Hey there names Eddie I am a single dad of 3 wonder kids that I love with all my heart Cody hes 9, Klowie shes 3, and last but not least Brady hes 2 theremy life so if you don't like it bye I geuss cause they come first. I am 25 just moved to Coshocton, ohio. I been in the military for 9yrs and I am almost don for good not that I don't like it but its time for me to be here with my kids.I like to do all sorts of things bowl, fish, camp, dance, party with freinds, but most of all I like to set at home with my kids till thye go to sleep then set and cuddle when I got that speacial someone whoever that might be. You know I could go on all day about myself but then what would we talk about lol so if you want halla at me. I will bet if nothing else you get a good freind out of it.
LOOKING FOR: Its hard to say what I really want, cause I mean if I knew what I wanted for sure. I would probally be with them so I can't say what I want I just know I am wanting someone who is ready to settle and stop with all the game shit that I am used to finding and doing myself. I would have to say to some all things up I ain't for sure what the girl should look like be like or do but I do know they should be there for me and my kids not just one or the other. They should be fun, honest, caring, and loveing. Someone that ain't wanting to be a mommy to them even though my oldest hasn't seen his mom in about 6 or 7 yrs but just to be there for them for things I can't do or ain't for sure how to do Hey everyone I recently entered a poetry contest and am a semi finalist to win many diffrent prizes so if you could send this to freinds and family members have them rate my poem just got to this link: Rate my poem, Go here and vote on it Thank you Richard Erwin (aka) Eddie
43 Year Old
From Coshocton, OH·
Joined on November 21, 2007
Born on November 13th
·6 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
oh my, is it really that old... gosh i will go change it... sowwie! lol... i was with someone, but i got smashed down and broken :( ... men suck sometimes! (not you, ur on my good side for now LOL)
yeah i wanted to go in, but i was in love, so i backed out :(.. and now i just wont go back in cuz of my baby, couldnt imagine leaving her... so what made u think i was wit sum1
lol, i might, i dont drink that much really, never have been too much into partying! as you can imagine im a blonde, i have alot of"open mouth, insert foot" moments without the help of alcohol! lmao!