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36 Year Old · Female · From Hickory, NC · Invited by: Rabbit · Joined on April 9, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on April 5th
36 Year Old · Female · From Hickory, NC · Invited by: Rabbit · Joined on April 9, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on April 5th

Hey! I turned 19 April 5th, and I'm stoked. I currently live with my parents..again. I work at Dollar General as a key holder..got my promotion on 09/16/2009. In my free time I pretty much do anything to have a good time but stay out of trouble..and no that don't make me a goodie good, I just don't feel the need to get in trouble anymore. I have decided to go back to school to get my CNAs. I would like to be a CSI, a teacher (kindergarden through 3rd grade), or an orca whale trainer/swimmer. When I'm not working, I'm hanging out with people I care about and drinking. I'm 5'3" with hazel eyes and brown hair (which you can see from my pictures). I could be the biggest bitch you've ever met, but most of the time I am pretty cool. I am usually really happy. I always enjoy learning new things..I guess you could call me a nerd. I can't help it, I love being smart. I have a passion for poetry and music. My hero is my grandmother. She is the strongest women I know. I don't know what I would do without the love and support of those closest to me. I have done some things in my life that I am not proud of, though I don't believe in regrets. I am not a slut, whore, sleez, skank, etc... I am not afraid to throw the first punch if you piss me off. I can't stand total bitches. I stick up for others, whether they are my friends or not and stand up for my beliefs. I can't not stand when people pick on kids that have a handicap (whether mental or physical). I will admit when I am wrong and tell you when you are. I speak my mind and wont say anything behind your back that I wouldn't say to your face. I HATE drama so keep my name and the names of those i care about out of yor mouth. I may not be perfect, and even though I try my best, but none of us are. You aren't better than me, so get that out of your head. I am headstrong. I can be easy to get along with until you piss me off. Got any questions? Just ask, I ain't shy.


¤The Boyfriend¤

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¤Clint Barnes¤

This guy is amazing! He brought me up when i was feeling the worst i've ever felt. We've known each other for a few years now..always been lost feelings. We always have such a good time togther and we never fight. He likes to pick and play then turn around and snuggle. Definitely has two sides..manly and sweet! I really care about him and hope everything works out. His family is amazing. I think I've found the guy I've been needing for a long time.

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¤The Bestfriends¤

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¤Spitz Ester Younit¤

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I have the best friends I could ever ask for! I love them all equally..just in different ways. You all got my back like I got yours. I love you guys!

I would like to meet as many people as I can before I die. I love making new friends and socializing.

The sexiest men alive!
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¤Brantley Gilbert¤

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¤Jason Aldean¤

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¤Sean Farris¤

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¤Channing Tatum¤

The baddest bitch ever!

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¤Kat Von D¤

36 Year Old · Female · From Hickory, NC · Invited by: Rabbit · Joined on April 9, 2009 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on April 5th

¤my family

¤my boyfriend

¤my friends

¤my cell phone

¤my zune

¤country music

¤star wars

¤legends of the fall

¤beauty & the beast


¤law & order










¤peace signs





¤spring time






¤thunder storms

¤lightening storms










¤falling in love






¤horseback riding




¤my puppy




¤pralines & cream ice cream

¤cookie dough ice cream

¤chocolate chip cookies


¤milk choclate

¤peanut m&m's

¤tiwx bars






¤white gold

¤promise rings



¤charlotte russe jeans

¤music tee shirts


¤eye linear




¤us history



¤scene it disney version






¤high mateinced people

¤bad friends

¤back stabbers


¤cocky people

¤shallow people

¤judgemental people

¤rude people

¤concieted people






¤the dark


¤poisonous snakes


¤losing loved ones

¤broken hearts







¤hot days














Activity Feed

  • Someone ⇒ xoxkayxox
    It is Truth Tellin' Thursday! The object is to NOT tell a lie for as long as you can. How long can you last?

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ xoxkayxox

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ xoxkayxox

    15 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ xoxkayxox

    > Photobucket>

    15 years ago · Reply
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