51 Year Old
From Vernon, FL·
Joined on December 6, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on July 30th
·4 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
51 Year Old
From Vernon, FL·
Joined on December 6, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on July 30th
·4 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
Hello There my name is Shawnna I am 34 and live in Vernon Fl. I am married to a wonderful man and have 2 of the best kids. I love to have fun and play!!! Jager is my oh so fav. drink..lol
I moved to the south 6 years ago and I am so loving it here!! I came down here from Michigan and have no regrets about leaving the cold state behind..lol
I love to listen to music, mostly rap and rock!!
feel free to ask me anything you like...if you wanna chat I can be found on yahoo @ bamachic1973
Hugs and Kiss's oXoXoXo
51 Year Old
From Vernon, FL·
Joined on December 6, 2007
Relationship status: Married
Born on July 30th
·4 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
YOU'VE BEEN HIT! YOU'VE BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OF THE SEXIEST ON FUBAR! ONCE YOU'VE BEEN HIT U HAVE TO HIT THE SEXIEST PEOPLE. IF U GET HIT AGAIN U KNOW THAT U R REALLY SEXY. IF U BREAK THE CHAIN U HAVE UGLINESS FOR 15 YEARS ..........SO HIT 15 SEXY PEOPLE AND LET THEM KNOW THEY R SEXYSEND THIS TO ALL THE PPL THAT U THINK ARE SEXI-IF U GOT 1 BACK THEN U ARE UGLY PPL JUST SENT U THIS TO BE NICE-IF U GOT 2 BACK UR BETTER THAN UGLY-IF U GET 3 BACK UR OKAY-IF U GET 4 BACK THEN U ARE PRETTY-IF U GET 5 BACK THEN U ARE FREAKIN SEXI-AND IF YOU GET MORE THAN THAT EVERYBODY THINKS YOU'RE FUCKIN FINESend this to all ur sexii friends.Including person who sent it to u....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy.?.....?SeXy?......?SeXy?...........?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.........?SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?.....?SeXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?..S?eXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?SeXy??.......?SeXy?......?SeXy?......?SeXy?IF YOU GET THIS BACK:1 UR NOT THAT SEXY2-3 UR SO SEXY4-6 OMG TOTAL SEXY BABE issues 4 hr ago
Welcome to Fubar!Thought i drop by and say Hi! rated you a 10 too! If you could return the favor that would be GREAT!To rate you just click the cherries under the main pic(preferably 10 :)) and the friend and fan is just a line or two below that! Either way,hope 2008 is the best year yet!*smooches*~Temptress~ Get More at COMMENTYOU.com
""A lucky star dropped on earth 1 night, and it asked me"what do you want? a million dollars or a true friend?". I chose a million dollars .....because i already got YOU.*Send this to 10 of your true friends of fubar , If you get this back youre a true friend*000000000000000_00000000000000000000000000000___000000000000000000000000000_____0000000000000000000000000_______00000000000000000000000_________0000000000000___________________________00000______*TRUE FRIEND*______000000000 _________________00000000000000_________________0000000000000_________0_________00000000000_______0000000_______000000000_____0000000000000_____0000000___0000000000000000000___00000__00000000000000000000000__000000000000000000000000000