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41 Year Old · Female · From Lancaster, OH · Joined on October 8, 2007 · Born on October 5th
41 Year Old · Female · From Lancaster, OH · Joined on October 8, 2007 · Born on October 5th

I am 24. My name is Traci. I have a daughter named Kaitlynn. She is the most amazing person in my life. I have a boyfriend. His name is Dustyn. He had a son named Aydan. Kaitlynn is 11 months Aydam is 3 years old. Looks just like his daddy. As for Kaitlynn she looks just like me when i was a lil person. Family is the most inmortant thing to me. As for my family I am not sure whats important to them anymore. My mom and my brother are like me> The rest of my family are questionable. My moms name is mom but most other people call her Connie lol. My brothers name is Donnie. They live in tennessee. So if i seem like a person you would want to get to know let me know. Later people

41 Year Old · Female · From Lancaster, OH · Joined on October 8, 2007 · Born on October 5th
poetry is my this weather it be dark or normal

here are a few
A beautiful baby girl

Its the way she smiles at me
its the way she laugh's when you play peek a boo
Its all the things about her
when she is sick i hurt
when she crys i feel like crying
Its the way when you walk out of a room and she wants her mommy
She crys when you leave her with anyone
She love you and you feel her love
Its a love you have never felt before
Its a feeling like if she was gone what would i do and who would i be without her
its know that the baby you carried inside you is out of you and she is her own person
its knowing that one day she will grow up and be her own person
when she grows up what will she want to be will you be able to make her dreams come true
or at least try to make her dreams come true
its know that you are a parrent and things are not always easy
she is your life and you are hers
its the way she smiles,laughs, and plays peek a boo

no name
i can hold my head up
i can stand strong

i can be all you need and more
I can be what i want to be

can you stand on your own
can you be your own person
can you blame me for being me

will you help me through it all
will you do whatever it takes to help me out

i want you to be here for me like i was for you for so long
but i also want to stand on my own

i want to learn from you
i want to be all i can and more
and nothing less then that

i want to belive in myself once again
i want to be a strong person again

I don't want you to doubt me anymore
i don't want you to lose faith in me again
cause i am gonna make it
i want to learn from my mistakes

I want so much for you to belive in me
I am gonna work my hardest on that
I want you to be able to stand up and say thats my kid right there

can you hold your head up
can you trust your self
can you belive in me any more

how long are you gonna blame me
how long is it gonna be like this
how will we pass this point
how will we make it through it


Ekustik Hookah
Bob Seigar
Billy Squire
Jo jo
Casting Crowns
Kelly Clarkson
Avril lavigne

Music is music i love it all but that all i can think of right now

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