Date: Nov 19 2006 6:31 PM
Blissful Nymph
Today I would address those of you
who are feeling frustrated,
who are feeling lost and tired,
who are disappointed
that your dreams have not come true.
I would address all of you
and ask you to fill yourself with belief.
I would ask you
to silence the victim,
that complaining,
whining part of you
that feels they got a bad deal,
the part of you that thinks
it should all be somehow easier.
Quiet this part of yourself,
take a deep breath
and seek new ideas and approaches.
And of course, believe.
Believe the truth,
that you are strong and capable
and can overcome any odds,
handle any challenges,
achieve anything you set
your mind and heart and shoulders to.
Believe this
and allow that belief
to energize you.
Is belief alone enough?
No, you will need to follow through;
you will need to act,
to choose.
As you walk down your chosen path,
you will encounter great boulders
and you will need all your ingenuity
to figure out what to do about them,
figure out what to do even as you stand
on a narrow path with a great ledge
dropping off on one side,
a hard and steep rock face on the other,
and a boulder completely blocking
your forward movement.
These are the times that you grow.
This is the moment when you dig deep into yourself,
pull out your creativity,
pull out your leadership skills to mobilize others,
pull out your courage and belief
to keep going and inspire others, even as they begin to turn away and retreat.
This is the time
you build character.
This is the time
you overcome through creativity and courage
--and yes, through belief in yourself
and the help that is there for you,
ever and always.
Nothing is to be gained
through skepticism and doubt.
Nothing is to be gained
by quitting.
Everything is to be gained
by staying the course,
and going forward on brains and heart.
Everything is to be gained
by risking your time and efforts on a dream,
even when, especially when,
others do not understand.
Nothing great and original is accomplished
by following the crowd who only moves forward
when the going is easy.
Everything great and original
comes from those who can see their visions,
like the top of the mountain,
floating above the obstacles
which lie in the way.
Doubt closes doors.
Belief holds them open.
And then it is up to you
to walk through.
Here is a little inspiration for today
I hold the doors open through my belief.
I walk through the doors with my courage,
my character and my heart.
I know that I can accomplish miracles,
through my belief,
through my own strength and capabilities
and through the help which surrounds me,
ever and always.
I am full of faith.
I am full of power.
I am.
Carrie Hart