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Ok, So here is something elese for me to Rant and Bitch About!!! So at my daughters school the Janitor was taking down and putting up the American Flag with his dirty rubbr gloves on and bunching it up instead of folding it properly. Me being the American Veteran that I am made a comment to the VP about it and we decided to allow a few kids learn how to properly raise and lower the flag and fold it. These kids are doing a great job taking alot of pride in it and really enthusiastic about it. Anyways about the 4th or 5th day this adult (Teacher or School employee) was standing by and blurted out that "Oh you can let it touch the ground its no big deal" I quickly corrected him then gave him the look that he should just move away before I put my size 10 American Boot up a place it should not normally fit. The VP warned me we had a few of those in the schools. Which is fine by me..I mean I fought, served and defended his right to have those opinions. Anyways what i want to say is: The Flag does not represent its goverment, or its policies, or religious beliefs but it represent the American People and our freedom to have those beliefs. So no matter how you feel about the current President or our involvement in world wide events respect to the flag should always be given because it represent that you have the right to your opinion and beliefs. I will write more later

Is it to much to ask??????

This is What I want I want to wake up to someone and not wanna ever get out of bed. I want to lay down and night and not be able to sleep because looking at her just makes me happy. I want someone to Sweep me off my feet for a change, to pawn over me and send me love letters and put silly little love notes in my briefcase I find at work. I want to know when the day is over I can come home and relax and not have a Chores list on a daily basis. I want someone who thinks spending sunday afternoon in the bed watching TV and the kids piling on us is fun and fufilling. I want to Mow the yard with out the lawn mower dying I want to sit in my big comfy chair and take a nap with out someone waking me up to see if I was sleeping. I want someone that enjoys getting in the car and just driving to anywhere no plans no ideal but just going until we find somewhere to stop. I want to a good morning or good night kiss to be a kiss because it feels good and we like it not because it is a habit I want to eat steak and patatoes and not have to hear someone complain i am getting fat or its un healthy. I want to not worry about the small shit and have fun just enjoying each day. I do not want to hear who call who what and who said what to who I want to trust you with no doubts. I want you to be honest with me no matter how much it hurts. I want someone who has no hidden agenda I want what I want and thats what I want Is this really to much to ask

Going Forward

So this going to be vauge and you will have to just read between the lines..If you dont get it I am sorry but I just wanna put it in writing to remind myself... Historically I have never fully acted on things I wanted to do. Why because deep down there was still that feeling of honesty. Even though I had the honest to goodness no holds barred ok to do so. But still I never fully committed to doing it. Now recent events have totally changed that feeling From now on I will do what I want when I want..For me These recent events havent changed the way I feel they have just allowed me to loose the guilt of following thru.. It still maybe wrong..or right but its my decision to do it and I will live with the consequences of my actions or non actions.. Ok thats it..

Turning 38 This Year

So this year I turn 38...Jesus H. Crimney...Where did the time go???? I thought by this time in my life I would be Living on a beach in Austrailia..NOT... All year my co workers have been teasing me about the gray hair just showing up on my head and beard. I have taken it and laughed with them. I dont really mind. I think it adds distinction and makes me look a bit more refined and professional? Hmmmm I dunno you tell me? Do I feel 38 Hell No I still fell Late 20's..Hell I spent 15 years in the Marine Corps Training and keeping in shape and I got out took a short vacation from keeping in shape and the next thing you know is its 7 yrs later..LOL..Didnt mean to take that long of a break. I still can run 3 miles if I need to. I used to run it in 17:30 Flat on a regular basis and could hit 16:45 on a good day. Now I know I cant do that any more but when I am running I feel like I am hauling ass..(And trust me my ass needs to be hauled)...LOL..I still get up early and go to bed late... I think 38 is going to be a good year for me..I hope it will since I have only had one bad year I can really think of... I survived Cancer, Divorce, Beatings, Wars, Boot Camp, Jumping out of Perfectly good air craft, Cold Weather Survival Training, Jungle Warfare training, Old Crusty Gunnery Sergeants, Dead end Civilian Jobs.. I CAN SURVIVE 38.... So For you Young Ladies Out there when you see that old man rating your profile, Or talking to you at the bar don't think he is some old run down old man trying to get his jollies.. Actually he is probably just trying to act like he feels Young and Alive. Man this is Long and Boring....
I so wanted to make this a Mumm but did not wanna get beat up for not a Mumm.... Several weeks ago there was a discussion on Obamas Beliefs and how it would affect his role of President if elected. Historically we can see that the President of the united states often makes descions based on religous beliefs or up brining. This is shining example of why Obama should not be elected president. He stated he does not believe everything tht his former "Spiritual Advisor" had preached BUT HE DOES NOT STATE WHICH ONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA I see some bad Ju Ju Comming if he is elected.... I am by no means a Conspiracy Theroist (sp?) but I truley belive that Obama has some alternative motives for wanting to be president. In a fiery sermon taped and available on DVD, Barack Obama’s longtime pastor and spiritual adviser can be seen and heard saying three times: “God damn America.” The Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., in his taped sermons, also questioned America’s role in the spread of the AIDS virus and suggested that the United States bore some responsibility for the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Confronting the content of some of Wright’s sermons, parts of which have been aired this week on FOX News, the Obama campaign is continuing to distance itself from the pastor’s rhetoric. But it is stopping short of a full repudiation. Wright’s supporters say his Afro-centric sermons accurately portray black America, and they contend his sermons are widely studied by theologians. But critics are now calling attention to some of his words from the pulpit. The pastor delivered his final sermon last month and retired as leader of Trinity United Church in Chicago. Obama has attended the church for 20 years and calls Wright his spiritual adviser. In a fiery sermon in April 2003, Wright said: “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes three-strike laws and wants them to sing God Bless America. “No! No No! “God damn America … for killing innocent people. “God damn America for threatening citizens as less than humans. “God damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God and supreme.” In DVD copies of his sermons available for purchase, Wright can also be seen questioning America’s role in the spreading of the HIV virus that leads to AIDS. In another speech, made in the days after 9/11, he suggested that American foreign policy invited the terror attacks. “We bombed Hiroshima. We bombed Nagasaki. And we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye,” Wright said. “We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own backyard. America is chickens coming home to roost.” The pastor also said: “The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.” Late Thursday, the Obama campaign said it has distanced itself from certain comments made by the pastor. But it did not fully repudiate Wright himself — as some critics have called for. “Senator Obama has said before that he profoundly disagrees with some of the statements and positions of Reverend Wright, who has preached his last sermon as pastor at the church,” Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said. “Senator Obama deplores divisive statements whether they come from his supporters, the supporters of his opponent, talk radio, or anywhere else.” Last year, Obama rescinded an invitation to Wright to deliver the invocation at his announcement that he was running for president. He also issued a statement saying personal attacks have no place in politics after Wright delivered an attack on Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton. But Obama’s longtime relationship with Wright is continuing to spark controversy. “This is not just someone that Barack Obama has a casual relationship with,” said Tom Bevan, executive editor of RealClearPolitics.com. He noted that Wright married Barack and Michelle Obama, and Wright’s words were the inspiration for the title of Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope.” “Barack Obama has not out and out distanced himself from all of these comments … ,” said Patricia Murphy, editor of CitizenJanePolitics.com. “It’s unclear if he rejects all of these statements. I would assume that he does, but I think he is going to be pushed where he needs to come out and fully explain his relationship with his pastor.” Some of Wright’s statements have raised eyebrows at a time the Internal Revenue Service is scrutinizing tax-exempt religious organizations for alleged violations of rules barring them from participating in political campaigns. Prior to his retirement last month, Wright delivered commentary from the pulpit in which he praised Obama, as well as remarks focusing on the racial divide between Obama and Clinton. “There is a man here who can take this country in a new direction,” Wright said during his Jan. 13 sermon. During a Christmas sermon, Wright tried to compare Obama’s upbringing to Jesus at the hands of the Romans. “Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people,” Wright said. “Hillary would never know that. “Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person.” In a Jan. 13 sermon, Wright said: “Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty.” So far the Clinton campaign has been quiet over Wright’s comments. Wright has declined interview requests from FOX News. FOX News’ Jeff Goldblatt contributed to this report.

Potty Trained

Ok it was so cool I got home yesterday and my baby girl spent all day in big girl panties with no accidents...NONE at all..she was so proud she took me to the bathroom to show me how she did it.. An hour after I got home she disappears...Hmmmmm .... I go into her bedroom she has changed out of her big girl panties into a pull up...then she went "cockamocka" in it... Atleast she was smart enough to change into a pull up..


Ok so I got a wild hair up my ass and decided to do a MUMM...Check it out if you get the chance..but what amazed me was the NO responces.. Fubar the home of Sending Love , Having friends, Networking, Etc.... The no's out number the yea's Whats that all about so does this drive the point that fubar is just a place for self centered people to get as many votes for themselves so they can become FUBAR GOD FATHERS... What good is the rating if you would absolutley not act on it... For me let me tell you all this right now.. If you ever traveled to my home town or even close I would be happy to tell you any of the hot spots I know...And if I was availible I would even be more than happy to by you a drink..THe cutier you are obviously the more I buy...LOL j/k... I joined CherryTap..now fubar..because A Friend whom I think is the Bee's Knees told me about it and said it was fun...I want to thank her for the invite in my own little way.... BUT COME ON PEOPLE FUBAR LOVE ONLINE IS COOL BUT TAKING 10 minutes out of your day to tell someone where a good local bar is to hang out is far better love than 10 points... Peace Love And Sex to the Masses LARRY
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