For centuries vampires and demons have haunted our dreams and imagination. The difference is demons for some reason have stayed visible throughout the years but vampires have stayed out of sight. There are documents of both existing but no hard evidence of any vampire remains or sightings ever reported. There was a time when both were at war for the control of humanity! Even a lost document of such events has been recorded but never found! That's because it's been kept from the world behind the walls of the knights of the higher order at the Vatican in Rome!
This ancient text describes how demons and vampires fought to be the dominant species in the world. Secret wars were fought for centuries and said to be the bloodiest of all wars! It is said demons would always get the upper hand on the vampires because of their ability to possess people. This gave demons an advantage to destroy the vampires when they slept in the day. The vampires were said to retaliate at night destroying the possessed and sending their undead slaves out to bless the crypts where demons lied dormant. This went on for years and always ended up the same way never ending for every demon destroyed another would rise from hell to fight and for every vampire killed two or three humans were turned in order to maintain their numbers.
Another document exists explaining how the vampires won the war and then vanished into the night and established a secret society just in case the war would come once again. It is said that the vampires had a secret warrior created just to hunt and destroy demons, but this warrior then turned on the vampires themselves to restore balance to the world. After vanishing the two sides he himself disappeared into the darkness never to be found again unless the warrior had to return to restore balance into the world once again..
According to this legend the warrior was created by the evil it ended up vanishing. He was said to be half vampire and half demon with all their attributes. He would walk in the daylight feast on blood had wings and was able to control fire and possess vampires and demons alike! He was born of a vampire who was made to mate with a human possessed by a demon. This is his story finally discovered. This abomination had a name, Richard was the human name given to him to hide his true identity his true name, Vampfire was his true name. A vampire with human tendencies and demon blood running through his veins!
Legend has it that as he grew up his vampire mentors taught him how to fight in the old ways. As times changed he adapted to the ways of society. He would feed on demons and vampires and help the humans because he longed to be one of them. He was condemed by the vampires because he made a choice not to stand by the ones who created him nor with the ones he was created to fight against. His choice was to fight for the ones caught in the middle of the war itself, the victims and prize of this war, the humans! Even though evil created it to serve its purpose it had one quality that no one anticipated it also had human emotion and thats the part of him that helped him win the war for the humans.
Gangriel head vampire to the order of the rose grew tired of hearing of the casualties of the on going war against the demons. As he sat on his throne in the chamber of blood he thought if some how he can create a new species of vampire immune to the hell fire the demons used to destroy vampires and immune to the sunlight, but able to carry and use the tools that would destroy both species together. It had to be able to hold crosses and withstand holy water and recite the passages in the holy book of the lord. The walls of castle rose were very silent that night as the plan came together to create this abomination that would destroy the demons once and for all and give vampires license to walk among and enslave the humans.
At that same moment Blair general of the demons army was having a conversation with Satan himself within the caverns of the demon lair in Cueva de la muerte. (The cave of death). I tire of this war said the dark Prince. How can I influence humanity to do hells bidding if the vampires continue to turn most of them into the undead? Soon my lord we will rid the earth of these abominations we need to storm castle rose by day. We just need to get past their defenses. Vampires were created due to an injustice done by the order of the Dragon! Which means they don't belong to us nor him (he points up towards the sky) therefore neither heaven nor hell can control them.
If this war is to much for you then I will send my best warriors to help you abolish this race! Who will you send my lord asks Blair? ( with a tremble in his voice) I will send the four horsemen they were not due on earth for another century but I see their services will be of use to us a little earlier than expected! Horror was the expression on Blair's face upon hearing the plan of the dark one! But my lord wont they destroy everything on earth! What about your deal with the one in heaven! You can rule hell and influence only those who choose you over him but the rest is his my lord. If the task at hand is to much for you then you can stand down! (Says the dark one in an angry tone). "No my lord" says Blair its just that the four horsemen will destroy all humans and vampires alike! "Exactly"! "And the world will become ours to rule for all eternity"! Not even HE can stop these upcoming events which makes it perfect! The element of surprise will be our victory Blair! The day of the apocalypse is at hand be ready when that time comes!
Gangriel called upon his alchemist's to set HIS plan in motion. Lucious his number one alchemist and advisor said in theory it can be done! They needed a woman pure of heart and spirit with fire in her soul. The head vampire then called a meeting with all his undead and familiars he described in detail the kind of female specimen he wanted and sent his minions out into the night to search. At the village below the villagers had no knowledge of the upcoming events. They carried out their normal lives with the tolerance to the occasional demon posession or vampire attack which they learned to fit in to their daily norm. Some of the villagers were not as simple as the rest they were warriors who fought the attacks from both sides of the evil coin. Among them one particular woman one pure of heart pure of spirit and fire in her soul. Her name was Valleria daughter of Marcus the one true warrior who gave his life to kill Gangriel in a battle for the order of the Vatican city in Rome. He was the only thing who stood in the way of evil from taking over the true city of the lord and the battle was won but at the cost of Marcus's life. She was the perfect specimen for the task at hand.
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When one of Gangriel's scouts informed him of the new found candidate he grinned and was delighted with the choice. He went himself to the village that night and paid Valleria a visit with great caution as to not disturb her beauty rest. Valleria slept as a mist made its way through her window and into her room. The mist subsided and Gangriel stood at her bedside. He whispered "so long ago since Marcus defeated me in Rome now his offspring will serve my purpose"! His fangs grew as he made his way to her neck, but as they barely touched her neck she wakes up. Upon the sight of Gangriel over her she reaches for her sword and swings it with great force slicing the vampire's left ear!
"You will not take my life tonight or any other night vampire"(she says in a firm tone!) She leaps up on her feet in her nightgown with sword firmly at hand! "On the contrary my child you Will serve my purpose" as he picks up his ear and puts it back on. You are the key element in this war of evil vs evil! "What makes you think I would help you after my father's death by your hand"? "Whether your willing or not is irrelevant at this point my dear"! (says arrogant vampire) At that exact moment five vampires storm in and attack the girl she manages to hold her own against them till one gets a powerful hit on her and sends her bouncing of the wall, upon landing on the floor Gangriel is already on top of her before she comes to! "Your mine now child" he says with fangs out and he bites her as she blacks out.
She wakes up in Lucious's laboratory but she feels different! She could hear voices coming from the other side of the brimstone walls, and her sight is enhanced but she couldn't move! She realized she was chained up to the wall. Gangriel walks in the chamber at that moment with Lucious she struggles to break free as they gaze upon her. Welcome to castle rose my child. Your in one of my special chambers 75 feet below the castle protected from the sunlight! What have you monsters done to me? She asks. We just perfected you and made you an immortal like us! He says in an arrogant voice. How long does she have before we can start? (Gangriel asks Lucious). As soon as she quenches he thirst we can proceed master. Good says Gangriel as he laughs!
Back at the Cueva de la Muerte Blair get another report from one of the darklord's servants. The master says you have to pull back the army of the evil and stay in hiding until the time comes. "Why"? Asks Blair. This will throw the vampires off balance for a while. In thinking we have retreated they will move about the land without caution and the humans will only focus on one threat. This will make it easier to vanquish them all with one stroke. Very well tell the master it is done. Says Blair in a worried tone as he bows his head.
The sudden retreat from the demons did give the vampires a false sense of security. This made them carry out their plans with greater ease. Before the full retreat the vampires managed to capture one of the humans in the possessed form a grand accomplishment in the vampires favor. By this time Valleria's hunger got unbearable they put her by then in a cell and threw a human in there with her the same one possessed. Two days past and she did not feed on him only the screams of agony from the two filled the walls of the castle. It wasn't till the third day that she awoke from her sleep and her last ounce of humanity was lost!
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She moved across the cell towards the possessed man who shouted unholy things at her. She grabbed its face and told it to hush and began to kiss the possessed man. Since demons thrive on desires of the flesh it did not resist the seduction of its host! She tore her clothes off and his as well and she mounted him and started making love to both man and demon within the man. At the point of passion she bared her fangs and sucked every ounce of blood from her first victim! Upon releasing the body she spread her arms and roared so loud it woke the undead, Gangriel and all in the village. Gangriel raced to the cell with Lucious in excitement they opened it and saw the new reborn Valleria! "Child you look well" how do you feel? You are ready to fulfill your destiny and mine! Make the preparation for our newest addition to our legion! Yes master says Lucious very proud of the present events.
Blair and his second are at the entrance to their lair "is there a problem"? asks Tyran with concern in his voice. "Something unnatural has happened" he says with concern in his voice also. "Shall I inform the master"? asks Tyran. No! says Blair looking at the night sky it's probably nothing we should trouble him with. Very well says Tyran and goes back into the lair and leaves Blair who is still trying to figure what went on.
Four months have gone by since that night of Valleria's birth into darkness. She has adapted well to her new existence and she is with child as well. Almost due to give birth to the awaited one. She took her place by Gangriel's side at his right hand. Until the time came that the awaited one was ready to come into the world. She went into labor and was attended by Lucious and the other alchamists. Gangriel walked in very impatiently and asked "how much longer"? Not long now master its almost here! Lucious says very excited. Just then they all looked upon Valleria and her undead son! It's a boy master! Says one of the alchamists. They gave Valleria her undead child and he stopped crying. I'll call him Richard master "good"! Said Gangriel a very appropriate name it's a strong name a kings name it suites him perfectly my child.
At the demons lair Blair has the same feelings he had some time ago as he sits on his throne watching a human sacrificed on his alter for his pleasure. "Something is certainly amidst, something very unnatural is upon us on this night"! He says to himself as he looks up and around. But he can't seem to figure out what it is.
A year goes by and the infant is a full grown man he has been taught in the old ways of fighting and the new ways as well. He learned to become one with all his powers. He was able to walk in the daylight fly at will with wings of a demon he would ignite on fire when he would consume the blood a demon and grow stronger upon feasting on vampires. Gangriel and Valleria watched over him and smiled at his progress. The night of his birthday soon came upon them and they threw a feast for him. Gangriel baptized him into the order of the rose! It is here where he was given his dark name it was then declared that Richard became known as Vampfire of the order of the rose. That night he left the festivities and told his mother "I'm going to go look around the village and see what's out there.