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48 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 10, 2007 · Born on November 11th · 1 person has a crush on me!
48 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 10, 2007 · Born on November 11th · 1 person has a crush on me!

I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I never have and I have no plans to start now. From my experiences, the combination of alcohol and certain situations can lead to nothing but trouble. It's just a waste of money in my eyes. Smoking is just plain disgusting. Drugs...I won't even go there.

I'm very quiet and laid back. I'm not a party animal. I'm content to hang out at the house and watch TV all night or to sit on the tailgate with some friends while drinking Dr. Pepper and talking about cars, the weather and all the stupid people in this world.

48 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 10, 2007 · Born on November 11th · 1 person has a crush on me!
I'm a car nut, plain and simple. I eat, sleep and breathe cars. My job is all about cars. My hobbies are all about cars.

I'm also getting into photography. I cannot call myself a professional photographer by any means, but I'm working on it. With the exception of a small handfull, every single picture in my folders (not the default folder) was taken by me.

Sports, as in your typical stick and ball games, do nothing for me. I could care less. If you're trying to strike up a conversation with me by talking about last night's game, you'll get nothing but blank stares and a shrug from me. If it doesn't have wheels, horsepower and exhaust fumes, I generally do not care.
My collection is all over the place. Mostly rock of all genres, but there is also some techno, country, classical and other stuff mixed in. I love '80's music with Depeche Mode and U2 being 2 of my all-time favorites. There is a noticable lack of any rap or hip-hop from my collection. I just don't go there. Period.
My movie interests are all over the place and can sometimes be unpredictable. With over 500 DVDs in my current collection and a wish list nearly twice as long, it's hard to narrow it down to just a couple favorites. Being the car nut I am, I love movies with stories that are centered around cars or that have some nice chase scenes, no matter how cheesy the movie may be. I've got a couple of real stinkers in my collection, but the cars make them worthwhile.

Sci-fi and fantasy movies are good. I love the Star Wars Saga and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Star Trek is good, too. You can't go wrong with some good '80's teen comedies from John Hughes and the like.
Jay Leno would have to be near the top of my list. I would love to hang out with him in his Big Dog Garage for a day and just look at all his cars and talk to him about them. There are some rich guys out there with some huge car collections. There are some celebrities out there with some huge car collections. But rarely do you run across someone with a collection as large and eclectic as Leno's where the owner can tell you nearly everything about every car, inside and out! The man is amazing!
Video Games
I'm not a big gamer. I like simulation games. The Sim City and Rollercoaster Tycoon series' are a couple of my favorites. I also love racing simulation games, especially in the style of the Gran Turismo and Need For Speed series'.

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