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 Check out all the cool sh*t in the bling shop. |  |
37 Year Old
Greenville, TX
Joined on June 26, 2007
Born on November 15th
37 Year Old
Greenville, TX
Joined on June 26, 2007
Born on November 15th
Im a Mother oF Twin Boys. They are MY life, thats something people HAVE to deal with. I HAte iT whEn people chANge THeiR opINIonS baSeD on MIne.TAKe in mINd I maKe a beTTer enEMy thAn I DO a frIEnd,ive bEEn toLD I’m A life chANger.Sure whY not,I make miStakES. I’m huMAn. I'm ALWAYS told I remind people of someone else they know or have sEEn.I take simpLICity in lIFe, nothing else. I can viVIdly say I've bEEn THERE, done tHAt-lOOk back and glADly make a "no regrets" statement. My perspective towards things are different from everyone else’s. I’m Not perfect, and I don’t plan on changing that.
I’m afraid of being disappointed Failing gives me the greatest reason to become better.I’ll stop at nothing until I’ve convinced myself I’m where I want to be.I’m stubborn, pessImistic, vulnerable, and omnipotent among others.I take pride in what I do.I’ve learned that not eXPEcting will not mislead you. I’m usually right about first impreSSions.I'm gOOd with grUDges to a certain extent. Chances are, if I DOn't like yOU, it'll rEMain that way. I foRGive but I wOn't forget. Once you HAVE my attention, I'll keep it that way.I will try to pay aTTentioN to every dETail you have to offer, every flaw that synthesizes you.I dont believe in sECOnd chanCes. ThEn again, if you’re wORth it, I jUSt miGHt reVIse that.I will most likely have fiGUreD you oUt by nOw. I do admit, I am hard to come by. I ovERAnalyZe things.Im a very jealous person.Get over it.I worked hard for my shit.
37 Year Old
Greenville, TX
Joined on June 26, 2007
Born on November 15th
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