a new year a new me or maybe just an old me. Tired of the lies tired of pretending to be someone I'm not I have to care, its who I am. I have to believe in something greater, some meaning or else I have no reason to breathe. Why did I ever try to give up my emotions? If being whom I'm supposed to be means that you've won, then I concede defeat. You are the master to all that is cold and dead inside. I can't live that way, not anymore.I have to believe that there is good in everyone even when they can't see it themselves
You told me that caring for anyone else dows nothing but cause pain; but not caring makes you feel nothing at all. Why live if nothing matters?
I should like to think that yo've learned to care. That somewhere someone managed to break through the ice covering your heart.That you've finally know how to feel.
I can't save you not until I learn how to save myself. But I will pray for you and maybe someday I will see you happy.