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41 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 164822 · Joined on August 26, 2006 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 7th · 4 referrals joined!
41 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 164822 · Joined on August 26, 2006 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 7th · 4 referrals joined!


I go by many names, but we are all so much more than our names. I am 24 years old. I am entertaining the idea of going to school for herbalism. I am currently in school for massage therapy. I am big on alternative forms of healing. I have epilepsy and have had to deal with Drs. pretty much all my life, and alot of Drs. treat you as a disease to be taken care of not a person. That is one of the biggest reasons as to why I want to learn about more natural medicines and healings. I want to be an author someday too.

I consider myself to be pansexual. Meaning that I do not discriminate when it comes to love. Love doesnt have a race, religion, gender, or anything like that. It is a universal 'language'. Doesnt really matter anyway because I am in a relationship right now and wont be leaving him anytime soon.

I am also interested in giving a go at or becoming a gothic model. I just have no idea as to where or how to begin,. . . . .sucks to be me.

I am an eclectic pagan. I am spiritual not religious. I believe in A God/dess. You say agua, I say water they are all the same with an exception of maybe a few. I am also a hybrid vampire, meaning a cross between sang, psi, etc. Or I may just be insane. I am NOT nor will I ever be evil, I'm just not afraid of exploring the unknown both within me and outside of me. You go ahead and fear the unknown, I'm going to explore.

Assume what you will, your opinion is your own, but if you are going to be rude or insulting just to be rude or insulting, then leave me be, why waste your time. I will not disrespect you if you do the same for me. I will listen to you if you return the favor. All that is asked is that you use a little manners and common curtisy. I do not like having to put up with anyones shit. I do not get pissed easily but if I do it isnt something many people enjoy seeing.

I support the arts, I love any and all types of music. I cannot get enough of it. Music means so much to me, and I truly cannot live without it. That is the only thing that keeps me sane. . . . . that and my friends. I love all forms of writing, art, music, dance, drawing, painting, acting (although I have a severe case of stage fright and have never actually been on stage), art makes life worth living, it expresses emotions when one thinks it too hard to do so. If you want to know anything else about me just ask.




41 Year Old · Female · Invited by: 164822 · Joined on August 26, 2006 · Relationship status: In a relationship · Born on December 7th · 4 referrals joined!

Vampires, vampirism, Going on the computer, Listening to music, Hanging out with my friends, Anne Rice, Shopping at the mall, Reading, Watching movies, Hanging out at the coffeehouse, Writing, Taking walks (esp. at night), Swimming, Sleep is always nice, Philosophy, L.A. Banks, Paganism, Body modification, Drawing, Alternative models/modeling, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mary Magdalene, Lilith, The Sacred Feminine, Spirituality, Massage therapy, Alternative forms of healing, Collaging, Euphoria perfume, Tantra, Karma Sutra, Marquis De Sade, Yoga, Edgar Allen Poe, Otherkin, Coffee, Poetry, Laurell K. Hamilton, Sex, Blood, Rock n' Roll, Anais Nin, Art, Massage Therapy, Shamballah, Reiki, Feminism, Christina Feehan, Sensuality



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I will listen to just about anything/everything from pretty much any and every genre of music, I have verra' eclectic tastes. Some of my favs are, Evanescence, Seether, Lacuna Coil, Switchblade Symphony, Crossfade, Skillet, Beethoven, Black Sabbath, Marilyn Manson, Blur, Real Life, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Android Lust, Deadstar Assembly, Faith and The Muse, Dark Sanctuary, Bjork, King Missile, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Ludacris, Chingy, Good Charlotte, Madonna. This is just a basic list for now, and the list will continue to grow.


Video Games
Almost all RP videogames especially if they are dark, and vampiric, or medieval, in nature. The Soul Reaver games are my favorites though.
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