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Stats for Mar 28

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54 Year Old · Male · From North Vernon, IN · Joined on January 20, 2009 · Born on October 2nd · I have a crush on someone!

hello ! thank you for checking me out . I am 5'8" tall about 232 lbs .I have ocean blue eyes ,and sandy blond hair . I was raised in the deep south , so that means to you that first ,and always
I am a gentleman . i love to debate . just because I have a different opinion than you . that does not mean that you are wrong . it means tighten your seat belt ,and hold on ! we are going to have one hell of a conversation . I want to meat new , and interesting people maybe make a new friend . Ladies I am straight . No funny business here . if you have something to say please keep it clean . I promise to do the same Thanks for stopping ,and have a great day on fubar !

54 Year Old · Male · From North Vernon, IN · Joined on January 20, 2009 · Born on October 2nd · I have a crush on someone!
visited 45 states (90%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or Amsterdam travel guide for Android hunting ,fishing ,camping to start with then a cold bud lite in front of a bonfire as the sun fades behind the trees . long walks on the beach listening to the sounds of the ocean . a cup of coffee ,and a good book that you don't want to put down for fear that you might miss something " book junkies know what I mean " hanging out with my friends . going on a long bike ride listening to the loud pipes ,and just loosing myself in the wind . music i'll listen to just about anything u have !

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  • BamBam yep it's going to be one of those days ... you know the ones I am talking about right ? the kind of day where you just know you should have gone back to bed .
    6 years ago · Comment

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