Hmmm, where do I start? Alight as a black man in America I can honestly say I know the black plight or should I say minority gripe. On the other hand, I as a human being I fully truly and wholly understand prejudice, ethnocentrisms, and stereotypes and all those other stuff that comes with it. I’m not that naïve to believe that, I will see a better tomorrow in my lifetime. I mean I’m bout to write my thoughts on this issue and I myself I’ve got my own little prejudices. I know I’m prejudice, I will not deny it.
What I caution myself on though, is the mixing of ideologies and notions that have gone astray. that is: Nazism, fascism, genocides, apartidesm, or whatever "ism" one wants to lump with the ones listed.
Basically, I can’t say I’m furious at people who choose to be ignorant and insensitive when it comes to issues of race cuss I’m not. Like I said earlier I’m prejudice. But I do have a gripe about people who openly flaunt swastikas and other monikers of HATE!! On their page or profile, I just saw a couple of profiles and some of the images on those pages are just irritating. I don't think I would have paid it much mind if all they were talking about is white power and or white supremacy...heck i don't give a shit if that is what their agenda is. For I feel every race or anyone from a race is entitled to that right. I’m in no way making an argument for white fascism or supremacy; I’m just saying one ought to be proud the way God has made one. That is one ought to be happy with whom we are. Like I said before, I do not have a problem with anyone who is proud about their race, cuss I know I am proud of mines, what I do have a problem with, how people show their pride for their race, in what manner it is done or by which/what means this notion or idea is being put out there. For the sake of argument, I’ll single the white race out.
I’m not going to mention the names of the members whose profile I saw or put their page links on blast cuss all that does is give them more traffic. I know for sure I’m going to block them from viewing my page. I just want to vent out this issue the way I see fit.
Maybe it’s me or I’m just clueless as to what Hitler stands for, but I’d think at this day and age knowing what we know. I would say Hitler represents that which is not good for the human soul. He was a menace to world and he still his-I mean that is why we are in Iraq; to stop people like him from ever raising up again- furthermore, I would think no one will want to be associated with him. For heavens sake Sadam was not as bad as him, no one wants to be associated with why in the world will somebody who’s trying to speak out and assert his love for his/her race choose Hitler. Hitler’s idea of white supremacy is “tall, blond, and blue eyed”. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but I doubt all white people were born that way…he himself was a short crossed eye little bastard who was born with health problems.
When I see something like that, I think of an idea or agenda gone wrong. And it makes me wonder what this person or group of people are thinking to associate themselves with such a thing then this in turn triggers a survival instinct in me that is I’m a moving target of such people, go get a gun and defend yourself. I’m here to stay. Even if I were born a green man, I’m here to stay. I’ve lived on this planet and enjoyed most of my moments on this planet and I know I don’t want to be forced out by anyone or any group of people…so when I see swastikas and Hitler images on peoples pages or profile all this does is convey to me that this person is beyond my race or my pride. This person(s) have progressed to the level of an ideology gone wrong. To me, that is what Hitler stood for destruction. I may be wrong, I may be right but it is my gripe.