BiBubbalicousGurlie Owned by Sin
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35 Year Old
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Joined on January 14, 2008
Born on December 24th
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35 Year Old
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Joined on January 14, 2008
Born on December 24th
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I am 18 yrz old currently. I am studying wicca, and energy work.
I love my family and friends more than you could possibly understand.
Don't hurt yourself trying to understand how much.
I love my kitty kat his name is Shadow..aka Sexy Emo Kitty.
Don't Talk shit about my family, friends or me. I am who I am.
I except im not perfect, no one is.
My Goal in life is To be who I was meant to be.
I want to be an obstetrician, which is someone who delivers babies.
I have an uncontrollable love for babies and children.
I love bellehs..its an obsession of mine. Blood..yummi..also a very big obsessesion of mine.
Call it what u like. I am me. I am no more. I am no less. I am what I want to be.
I am a singer, a teacher, a lover, a godmother, a daughter, an artist, a photogropher, a writer, a poet, A painter. but most of all I am me!
thats who I strive 2 be..myself.
I also know that im very wierd, and also a freak.
Don't waste your time bothering me about how I am one..its onli a compliment
so if it helps yew sleep at night to compliment me..go for it.
I am overall very very very sweet and loving. and most of the time nice.
But don't get on my badside..
it takes awhile to earn my trust..if you do..don't ruin that..
My greatest treasures in life are my family and friends; the people who
actually give a damn about what really happens to me. I stand strongly for what I feel and about my sexuality, if you have
a problem with me being bi...thats fine, just keep it to yourself, thanx!!

Making your own decisions is hard, its not easy to ignore the people around you saying all kinds of things. I know though, that if I was to listen to everyone around me than today I would be such a hateful person, I would hate anyone who wasn't the same religion, or who had different opinions on things, and different skin color pigments. Although, thankfully, I chose my own path, I let NO ONE force me to believe what I didn't want to believe. Yea, there are definetly people in my life who are against gays, and yet im bi, GLBT people didn't choose to be what sexuality they are, we didn't pick it like you pick a career, we did not choose to be hated by people...and unfortunetly thats what happens frequently. Yes there are people who Don't believe in God, and Good for them, SERIOUSLY...I don't want everyone in the would to believe the same exact thing. My church does not accept gays, but that is the way the people there where brought up, and how they chose to believe, I cant change them, nor will I try, and nor should I. Yes I will go around and speak of my feelings, and yes I will let people know my opinions, and GREAT if it changes someone from being hateful, but I cant change anyone by trying, no one can. The change in you, has to come from you, and you only. There can be help and suggestions on the way...but that decision whether we will change, comes from our own hearts. The world will still go around, even if there is so much hate, racism, biasm, and predjudism, because there will always be someone who is , never will it happen that everyone in the world is at peace, and loves one another...I can only wish...If this world could be like my dreamworld, it would have no hate, only love, but like I said no one person can change anyone or thing, somewhere along the line they will need or recieve help.
So fight for your rights, and fight for the rights of others...and you can make a difference, I never said that wasn't possible, I am only saying somewhere along the way you will need some help, and don't feel bad about yourself about it, everyone needs help at one time or another. So research, interview, experience...and change the world, person at a time...don't be afraid to ask for the hand of the person next to you, they will help you...The Hardest Job in life, is life, so Don't quit you'll get a raise(yes I wrote it)...I live by that and "Have the fear and do it anyway"...there will always be fear, but do it anyways, regardless of the fear, fight for yours, and you neighbors rights....
35 Year Old
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Joined on January 14, 2008
Born on December 24th
17 referrals joined!
1 person has a
crush on me!
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