ok so as all of you know im very preggo and due to pop in a few days, well anyways the last 48 hours have been hell for me and hopefully they'll get better.
sunday morning i woke up at 2am with the worse pain in my ribs and stomach i could ever imagine, it was just 1 big pain that wasnt going away when i moved.
it got so painful that it brought me to tears when i had to wake my parents up.
so i get them up my mom brings me to the hospital and im contracting every 3-5 minutes.
they monitor the baby and i and he ends up being ok, im the one that ended up needing 2 shots of terbutiline.
they sent me home and told me to rest and take it easy, and i did.
and at 11pm last night i had to go to the bathroom and noticed spotting i read over the papers they sent me home with and woke my parents up yet again, i told them what was going on and then called maternity to tell them i was on my way.
i get up there the bleeding stopped but they had a hard time monitoring the baby and my blood pressure was really high.
they managed to get the info on the baby he was fine, my blood pressure was up enough so they decided to call the ob, he said do blood work the only thing they got out of that was telling me im anemic.
so anyways im home now and have been told to be on bed rest so you wont see me on as much.
so email me if you want, or comment.
i go to the dr's on thursday hopefully i'll find something out.
take care.
-jenn b