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Sex Survey!

Do you like sex rough or sensual? Depends on the mood... there are times i love to take my time and make it last.. other times i like to be wild and fun... Do you prefer to be with the opposite sex or the same sex? Or both? im bi take a guess LOL How often do you like to have sex? I can go for months without sex, and there are times where i just gota have it.... Is sex a top priority for you? Not really. Do you have sex face to face with your partner? Depends on the face LOL How often do you have wild crazy sex with a complete stranger? It's been a while, but I'm not against it. How do you do you feel about one night stands? It's been awhile but personaly its not my thing.. How many one night stands have you had? College was fun, let's leave it like that. What's your favorite position? I really don't have one.....hmmmm Where's your favorite place to have sex? dont have a favorit YET! Do you prefer to make love or fuck? who cares its all the same thing... NEXT! Have you ever watched porn while having sex? No. How long do u usually fore-play b4 doing the deed? for as long as possible hehe... Do you get off first or do they? depends... ushally me LOL Do you like kissing during sex? *nods* Do you moan? If so are you loud or quite? Generally I'm quiet, but I can be very loud the more orgasimic i get... Do you prefer your partner to be loud or quite? i really dont care as long as there enjoying themselves thats all that counts.... lol Dose size matter? (for girls dicks/for guys boobs)? i could care less honistly... its the act, performance that counts LOL... How old were you when you lost your virginity? 16 How many sexual partners have you had in the last month? 0 What does your favorite fore-play include? Biting. being tied up... hmmm Do you ever play with yourself during the act? Not really. Do you prefer to sleep with randoms, or one person? ushally one .... Have you ever done anal? If so did you like it? Been there, done that, could care less if it happens again. When and where was your wildest sex ever? in a jeep at a drive inn.... Whats your ultimate sexual fantasy? It involves hand cuffs, whipped cream, a whip hmmm rope too... Have you ever done porn? no Have you ever had sex for money? No. Have you ever bribed someone to have sex with you? No. Is sex still good when you're cheating? NO.... During sex, what are you thinking about? SEX.. duh... Do you like the top or bottom at first? I like to take turns. Do you ever worry about how you're pleasing your partner? worry? no.. i like to make them feel good but i wouldnt say i worry... Could you live without sex? I could. How often does a typical sexual episode last for you? Depeends who im with LOL Do you like to perform oral sex? YES! Do you like to receive oral sex? I love it. Have you ever taped yourself in the act? With duct tape? hmm no lol Have you ever had a 3-sum? 4-sum? 5-sum? Yes, there not all there made out to be... Have you ever had interracial sex? Technically? Almost all the time. im mixed anyway haha Have you ever been caught in the act? If so, by whom? No. Have you ever had sex at work? yes Have you ever had sex at school? no What is something you'd never consider doing? golden showers Have you ever had sex on drugs? I guess so. Would you ever have sex in public? Depends maybe? Whats your biggest turn on? hmmm someone biting me and scratching my back * HARD* not gently lol Do you spit or swallow? Next.... How many times have you gotten off in one night? i wouldnt know i think 16 was the most acording to my ex lmao Would you let other people watch you have sex? eh if were both open to the idea why not ? LOL Have you ever had sex in front of your best friend? No. Have you ever had sex with your best friend's b/f or g/f? No. Do you ever have sex in the shower? Yep. Whats the weirdest place you ever had sex? on a pile of stacked chairs LOL Whats the biggest age difference with a partner? i dunno ? i think 10 Are you still goanna have sex when you are 70? providing i dont get killed by then LOL What was/is your most embarrassing sexual moments? Lets just say fruit was involved... LOL How old is too young to have sex in your opinion? personaly i dont ushally date people younger than me but anyone younger than 25 ushally is to young... but i stick to people older... I want to be the baby damm it! lol Do you like to be completely naked or half-assed? Full monty. Have you ever done it at your grandparents? No. Have you ever had sex on a boat or a yacht? YES What is the most public place you have ever had sex? A Drive IN Do you like having sex in cars? If so, driver seat, passenger, or back seat? back..... LOL Do you wear protection as much as you should? does not apply i make them whare it if it applys LOL Has any of your one night stands resulted in a child you know of? no If you are over 18, have you ever had sex with someone under 18? NO Do you prefer to sleep with someone older or younger than you? read above Next.... LOL Whats the perfect size? (for girls-inches in dick, for guys-cup size? i could care less its the performance that counts lol Have you ever done bondage sex (chains whips etc...)? if not, would you? Cuffs. Some blindfold fun. Whipping and spanking. Have you ever slept with someone out of pity? nope lol Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life? cant say i've had that yet LOL If you could sleep with ANYONE, who would it be? hmmmmm I'll leave that to your imagination...LOL


i sit here and wonder what life has to offer these days. its seems like a long shot but really what more can i say. i'm looking for something much deeper than most people will know...something so beautiful... what i want is simple happyness, love, laughter, that special someone to share my life with. but what more can i say...i want that special partner that love of my life... but i need someone assertive enough to speak to me... and say thats what they want of me too... is anyone out there ? Or am all alone ?

the last pedal

Perfect as a rose pedal Watch as it endures The blooms fight for their life As they are surrounded by knives For what they know best Is the blossom of their hearts They live in the moment they open Hopes to achieve, reside in their minds Pedals come and pedals go Stop to watch as they appear Appreciate the colors and smells Learn from them while they are here For they will disappear No more chances do they get They cannot be forgiven For they must open and if they don't It is the end Some will arise to the occasion They are beautiful in every way Every chance they get To send sweet aroma in the air To fill the days with colors so fair But the life is short Because they opened, they must fall The fall to death Conscious of the life they lived Are they successful or Do they suffer in agony as the last pedal falls

like sun

Like Sun I watched the sun with its wings of gold paint the tops of the drying hills so that every grass was left in an orangy hue. I knew then what it was to pull out from within the will to create, for once to listen to the shouting of my self telling me to paint my life red, no longer hesitating to take that sudden stroke and make my world like sun.

its up to you

on earth One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a friendship, One handclasp lifts a soul. One star can guide a ship at sea, One word can frame the goal. One vote can change a nation, One sunbeam lights a room. One candle wipes out darkness, One laugh will conquer gloom. One step must start each journey, One word must start each prayer. One hope will raise our spirits, One touch can show you care. One voice can speak with wisdom, One life can make the difference, You see, its up to you!
Tale of Adam Root and Eve Root Welcome to the Garden of Earthly Delights this is a tale of Adam Root and Eve Root. One day while in the Garden of Earthly delights, the tree lord decided to make a male herb named Adam Root. Adam Root was born from the tree lord, he was an herb in a garden of many temptations. While Adam Root was taking form growing from a baby herb too an adult herb he began to change and discover who he was.As he grew, the tree lord told him you've been bestowed the magickal properties Sex Magick, Fertility, Rejuvenation. Adam asked the tree lord "Why these properties? " if I have no female herb to produce with and rejuvenate the garden. That got the tree lord to thinking and as he left Adam for the evening and told Adam when he awoke the next morning he would not be alone. Adam Root pondered, thought all evening when he laid down to sleep he tossed and turned as he tried to figure exactly what the tree lord meant. As he finally settled, The Tree Lord took one of Adams branches and started creating a female herb consort for Adam. When Adam Root awoke to find a beautiful female herb next to him in the herb garden. "WHO ARE YOU" he frightfully said, The frail female herb said I am Eve Root and who might you be? I am Adam Root I uh um er live here in the herb garden. Looking at each other both was a fright with what they saw. Just as they were discovering each other the voice of the tree lord came to them both I created Eve Root so you Adam wouldn't be lonely. Thank You, great tree lord she is beautiful. I must caution you Adam do not engage anything with your magickal powers. Eve spoke up "How come he has powers and I don't", she asked the tree lord. Sweet Eve you also have magickal powers given they are Love, Happiness, Compassion, New Life. She inquired how do we use these powers? Do we on each other? How does this work? So many questions sweet Eve, you both heed me you must not use these powers on each other under no circumstances. Do you both understand? "Yes", they said in unison. Many months passed and it was spring, a time for rejuvenation, rebirth a celebration of Beltane. Adam and Eve got used to each other as fruit were forming on the trees, flowers were blooming and new beginnings was around the corner little did Adam and Eve Root realize their life in the garden was about to take a different turn. Eve, stated to Adam I am so bored with tending to these flowers and I so want an apple these grapes are losing their flavor. Adam replied rules of the garden don't to apply to boredom, the Tree Lord said were not to indulge in the apples on the tree we are only consume the grapes. Flowers are to keep you busy so try not to think about boredom with them. So Eve went about her day and Adam was wanting to find out what his powers were and why he couldn't use them on Eve. This bothered him immensely, as he sat there bothered along came the Snake Lady. She slithered by Adam and hissed at him to get his attention. Startled by her hissing at him he looked at her and frightfully asked who she was. Who are you, what kind of snake are you? Slithering towards him I am the Lady Snake it seems like you and Ms innocent over there are getting quite bored are you not? Just as Lady Snake asked Adam that here comes Eve Root, why yes we are, she replied. Have any suggestions to relive this dreadful Borden? Why Yes I do as she slithered toward Eve Root, I overheard you complain of eating grapes and how bored you were with flowers and making garlands. Yes ,Yes that is true replied Eve Root. Well since you two ARE the only ones in the garden I don't think eating some apples will HARM you, Do you? Adam hastily said the Tree Lord made it clear we were not to eat his apples off his trees. Since when did those trees become HIS trees after all I share this garden with him and now you two. You may have apples if you so desire. Just then a loud boom of thunder boomed across the sky and the Lady Snake disappeared and appearing in his place was the Tree Lord. Adam and Eve were you not speaking to Lady Snake, both looked perplexed as to how did he know they were talking to her. Adam and Eve both stuttered the words Yes we were, She is dangerous and most of all she does not share the garden with me she is using trickery to get you to be tempted. No she wasn't angrily stated Eve, she was merely sharing her food with us as you have given us grape vine after grape vine and rows of apple trees. Why can we not eat the apples? Eating the apples of the apple trees cause wild behaviors you cannot control the magick that lies within those apples or temptations. Scoffing off Eve stated in ad mist of her scoffing I do not believe you whatsoever. Adam whispered I wished you hadn't said that. The Tree Lord became very displeased by his creation's behavior, Eve this behavior displeases me to know end. You shall be punished if you consume those apples out of rebellion towards me and your virtues and in a puff of smoke he left. As night fell Adam and eve drifted off to sleep, and just as the had Lady Snake slithered passed the sleeping couple. Deviling smiling, this is gonna be so easy with two nieve virtuous and nieve people. Just as lighting danced across the sky Lady Snake transformed into a goddess of temptation, mere mortal fools think I am a snake, boy do I have them fooled. She waved her wand over the sleeping duo and recited her cantation, Apples, Apples, Apples are what you shall eat, consume and see what lies at your feet. Adam take Eve and consummate this relationship to fulfill that undying temptation that lies within.At the last strike of lighting she shape shifted quickly back into a snake and slithered away. The very next morning, Adam awoke to a sleeping Eve with no prior knowledge what occurred last night during his slumber. She is so pretty, so innocent and she is so beautiful, Desirous she is I wish I could and I can't. He walked away before Eve awoke, fetching breakfast which consisted not grapes BUT apples. He headed toward Eve without realizing what he grabbed instead of grapes, in the background Lady Snake was cackling with delight, stupid fool you've fallen for my spell. Eve saw Adam over here, Here he said I've fetched you breakfast, Just as Eve reached in the basket she noticed it was not grapes but apples, she said to Adam you've brought me Apples not grapes, in his reply Go ahead and eat there is no harm in eating an apple. She looked surprised after he scolded her yesterday, just as she took the first bite she felt warm and fuzzy.Adam took a bite from the same apple he too felt tingling all over, what's going on he yelped..and he walked over to Eve root and wrapped his roots around her in a passionate embrace and kissed her and consummated as herbs do by intertwining each other. After all was said and done they finally realized what they HAD done. Adam said, "Oh he's going to be so displeased by our actions look what we did". "Well it wasn't my fault" Eve said you took advantage of me, and our powers combined and all out of wack now look where we are. Just as she stated that, Lady Snake slithered by the couple who was intertwined, Looky Looky Here what do I see before me. You did this exclaimed Adam and Eve was sobbing you tricked us you reptile. Well yes, I am a reptile but YOU chose to follow temptation it was merely me who suggested the idea. Your choice was to follow YOUR temptation, stated Lady Snake. I don't care what you say stated Eve your at fault not us. Ah but my child you are said Lady Snake, you were warned not to combine your powers; you chose to and you were warned not to eat the apples which you neglected to do. "Your point is", stated Adam just as he said this a loud angry boisterous thunder boomed and appeared the Tree Lord. My My it appears you two have landed yourself in a fine mess here, at the same time ITS not our fault they exclaimed. THEN whose is it, exclaimed the Tree Lord, It was her fault she did this to us, no my children its your fault. What to do with you two? I've decided that you shall remain in the garden as God and Goddess of the Garden of Earthy Delights. Remain? Exclaimed Eve and Adam right behind her. Yes I said remain you rule this pantheon and you will accept offering to those who come to you and you will state what is accepted to receive in a place of an offering. So I suggest you two get this place made into a home. What about her, exclaimed Eve? "I am going to deal with her", said the Tree Lord, Lady Snake since you like being a permant fixture around here, you will remain here into the wall of stones. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she exclaimed you cant do that, I cant what said the Tree Lord. Well I uh I meant you just cant put me in that wall, well Guess what sweetheart see you in the wall, she cried NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! and she was placed in the wall of stones that consisted of Emerald, malachite, amber, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz. Now we will see how she likes it there, and a whimper of a voice came from Lady Snake. I WANT OUT OF HERE!! Too bad now shut up and be quiet, take your punishment. What about food she exclaimed? Food said Adam have an apple since you like apples so much and tossed one into the wall. Now that Lady Snake wasn't a problem anymore, the Tree Lord bid the couple farewell and told the other herbs that in exchange for offerings of fertility, joy, happiness,rejuvenation and new beginnings. They would have to 1. Honor Adam and Eve as the god and goddess of the garden with respect and loyalty. 2. Do the service of tending to the garden and everything in their must be cared for. 3. Participate in all preparations of Beltaine. 4. There is to be no snakes in the garden they must rid the garden of snakes. 5. Not Eat the fruit of apples on the trees without permission from Adam or Eve. If these five things were done by each member as in exchange for offerings then they would be handsomely awarded for their offering exchanges.Now the moral of our tale is listen to what your being told or your consquences could land you in the garden of earthly delights for enternity or you wind up in a wall. Lady Snake Screaming , "SOMEONE LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The End

"Undressing Your Mind"

I watched through your windows, As you let your shaded wrappings fall, Straight to the carpet, Lying at your feet, exposing all. My mind and my pulse soared, Watching as you paused in silent grace. Such moments are priceless, In this world of swift and mindless pace. I opened your window, So that I could touch the same soft place, I saw from the outside, When you stripped for me and showed your face. I stared in your eyes then, As you stood--the only naked mind, I have yet witnessed-- The only undressed soul I'll ever find.

"small traveler"

"small traveler" Far below His lofty distant perch, she travels, Down a darkened, stony, lonely lane, Unaware He charts her every move, she ambles On small feet, well-bruised and fraught with pain. From above He calls out in His voice--she listens, Hears her name born softly in the breeze. Still, she waits, then moves her feet again, now faster, Trembling in her soul and in her knees. Once again she stumbles and she falls--she lies there, Terrified to sleep until the dawn. Morning comes, her naked soul awakes, then panics, Reaches for a robe, then puts it on. Hiding still beneath the spreading oaks, she wonders If she'll ever bask in open air and light, Or alone, she's doomed to shrink in shame and sorrow, Shaded by the hues of wrong and right. Then at once, the limbs above her part, in reverence, Sunlight floods her face, as does His voice. In her heart, she knows the time has come for her to Take His hand, or faint, that is her choice.

a woman of her own words

As i stand upon these tall rocks along the shore of the sea I stretch my arms like wings and let the wind come beneath my ffeet i take pride as i gaze up into the sun and see the beauty of its light I love how the rays of light touch the water of this giant mysterious sea thank you god for letting the spirit of the earth be apart of my whole world for i love it so and thank you for giving me the strength and wisdom to live my life the way i should i relise i am not like many other people for this is a unique gift i may not be smart at everything but i am wise i may not appear to be as old as my words but let that knowledge and wisdom that i love and care for become stronger and wiser when they need guidance i may not be as beautiful as the moon and stars in the night sky but i am beautiful in my own special way ether through my words wisdom strength knowladge or just the way i am i am my own unique person and that shall never change even as i grow old but i do not wish to be rememberd for being a writeror an artist i do not wish to be rememberd for my beauty or my health i want to be remembered as a woman of her own words nothing less & nothing more....

Anouther poem :)

Today… I need a little lift Today… I need to shed some tears Today… I need a little encouragement To remind myself the friends I do have in my life Do indeed love me just the way I am… Today… I need to remind those people in my life That I do love just how much they mean to me.. Today… I am telling you this I Love You…. You Mean The World To Me… I value our friendship I value our special bond we’ve come to have I value the fact that you and I can tell each other anything And we tell each other like it is. I Value the fact that you and I are similar in so many ways But our differences seem to only help us become strong and wise… So I’m letting you know I’m going to be your friend for life. Whether we are near or far apart. I will always be there for you Wherever this path may take us. I’m going to honor each moment we share. And I hope this bond we share will only deepen the more I get to know you… But I just thought I’d tell you in these small words How much you really do mean to me…. By. Akasha Rose....Aka Bi_Chics_Rock_69
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