Arad, oh Arad. I think, I really love him. His curly black hair, his dark skin and black coal eyes. Even his name, warm like the southern sun, wide and endless like the deserts. Hot tempered and emotional, but also very polite and respectful. And so beautiful...
Anyways, I got sidetracked. Last time I said, I wanted to go to this place, "Caribbean Sunrise". And I did! No, not all by myself, Arad came with me. And I'm so glad, he did. We had such a wonderful time.
Strange place too, this island. Not much caribbean cliche there, if you're expecting steel bands and fancy bars and stuff you'll be awfully disappointed. But lots of, yes, no other way to put it: sex. Beautiful pictures though on every wall, and shops, oh my god! Lingerie, jewelry - for the most amazing body parts - and sheer ravishing fashion shops! Quite sexy too, but REALLY expensive. Arad was looking at the prices and I could tell, he was thinking and calculating and he was so terribly sweet I wanted to kiss him all over. But I told him I wouldn't want a dress, hardly more than nothing, for more than 800 Linden.
He was quite happy about that I think, and offered me a few drinks. AND he gave me this really hot leather mini and some sexy fishnets, he had secretly brought with him. He's such a sweetheart. Okay, I know, I do look a little "hookery" now - and I still didn't get a decent HAIR-JOB! - but Arad just loves me in my new clothes. And I love him to love me...
We got into flirting quite heavily, the drinks, my new outfit, the whole atmosphere of the island, so thoroughly loaded, so fully charged with SEX. Arad was talking about what he'd do during our future dates and I was getting, well, a little feverish, one could say. And all of a sudden, he had to leave! Blew me a kiss, and gone was he!
There I stood, legs shaky, heart banging, panting, not at all ready to go to sleep. And realized, that the whole island, was kind of a TP-Junction. You could go to so many different places. Exotic, adventurous, sensual places...
I don't exactly know why I picked the island I picked, maybe for of it's name, as it reminded me of ancient greek and oriental mythology, which I always loved - hey, my Dad made me spell the names of the Trojan heroes before I could spell Mama. But sweaty as I was, and with still trembling knees, I stumbled into the world of Tyros...