47 Year Old
Invited by: I Bite·
Joined on August 3, 2007
Born on August 23rd
·1 referrals joined!
Hi! My goals are making a difference for others- go check out my myspace page (I can't post the info here). It's beautifulsunshine06 on myspace. Thanks!
47 Year Old
Invited by: I Bite·
Joined on August 3, 2007
Born on August 23rd
·1 referrals joined!
movies, tv, music, video games, traveling, writing, reading, etc.
I love just about every kind of music there is.
Video Games
Final Fantasy series, action games, fighting games, etc.
the more pictures you add the more points you get the more you talk to people on here the more points you get and the points are lame but the levels have alot of fun things you get to do on them and ps welcome to thesite thats know as fubar.com
TAG UR IT! THIS IS A SEXY TRAIN IF U RECIEVE THIS IT MEANS UR FREAKIN SEXY.... IF U GET THIS BACK UR EVEN SEXIERR...SEND THIS TO 10 PEOPLE....IF U BREAK THIS CHAIN U WILL HAVE BAD SEX FOR THE NEXT 30 YEARS.....GOODLUCK_______@@@@@@@@@@___________@@@@@____________________@@@@@_____________________@@@@@_______________________@@@@@________________________@@@@@____________________@@@@@_____________________@@@@@____________________@@@@@____________@@@@@@@@@______________@@@@@@@@@@____________@@@@@@@@@______________@@@@_______________________@@@@@@@@_______________@@@@_______________________@@@@______________________@@@@_______________________@@@@@@@@@@___________@@@@@______@@@___________@@@@______@@____________@@@_____@@_______________@@@__@@________________@@@@@__________________@@@@____________________@@@@@___________________@@___@@@___________@@@____ @@@________@@@@@___@@@@@________@@@@@______@@@___________@@@@______@@____________@@@_____@@_______________@@@__@@________________@@@@@___________________@@@______________________@@@_______________________@@@_______________________@@@_________