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During the early Spanish colonial rule in the late 1600's on the island of Guam, there lived two newlyweds in the quiet hillside village of Maina. The couple, a Spanish officer and his Chamorro bride. Before marrying, the bride's husband was romantic, dashing and polite. But soon after their honeymoon, he became cruel and abusive. Every night the husband demanded fresh mountain stream water with his food and sent his wife to the small creek in the valley below to fetch his water. After a while, the woman actually began to enjoy her lonely walks and eventually it became a ritual that she looked forward to. Her favorite time was during the full moon when the moon's reflection shimmered across the surface of the moving creek like dancing stars, with the gentle wind whistling through the jungle foliage. Her husband soon began to notice that it took longer and longer for her return and became enraged. Then one stormy and rainy night on their first wedding anniversary and during a new moon, he sent his wife out into the cold and wet, blackest of nights. With no full moon to guide her way and the screaming wind, the woman could not see that the small and trickling stream had transformed into a raging flood. As she made her way near the river's edge with her clay vessel, the muddy embankment suddenly gave way, causing her to slip into the turbulent water. Her cries for help came unheeded as she succumbed to the rivers dark depths. Today it is told that if one were to drive over the Maina bridge during a new moon and look into the blackness of night, they may see a ghostly sentinel standing at the river's edge wearing a long and white flowing dress dimilar to a bridal gown, silver hair like the moon and sad red eyes. This is especially true when a dangerous storm is fast approaching on the horizon. Today's local Chamorros refer to her as the "White Lady" who warns of impending danger. NOTES: During the 1600's it is common for Chamorro women to have silver hair. The Spanish Father Francisco Garcia wrote, "The color of the Marianas natives is brown, a bit lighter than Filipinos. They are taller, are more corpulent and more robust than Europeans... The women wear their hair long and they bleach it white with repeated shampoos. They color their teeth black, taking this as the prettiest ornament of their beauty. The men do not keep the hair long; they shave it off, leaving a tuft or crown on the head a finger high. " The imagery of the White Lady evolved into a form that can be either half-woman or half-horrible creature. She can change herself into a human or an animal form. Her body is covered with hair from her head to her foot. The White Lady can only be seen during the hours between dusk and darkness. She will appear one hour after sundown and suddenly disappears when the moon arises. She can be seen at three well-known landmarks on Guam: at the Two Lover’s Point, at Harmon Heights, and the Fonte’ River which runs from Maina to Adelup bay. She is said to have an aversion to women and children. If the White Lady touches you, she leaves a red spot on your body where the contact is made. Ocasionally, she makes very horrible, screeching sounds. The White Lady of Guam is afraid of only one thing, the Holy Cross. So, beware young children! Stay at home between the hours of dusk and darkness.

The Legend of Sirena

The Agana River meandered from the newly washed green jungle foliage and merged with the ocean surf near the village of Agana. It was near this stream at Minondo that a family once lived many, many years ago. There were three girls and one boy in the family. Sirena was the youngest and the prettiest girl in the family. Unlike the others in the family, Sirena enjoyed swimming more than anything else in the world. Her mother tried to teach her to sew, to cook, to sweep, to wash and to do other dutiful things that a girl her age should know in order to become a good wife and mother. Sirena, however, only wanted to swim. One day, Sirena's mother sent Sirena on an errand to get charcoal, for the iron, from her aunt who lived across the river at Agana Springs. The temptation to plunge into the river and swim was so great that, before she knew what was happening, Sirena was in the water swimming and enjoying herself. She soon lost all sense of time and, of course, forgot what she had been sent to do. It began to get dark and Sirena's mother began to worry. She knew about Sirena's obession for the water, but that her daughter was a good swimmer. The mother became upset and angry because she had waited so long for the charcoal for the iron. Passionately she muttered, "I wish my daughter would turn into a fish." Sirena's godmother, who was visiting at the time, said, "Her upper half should stay the same." While she was still swimming in the water, Sirena felt a change come over her body. Looking down at her feet, she could see them changing into a fish's tail. As she struggled to leave the water, the lower part of her body turned into a fish. Sirena then knew that she would spend the rest of her life in the water that she dearly loved. The current of the river began to carry her to the ocean. Sirena found that she could swim very well, and she was very pleased. She swam out to the ocean and was never seen again by her mother or godmother. It is often told that many fishermen and ships have seen and have heard Sirena swimming and singing in the oceans of the world. Whenever anyone gets too close to her, Sirena swims away and isn't seen again for quite some time. She appears in many areas of the crystal blue sea. Sirena can only be caught with a net woven from human hair. It is said that Sirena once was caught by a ship's captain but escaped a few minutes later and disappeared into the depths of the ocean. Somewhere, beautiful Sirena is swimming and enjoying herself. The next person to see her may just happen to be you!
At one time in history, the planet Earth was covered with water, and man had no place to live. There were, however, during this particular time in history, many giants who roamed the planet. These giants had great powers and could use them to help change the planet's surface. The two giants instrumental in making many of these changes were Putan and his sister, Fuuna. Putan, getting very old and wanting to do something great before his death, called his sister, Funna, and explained to her what he wanted done with his body. She would have little trouble in carrying out his wishes because she would receive his magical powers. With the aid of his sister, Putan's body would change the planet. His eyes would be used to create a sun and a moon. His eyebrows would be turned into rainbows of beautiful colors. His breast was to be a colorful sky. His back would form the island of Guam. After his death, Fuuna did as her brother had commanded. Using these magical powers, she mixed the red earth of Guam with the sea water and created a great rock. She divided the great rock into small stones and tiny pebbles. It was from this that the people of Guam came into being.
YOU KNOW YOURE A CHAMORRU WHEN: 1. You roll your long sleeve shirt up and call it formal; 2. You use SPAM as a main course; 3. You wear a T-shirt over your swimsuit to go swimming at the beach; 4. You’re swimming and you get out of the water because its raining; 5. You set aside a box of envelopes for “chenchuli only”; 6. You arrive at church after the offertory is done; 7. You include your chenchuli as a tax deduction; 8. You can fit your family of (5) into the front of your pickup; 9. You wear a baht chain while standing in a food-stamp line; 10. The waitress at Shirley’s says “The Usual today?”; 11. You eat spaghetti with rice; 12. You invest in (4) different raffle ticket drawings; 13. You use your whole paycheck for a “small” family barbecue; 14. You have (21) seven-day bracelets; 15. You have beer available at a kid’s birthday party; 16. You use weed eater to MOW your yard; 17. Your blue jeans measurements are Waist 40 - Length 30; 18. You ask for Catsup instead of ketchup; 19. You fill your plate up at a fiesta, then ask for a diet Pepsi; 20. Your ask for ketchup and get soy sauce; 21. Your favorite dance is the Cha-Cha; 22. You think your karaoke version sounds just like the original song; 23. You actually sit down and listen to an AMWAY presentation; 24. The stoplight turns red and you think you still have 10 seconds to pass; 25. You stand 1 hour in line at the post office for a 32-cent stamp; 26.You give directions to your home using people’s names (Ex: You know where si John Cruz lives, almost next to Bobby Flores’ house…. I’m right across); 27. You think a vegetarian is someone who operates on pets; 28. You think softball players are “real” athletes; 29. Your idea of safe sex is when her husband or her parents don’t catch you; 30. You wash your hands after you are done eating. (Not before); 31. You collect money from your relatives when leaving the island; 32. You have a flat tire and you use the spare…. for 3 months; AND FINALLY… 33. You know you’re a Chamorro when you can’t find a boyfriend or girlfriend because you’re related to everyone.. But you date them anyway………
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