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Romantic scene

rose petals covered the floor and bed, flickering candle light illuminating every twisted inch of the room. It was a scene from some mushy romance movie but with one difference. It was real and she was the lead actress. Arms wrapped around her waist pulling her back against a hard muscular chest molding her to his hip, dewy silken rose petals brushing against the hallow of her neck. The touch of both sent shivers of desire coursing through her entire body. Nothing could and would ever feel more right then that moment- a moment created out of true love. "My sweet, you asked me to prove my love to you and that is just what this is. I told you it didn’t matter to me whether you are human, vampire, or wolf...common or royalty. I want you as my mate for my love for you is never dying....never changing." Spinning around in his arms she peered up into those enchanting eyes he called his own, her vision slightly blurred as she searched through emotions. Could it possibly be true? Could he ant her as his life time mate, his only mater for life? All she found in his smoldering eyes was undying devotion, love and a desire that burnt him to his core. The vampire before her had spoken the truth, he loved her and wanterd her as his for life .Her a common lowly werewolf. With gentle sure hands Trixie reached up and stroked his cheek, being drawn closer to him with every passing moment. No one, human or not could make her melt inside the way that he did even though a union between them was forbidden. Robert was her heart and soul. "You're willing to leave vampiric society for me? To give up your high privileged life for a wolf that can only love and protect?" she questioned. His smile was lazy as he bent down and kissed her nose, a hand caressing the nape of her neck. He was sweet, willing and protective of what belonged to him. Could she ask for a better man? "Aye. I'd even give up my life for you. Please say you'll be mine," he whispered. Like a bolt of lightening her fingers tore away his shirt throwing the shreds away, her breaths becoming more painful as she noticed a scar across his stomach. Who had dared harm the man she loved.. her mate.. her soul. The scar in it's midst seemed to be his only flaw so far. Absently she ran her fingers through his chest hair, tracing it down to the waist band of his jeans where she was cut off. "I've always been yours. We've just only realized it." His lips found hers in a tender passionate kiss that made her truly glad he was holding her up. A possessive howl escaped her lips as the two of them laid down on the bed, rose petals flying everywhere. A night of passion and bonding was ahead of them, mother moon as their guardian.
Blood, stained the cobbled streets as the humans advanced, killing off any vampire and or werewolf left alive. They had succeeded in killing all who had fought them that night. All but one. Charles lead his brigade through the deceased bodies killing off anything breathing. He hated doing it but those were his orders and unless he wanted to be taken from his position as brigade leader. As him and his brigade turned the corner he noticed a shadowy figure crouched in an opening of an alley. “Men up ahead, do not shoot but be on your guard,” he cried. As he approached he got a better view of what sat there in the alley. It was a woman of incredible beauty but she was shot up pretty bad and on her way to death’s door. “Miss we’re gunna help you out just give me your name Hun.” The woman looked up, her eyes a cobalt eyes changing to blue in a matter of seconds, but the pain in them never went away. She might have been a vampire but she needed help. Slowly he approached her with his weapons pointed at the ground. “my…..name…is…………Cassie.” As he took her hand in his hands, his entire team came up with a stretcher and loaded her upon it being careful not to harm her. As they were about to place her in the ambulance the army leader appeared out of no where, anger in his eyes. “BOY! Is that a vampire you’re loading into the ambulance?” he growled. Instead of cowering like most did Charles stared right into the man’s eyes. He didn’t care whether he had all the power in the human world no one truly had the power over him. “yes sir it is a vampire and she’s badly hurt,” he growled in return. His men secured her in the ambulance and stood there waiting for more orders. They were all good men and would do anything he ordered them to even if it was against their orders. As they stood there looking at him they seemed afraid but what really scared them was their commanders laughter. It wasn’t the gentle belly rolling laughter, it was more like the evil kind. One that would kill any living thing in but a second. “boy that’s what we want or didn’t you understand your orders?” Charles tightened his grip on the holster of his gun as he glared up at his “leader” once again. he had understood the orders perfectly clear but he didn’t want to waste a beauty such as that. “sir yes sir, I understood the orders clearly sir but she can tell us everything about anything sir.” He glared up into the man’s anger filled eyes waiting for his words to take affect, but at the moment it wasn’t. “hmmmmm…you have a point there son, load her up and once she’s healed take her to a holding cell.” Relief washed over his entire body as he saluted and jumped into the back of the ambulance where Cassie lay, her pale skin illuminated by the lights. “Sir, you sure she wont jump up and bleed us dry?” Charles turned his head to look upon the youngest member of his brigade, noticing fear in his eyes. He’d only been there for a month and was lucky to have survived the war. No it wasn’t a matter of luck, it was a matter of chance. “Kid if she was going to jump up and bleed us all dry she would have done it by now, and please look carefully she’s out cold…..you can tell by how she’s breathing,” Charles stated. The lass was out cold but she still held the beauty worthy of a queen….beauty worthy of a goddess. Was a pity she had been born a vampire for some man would have loved her had she been born human. But if she lived there was no telling whether the future held imprisonment or death for her. Knowing the army commander it would be imprisonment, he loved to watch his victims suffer.

No title

The waves crashed against the shore as a young woman of sixteen walked along the beaches, her long ebony colored hair blowing in the sea breeze. A plain violet dress clung tightly to the curves-curves that caught male attention. Beside the girl an abnormally large wolf trotted occasionally glancing her way. Suddenly she felt the pull of her master’s magic drawing her away from the shore and closer to the endless meadow. As she approached the small cottage she noticed her master standing outside creating spells near the fire that glowed blue. He wore his normal attire which was a thin brown robe tied at the waist by a white rope. His normally light brown hair was streaked with the gray that he tried so hard to hide and his smooth face adorned with wrinkles of time. Time could be seen upon his every feature and that worried her. “master why have you summoned me into your presence?” the girl asked. Casually she sat down on a stump hopping it wouldn’t move out from beneath her. unfortunately it didn’t matter, the stump scuttled away from her before she was even close to sitting down. The girl landed in the dirt with a slight plop creating a dust cloud that hung suspended in mid air. Something close to a laugh came from the jowls of the wolf as he took hold of the girls dress and pulled her to her feet. “ Dear Samantha you need to calm the wood sprite first.. I thought I taught you better then that,” Master Halgrith stated. Embarrassed Samantha looked down at her hands that were still covered in dirt. “ don’t worry dear friend it was an honest mistake….that I’m sure wont happen again” the wolf whispered. Samantha slowly ran her fingers over her friends soft fur. “it wont happen again I promise you that Samuel,” Samantha stated. Suddenly a small ground nymph came running up to the cottage breathing heavy. Samantha watched as Master Halgrith took the young nymph in his arms and listened to every word that was spoken. “ Child the nymph has just informed me that in a few minutes soldiers from the royal palace will be arriving carrying what is to be a formal invitation…and we all know those aren’t pretty.” Just as the nymph had said riders bearing the royal crest upon their armor came riding up from the forest. Samuel got on his hunches with his teeth bared and a low growl just coming from his throat. The first soldier stopped his steed and pulled out a roll of parchment before clearing his throat. “ Master Halgrith and Lady Samantha, King Agamemnon requests your presence at his wedding.. if you resist you will be taken by force,” he stated. Samantha watched as her master tensed and then relaxed a bit as he contemplated his options. “alright let us pack and we will be on our way….are you

Truth(version 2)

“Damn it Cassie you are worth loving and I’ll say it till you believe those words. I might even shout it from the roof tops. Hell you’re worth more then just loving ……..you’re worth dying for and by the gods my life is at your service. I love you Cassandra…I do and nothing can change that not even your words.” Jason turned to stare at the vision before him. She had never been more beautiful then she was at that moment. Her long blonde hair hung loose covering every inch of her. The fire light reflecting off it. He didn’t know whether he had been given a chance with and angel or the worlds one true treasure. “Jason I could never ask you to give your life for me it isn’t at all proper…..and I have one question you have left to answer. May I ask it?” “What do you wish to ask my love?” Jason questioned. “Will you ever ask me to be yours……will you ever take that chance?” He noticed her voice quiver as she asked those questions and when he glanced at her face he couldn’t see any emotions showing. She did want to be his, her words said it all. She did love him after all……it was a miracle. She was his blonde haired blue-eyed miracle. Slowly he stepped forward and pulled Cassie into his arms, holding her tight. The heart he had thought was breaking turned top side and began beating uncontrollably. “Depends on when you want to be mine because I’ll want you for now and until the day I’m turned to dust. Cassie do you want to be mine? Do you want me to love you? Do you want to be my…..mate?” Jason looked down to see surprise written on her every feature of her lovely face. Had he said something wrong. Had he asked her the wrong questions? “I don’t want to be all of those things Jason……I do and I want to be them now.” The desperation in her voice caught his attention. Slowly he bent down and kissed Cassie’s forehead. She would belong to him and he would protect her with his very soul. He would love her…..cherish her and let her be the woman she wanted to be. Without thinking twice upon it he bent his head down in the crook of her neck, carefully sinking his teeth in, claiming her as his own. “Be mine.” he whispered, his voice husky with desire. Her sigh told him all he needed to know, she was truly his now. “I love you Jason…..I love you.”
She stood in the corner of the dance floor looking over all the couples. She didn’t know why she even came to social events where she wasn’t accepted, wasn’t asked to dance not once. Without glancing at the ballroom floor once more she turned and went to walk out the door but something stopped her, some presence. “Excuse me miss, may I have this dance?” The voice was familiar but she just couldn’t place it, slowly she turned around ending up face to chest with a man dressed in an elegant black suit and tie. As she craned her neck to see who stood before her she noticed a couple at the doorway looking at her with mild interest. “Yes sir you may.” she wondered how they could possibly dance when his shoulder was up there and her hand could barely reach without using some of her gifts.

Truth(jason and cassie)

" you think i went through all the trouble of keeping you safe to just drag you away from your job....your life?" jason snapped. His fury was not something anyone saw much but Cassie had a way of bringing it forth. "that's why you're here isnt it...to stop me from going to deep into a world where there may be no escape?" Cassie questioned. She always looked strong and always kept a wall up between her and the rest of the world, but at that moment it all collapsed. she looked so helpless and small against what was coming it made him want to stand by her side....to protect her. "no Cassie I came to tell you that............" what were the words he was looking for and could he really say them? should he tell the woman standing there before him in all her immortal elegance that he loved her? " i just came to wish you good luck," he whispered. without glancing up at Cassie he turned towards the door, his heart weighing heavy. "Jason i love you....i thought you'd like to know now just incase I don’t ever get the chance to tell you." her words cut through his heavy heart almost making him die, die after a born death. “what was that?" he turned towards Cassie once more but she was facing away, facing the over postured wall. " i'm in love with you and i thought you'd like to know now just incase i never again got the chance to....i've loved you since the day you saved me those ten years ago," she whispered. that day seemed like it had been forever gone but she remembered. "Cassandra why didnt you tell me before?" He watched as Cassie slunk down against the rear wall. "because i know you dont feel the same way about me......you never will, i'm just your friend." how can she say that wasnt it all obvious....cant she see i would die to protect her......do anything to have heard those words a thousand times. slowly he walked over and gathered Cassie in his arms, holding her close. "Cassie, i do love you and i always will.....i'd die to protect you, i shall not leave your side if that is what you want." Jason felt Cassie kiss his arm before leaning back against him. " i don’t want you to leave me...my side."
Alex stood on a balcony over looking the city, her lovely black feathered wings wrapped tightly around her body. Too many emotions that had been dormant for so long were getting to her. She couldn’t take it and it was all because of one man. A man so arrogant, so self centered but yet so much a gentlemen and so giving at the same time. It just seemed so unreal. All she used to love was flying and the rush that came with it but now she felt something else-something for Lexander. Slowly she pushed herself away from the balcony, plummeting towards the rushing city lights. The air wrapped around her in a lovers embrace pulling her closer to the city streets. The air was her haven, the sky held no limit for her- she was free. Slowly and reluctantly she opened her wings, catching an up draft that pulled her back up into the night sky. She was at home and very much alive. “ Father midnight I call your arms my home, protect me from myself forever.” Both the night and day had given birth to her, both protected her, both loved her with and undying passion. On the horizon the beginning of morning hung. Alex’s time for freedom was at and end. Slowly she floated down to the rising city below. It was time to hide herself amongst those who treasured nothing, who loved nothing.
“You think this a game girl? We are going to kill you and there is nothing you can or will be able to do that can stop it. Understand?……..STOP LAUGHING BITCH!” Elizabeta stopped laughing and looked up into the masked man’s eyes. His voice sounded so familiar. Where had she heard it before….or was her mind playing tricks on her. Slowly she found her strength and got to her feet, defiance in her eyes. She was a daughter of the night, one not afraid of something. Not afraid of death for she embraced it with open arms. She was already dead. “You can torture me all you like…you can try to make me feel pain but let me tell you something…..I’m already dead. Been dead for almost two hundred and one years. I don’t fear you and I don’t fear the reaper. He’s my lover….my protector. So boys do your worst….I beg you,” she snapped. After her words had been spoken she noticed a hand coming towards her but she wasn’t about to cringe away. One of her capture’s hands connected hard with the side of her face. He hadn’t’ slapped her, he had punched her. “YOU LYING WHORE I’VE TRIED SO HARD TO GET YOU TO BE MINE BUT I FAILED. IT’S THAT DAMNED PROFESSOR OF YOURS AINT IT? HE’S GOT YOU UNDER HIS THUMB…..YOU’LL DO ANYTHING FOR HIM WONT YOU? WELL GUESS WHAT YOU’LL BE MINE SOON. IT’S EITHER DEATH FOR HIM OR……..or well I’ll impregnate you. Then he’ll never touch or speak to you again. What do you think about that?” Until that moment she hadn’t realized who her capture was.
“ Don’t look at me with those innocent eyes they don’t work with me hun. I’m prone to sweet little eyes like that. Now tell me what you’re doing here.” Kira glanced down at her hands trying to ignore the tears that kept trying to flow. She didn’t know why she had risked her life breaking into his mansion only to gain info when there was none. Maybe it had been a stupid hope a stupid dream but at least she had tried to no prevail. Slowly she glanced up at the man that stood there towering over her. “Oh nothing really just looking for information on you…..but to my surprise there is no record of you in the police files. No records of you here…no records of you anywhere. Tell me do you even truly exist?” she questioned. As she glanced up at the man once more defiance in her eyes this time, only to see irritation and surprise mingled together on Lexander’s face. Without thinking twice on it Kira began to slowly back away but before she got four feet away from the door Lexander had a hold of her, his grip never faltering. Either he was going to kill her or rip her wrist off. “I do exist or else I wouldn’t be standing here in front of you…..or don’t you understand that? But to go snooping through my house….girl you have some nerve. I’ll tell you what……..I wont call the cops IF you agree to one thing.” A deal? He was giving her a deal…..one tempting enough to make a grown man fall to his knees and beg for the deal but she wasn’t just anyone. She was stubborn woman. “What one thing do you have in mind?” “Become mine for a year…..and no not just stealing for me….but you must come to my bed at night also….so cops or that?”

Empire's New King

She stood before the entire empire clothed in elegance watching every face that was standing there. For the first time in a few years she was afraid, afraid of them not accepting her choice- her choice as their next male ruler. Their next king in the lines of the empire. The empire which shant fall until the last of the strong bloodlines disappear. Quickly she glanced over at her advisors to see most of them frowning as the glanced down over the crowd but Michael smiled at her, urging her on. Slowly she stepped forth and as she did so the crowd quieted and no sound was made. “ People of my empire I first came before you as a poor un kept, unmannered young girl and I’ve grown into what you see now…but now it is my time to wed and I have chosen a husband as humble as I once was…..I give you Gabriel,” She hollered. Surprise showed on each of their faces as Gabriel stepped forth to be gazed upon. He was as handsome as the day she had met him but this time an emotion she’d thought he could never feel shone in his eyes, love. As he moved closer she felt his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. She could have gone forever like that if it wasn’t for those watching the two of them. Suddenly cheers of happiness burst out from the crowd.
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