. That is what we once had, A Republic, a government that existed for The People. REPUBLIC: (2): a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government b (1): a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them (the body of citizens) and governing according to law (2): a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government c: a usually specified republican government of a political unit i.e: the French Fourth Republic Im not too sure exactly when the Government stopped serving We The People, and placed We The People into servitude, but thats where we are now....I think that will be the next blog's topic, How We The People are in Servitude to The Government and The Ruling Class...But how do you like being a slave? I am serious, SO SERIOUS. If you wish to respond to this blog with a comment or opinion, please tell mne your feelings on being a slave to the system.


Hey, Im sorry that I just got into this community for the people. I dont give a shit about points, blasts, levelling up, more friends than I can communicate with, contests...I rate a ten with anything I find worth rating. I dont give 9's or 8's or 7's get my drift??? If I rate something I give it a ten. But if you rate me with anything but a 10, I will surely go to your page and do the same. But I dont go out of my way to help anyone with contests, or anything like that. If I see someone nearing a lvl up, I will spam them with comments and 10's all over the place, cos Im cool like that, but otherwise...uh-uh. I fan the chicks I think are pretty and seem to have cool personalities, I however seek friendship that could become something more in the near future. The catch is, Im picky, as picky as any of you are. Its cool tho, I know the difference between your pickiness and mine. Women it seems look for the hot sexy guy who posts multiple pics of his 6-pac and car/motorcycle. I think thats funny as hell that women would want to compete with a guys self image...MEANING: He loves himself more than he will EVER love you, LMFAO, and hes either a self styled player, or a closet cock-smoker, or both, lol. ME: I want a woman who already loves herself, and is looking for someone to add to her life. Believe me, I know the difference between someone who is looking for her self worth, that is to be determined by who she can land. And someone who knows her self worth. I know mine, and it is not for sale. I will however share it with someone who has her own as well...

Racial and sexual slurs...

Racial and sexual slurs... Current mood: contemplative Category: Blogging I feel that it is time for special interest groups to get over it and stop the overreacting and agrandizing every time someone makes a comment that is in any way objectionable. Anything one says could be taken in many ways and interpreted to ones own purpose. In or out of context, it's time to stop pointing out every single verbal transgression made in public. Take Michael Richards and the use of the N word...So what? he didnt say it to me, did he? No. So I dont think I should be offended or even care. I dont know what really happened, do you? Were you there? I'm glad he said it, now we know his views. Did the guy heckling him while he was trying to perform, deserve to be called that? Maybe, maybe not. Do his friends call him that? What about the Gay/Lesbian faction crying foul everytime someone says something. What is a faggot? A burning ember according to the dictionary. Some overly effeminate males are refferred to as being flamboyant, thus the comparrison to flame. Many gays I know both male and female call each other fag or faggot among other even more denegrating terms. Why is the double standard applied to so many aspects of our culture? Some Asians refer to themselves and their friends as FOB's, an acromyn for Fresh Off the Boat, similar to the Italians who immigrated to America, who were referred to as WOP's (With Out Papers). Many Italians came here as refugees who hastily escaped Fascist Italy in the early stages of WWII, thus they didnt have adequate identification and such. In this period of super political -correctness, I see how many people tiptoe around saying things outright. We cant say someone is crippled anymore. We are supposed to say disabled-oops, I sorry, I mean differently abled, BULLSHIT! Handicapped? Or Handi Capable! Look making an observation and calling a spade a spade isnt wrong. If the person in question is legless, they ARE crippled. That doesnt mean worthless, or diminished in other abilities in any way. I have black friends, many black friends. some are my nigga's some are just my black friends...If I slip up and call one of my black friends, Nigga, they dont get all bent out of shape and tell the newspapers, or call all of our other friends and complain and try to garner support in their cause to censure me. And I dont really think its how its meant or how it comes across...Take the Grey's Anatomy thing, that black guy called the guy white guy a fag, or something close to that. If he had called him a gay so and so, there would have been no problem. Everyone knows that guy is gay anyway, he came out the closet before IW "exposed" him, so since what the IW said was true, wheres the big transgression? What if the gay guy called him a N____r in response? What then? What the N word has come to mean in general society is a Black person. Just as spic means any Hispanic, gook any Asian, there are others, I'm sure you know a few. The point is, these are just words, they have no inherent meaning on their own. if we stop giving them importance, they will lose their meaning. I personally dont use those terms, except nigga from time to time, but I have many types of nigga's. I have my Wigga's. white friends who are cool and down with it, Migga's, Mexican freinds who realize how utterly STUPID I find all of this bullshit that perpetuates our segregation, I have Chigga's, friends of the Chinese persuasion...the list goes on and on...And NO I dont getr into fights or punched in the mouth when I do this, My Nigga's KNOW where Im coming from...I took the real racist bullshit from more ignorant people than you could imagine, just because I am not Black OR White, but BOTH! Signed The Halfbreed, Oreo, Zebra... p.s. People used to get beat up for calling me shit like that, then I chose to ignore the stupid bastards who just carried on the shit their parents taught them...

A "G" Rating...

A "G" Rating... Current mood: mischievous Ok, so I play this game called Black Hawk Down online vs other people. There are public servers anyone can join and play in but they're privately owned and operated. So, they're open to the public as long as you follow their rules. The rules are, of course, arbitrarily formulated. There are simple general rules such as No Cheating, No Glitching(exposing or exploiting flaws in the code, mainly the way some objects are displayed or placed in proximity of each other, can cause all sorts of weird stuff to occur such as, being 'transported' to a place other than were you were standing or climbing, if on a ladder or stairs. Usually these glitches will put you through a wall or on top of an object or building. Some, ie: the Left Lean Glitch, allow you to shoot through corners and walls many servers allow left leaning, but disallow using the glitch to ones advantage, some allow the glitch and the advantage. It is extremely difficult to kill someone while they're LLG), No Swearing...But then there is another type of server, The 'G' Rated Server. To me, a "G" rating has always meant Disney, for the entire family, appropriate for kids, little kids I mean. You know the content of stories like Snow White, Cinderella, Jungle Book, The Nutty Professor...Black Hawk Down is a video game depicting and simulating War. The object of this game is to kill your enemy more times than he kills you. There are 4 character types, Close Quartes Battles Specialist, or CQB, Gunner, Sniper, and Medic. CQB is highly trained to be an effective killer with diverse means in which to dispatch his enemies. M16, M16/203 (203 s a grenade launcher built into the M16, the launcher barrel fits under the rifle barrel), CAR15, CAR15/203, G3 frag grenades, knife, claymore anti-personel mines, satchel bombs with radio detonators...Gunners are heavy machine gun specialists. Definately the most dificult character type to use. They are slow, and use fully automatic machine guns such as the M60, M240, and the M249SAW. Gunners also loadout with frag grenades, but no claymores. Instead they can have one AT-4 a Rocket Propelled Grenade, looks like a bazooka. Medics are very fast but carry only light semi-automatic rifles, and frag grenades. They're fast so they can get to victims and 'revive' them before the allotted time runs out. The speed also helps to evade gunfire while rushing to fallen comrades. Snipers...Well these are the shy ones, FKN COWARDS!!! Go run and hide and shoot from relative safety while people are shooting at each other. In this mans' opinion, 'Snipers are the lowest form of shit in this video game.' These players use their OWN TEAMMATES as bait. And if they kill an opponent as they are engaged in a battle with a teammate, then they are taking that players intended kill...Whatever... Ok so there is a crash course in the types of players one can use to KILL other players with. The point I was building up to is WAR and KILLING is NOT "G" RATED!!! The game has a "T" rating on the box for Blood and Violence...So I guess that, as their perogative, they let their kids play the game. I do, and he is 8, hes been playing it for about two and a half years, not steadily, but enough. he knows what it is all about, and how to be an effective "killer". My son and I were playing in a "G" Rated server, he was at home with his mother, I was at my home, he typed in lmao and got punted (forcibly disconnected) from the server. the reason was lmao means laugh my ASS off, and that is considered a breach of the language rule. It is a violation of the 'Masking" rule where you try to get the essence of a dirty word across without actually typing that word in. For example: fkn, azz, sh!t...He should have typed in, lmBo, because butt instead of ass changes the meaning COMPLETELY and thus renders that phrase harmless...Yes I know what your thinking and Arse is just English for Ass so its out too. In fact I made a boo-boo by typing in Fo Sho and got a warning. Seems that Ebonics is a form of masking. I mean that if I try to be cute and spell anything phonetically, I might be committing a major crime against the server, its owners, and all of it's guests. I made the mistake of being playful and typing in something about someone being a "bad mother", and then immediately after typing in "But Im just talking about..." alluding to the Shaft song lyrics. So I got reminded that I was in a "G" rated server and to please keep it clean. No Masking, No Swearing. I asked where I masked or swore, and got scolded, and threatened with being punted...Look, I see their point, Im no dummy, but sometimes I just find stuff like that to be ridiculous. 11:30 pm pst, all kids should be in bed, well all kids in the USA except Hawaii maybe...I just dont understand who is being protected with these restrictions on speech and expression...I agree with no outright swearing, and maybe no masking to an extent, I like the fact that some servers like to keep it clean, but what I experienced earlier felt more like an action taken by the Thought Police. Someone even asked me, '..a bad mother what?" Well the song never mentioned anything after Mother. so I dont really know. I do know, that, with that ultra conservative policy, everything said is not only looked at with expectation, but with a zealous scrutiny. Look, you know, if you really want to find something behind every corner, after a while, whether or not it is's really there, you will see it there. A "G" Rated Server hosting a "T" Rated game, L.M.A.O!!! I LOVE the hypocricy and the irony, I really do, until it hits home, then it's really annoying.

What a fucking day...

I had to get up at 4 am drive 50 miles to my Mother's house, she asked me to dig two holes for her rose bushes to go into so they wouldnt die while she is going to be away in Tennessee at my Aunts house for two weeks...So I dig holes at 5 am making enough noise to wake ALL of the neighbors...Then we pack up and I drop Moms off at the airport, drive 50-something miles home to get some sleep before I gotta get up and go to work. About an hour and a half later I get a call from my kids mom, yup the EX...She sounds kinda upset while asking me if I'm gonna be busy later and if I can pick the kid up at school. sure I can, what's the problem... Well my 7 year old's 19 year old cousin shot himself in the head last night...Needless to say most of that family is distraught...I took my boy home with me, and I got to experience him understanding finally what happened, and I coached him a bit...Wow, I have been so sad all day, Kamalo was a really good kid, I wonder why he felt so hopeless that he felt that this was the only way...
This is my letter to the station managers... David, Kate (spelling?) Look I am sorry, I need to let you know that I am choosing to leave the show due to both creative and personal differences. I have had absolutely no creative influence on the show although TJ and I were supposed to be developing it together. The show no matter what TJ says was my idea, and to not be able to see any of my vision realized was quite frustrating. I understand that it was never "our" show but solely TJ's show due to the fact that you are his"connection" and thus I would never have gotten on the radio without him, he even told me that he has your agreement on this matter. That matter can be expounded upon, but whats the point? I dont feel that I need to complain or gain agreement or pity, Im just telling my side. Also, I had a personal issue with some of the show's content, I dont find it at all acceptable in any way to make fun of someone, (Anna Nicole Smith) on her day of passing, TJ attempted to spin her death announcement in a humorous light, and I cut him short. I am nowhere near P.C. but there are certain lines of personal integrity I will not cross and that is one of them, I have loved ones, I dont want to hear people making fun of my sister when she dies...Then there was the special needs mentally disabled children under foster care who were kept in wooden crates and cages. I find this kind of situation offensive and not the subject of laughter, TJ thinks that there could be a funny take to this type of story. I do not. Last in the subject of ill content, was the last segment of the last show, please listen if you havent heard. I hope you understand why I got upset when I was called "sick" by TJ three times, while trying to convey an observation. I cannot abide by TJ inferring that I was of questionable moral character. That is how I took his comments. We have had several conversations regarding this and I dont believe that he grasps why I was not amused by his connotations, and lame attempts at humor at my expense. I have never made off color remarks like that about him. And I didnt know that I was there for him to make fun of in inappropriate ways. I wish to thank you for the opportunity, I really enjoyed being on the air, although I was a bit reserved not wanting to slip and swear and get myself/the station in trouble, I took that responsibility very seriously, perhaps too seriously. I mean maybe after I got more used to it I would have been able to relax and be more like myself. Well, anyways, I went back to persuing my vision, I talked to a few people I feel are intelligent, atriculate and represent a great demographic cross-section, and have already recruited at least 5 members of an 8 member culturally diverse podcast show panel. I have a 60 year old African American Female Dentist, a 47 year old Chinese American Male Chiropractor, 29 year old Causasian Male Electrician, a 24 year old Multi-Ethnic Female Student...and I dont argue with any of these people! My vision was a relaxed show with intelligent, humorous banter about relevant ISSUES! Not the days news. Since the panel will be mostly roving (rotating panel members) I would love to have either or both of you come and be part of our panel sometime. I hope to just play the role of Moderator, much akin to Bill Maher, but I do not intend to emulate him. I had a great time, I wish TJ and I could have come to an understanding, but he seems to be stuck on not being wrong, and wont acknowledge that even had a legitimate reason any of the times I did get upset, let alone my lack of influence on the show. I dont need for him to be wrong, I just need for him to see how and why my feelings got hurt, so we can avoid a similar situation from happening again. Perhaps the amount of wine being consumed has something to do with it...Perhaps not, I only know, that I feel that I am not heard by TJ on and off the Air. I hope we can continue our acquaintance, you guys take care...Marco aka The Stick-Man

old blog from myspace...

Wow...I never thought... Category: MySpace I could become so jaded...I mean JADED!!! I took a few weeks from myspace...I dont mean I personally boycotted MySpace, i mean I didnt peruse the pages and profiles as I do sometimes. I didnt look for cool bands or dudes to befriend, or pretty girls to persue. I only considered the friend requests I recieved almost every day, and either approved or denied...So the other day I kinda lollygagged in here for a few and posted a blog, read a few bullitens, and started to realize that the way I feel about MySpace and a LOT of the people inthe community, is with distrust, pity, and comtempt. I am so grateful for the few people I really like and respect that I have met here. I have posted about people who mislead, shamelessly self-promote, "collect friends", pimp or whore friends, use MySpace as their platform for narcissistic gratification...so on and so forth...I mean I got really sick of people who feel that "its all about me". Fuck you. It's not always about you, and, until you figure that out, you and those around you are destined for the same pathetic drudgery you have called your life. Full of insecurities, you seek self worth and validation from others. Full of emptyness and discontent, you seek gratification from gaining material possessions, or power. The answer is inside of us/you all. If you can pull your heads out of your asses long enough to consider others, and not just yourself, and you start doing FOR others and not just because you expect to reap rewards, you will find that rewards you never even DREAMED of will be bestowed upon you. Yeah I know it sounds Christian, so what? It might be...OK? Take Jesus out of it and it still makes a LOT of sense...Live it and it WILL prove out. I give you my word on this...

some ex soldiers rant...

CherryTAP Bulletin!MAKE STICKY! BLuEkWiNfAiRy (... remove friend subject: (This is a repost) FOR THE FUCK HEADS THAT LIKE TO TALK SHIT ABOUT THE WAR READ THIS AND SHUT THE FUCK UP! IM SICK OF ALL THE PEOPLE TALKING SHIT ABOUT WHAT MY FRIENDS ARE DOING OVER THERE!!!!! (repos date: 2007-02-10 08:26:21 i look at it this way you all need to grow the fuck up while men and women over seas are dieing you sit at home with nothing eles better to do then fight over some he said she said bullshit its fucking lame i did my time in the ARMY and you know what i wish they would pass a law that everyone should join the armed forces for 3 years then and only then should you beable to talk shit about them i have lost some of my good friends in this war and you know what pisses me off more than anything is hearing how much people talk shit about my friends are doing over there. now i ask all of you people in this bullshit fight thats going on here at CHERRYTAP do you have enough BALLS to sing up for 4 year and fight for your country knowing that any time you could not be comming home. i did it and i have a bullet hole in my back. why cuz i was fighting for your freedom to stay at home while you sat on your ass and talked shit about what i was doing our troops over seas dont ask you to support the war they just want you to support them nothing more nothing less. and i can tell you the best feeling i had was when i came home and i got off that plane and everyone in LAX stoped what they were doing and claped for me they didnt know me from a can of paint but they had enough respect for me and what i did for them that they felt the need to show me. so to all of you ass clowns starting some dumb ass fucking shit about the fucking war on CHERRYTAP grow some fucking balls and join up for 4 years and see how it really is befor you start talking shit. and i dont give 2 shits if you like what i have to say or not but think befor you talk shit cuz if you dont have the balls to do it dont talk shit about the ones who do have the balls to put their lives on the line for you. i think i have made my point about this. so to you that talk shit about my friends in the armed forces GROW THE FUCK UP OR SHUT THE FUCK UP! and if you cant shut up the run up and ill be here for the fight im not going any where. OK MY REPLY... this rant doesnt even make much sense...I dont think that everyone should be forced to serve in the armed forces...that kinda infringes on our freedom of choice dont you think? If you did, GOOD FOR YOU! The entire country thanks you. I think I can disagrre with a bullshit war based on lies and deceptiopns, without being critical or nonsupporting of the troops. I really hope that you can see the difference between being against a Military action and disrespecting troops. Many many people decry the war as baseless and unneccesary, how does that reflect on the troops??? Hoiw does criticsm of Bush and hie policies have anything to do with the troops??? Fact is I see very few people talking ANY shit about the soldiers, this isnt Vietnam you know, and if you want to step in the line of fire of public opinion and deflect harsh criticism of that jackass CinC, then so be it, but it really aint your business...So while no one is talking shit about the troops, why dont you shut the fuck up...I have friends in Iraq, I have lost friends in Iraq and I still dont support the war, but I do support the troops, I dont have to be one to know the difference between a Soldier and a fucking idiot like Bush...
watching the SHARKS game vs the ducks, perusing cherry tap, kinda bored...finding new interesting people to befriend and attempt to engage in conversation...taking it easy in general preparing to go on air tonight for our third radio show...TJ and The Stick-Man open forum open discussion show at midnight pst to 3 am, on www.ozcatradio.com or 1670 am if you live in or immediately near Vallejo Ca...we'ed love to have anyone who may be listening in to call and bs with us...talk about whatever you want...otherwise its just me and Teej discussing the current news, and other points of interest...I want YOUR input! LOL well, I guess I like that this blog wasnt like most of my myspace blogs, RANTS....I pretty much hate myspace tho...see yall on the radio I hope!
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