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James I love U Babe's blog: "Awesome"

created on 09/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/awesome/b1435
‹.·´¯`·.·´`·.‹.·´¯`·.·´`·.Hi friends and family ..Sorry that I havent been on here in such along time..Just got bored with things for awhile.. So how was everyone's Xmas and New Years..?? Mine was AWESOME.. Things r moving along again ..My kids are doin great..We are startin out the New Year with a BANG..We have someone in our lives ..He is a carin , loving man ,honest,good sense of humor ..And he makes us all Happy .. His name is James..When I met James I wasnt sure if I wanted a relationship ..Bc of what the last guy did to me..Dont think that I have my guard up..Bc it will always be up after what the last guy did to me ..Lied about who he really was ..Yah how low is that..Dated a man for three months and then turn around and find out his name isnt the real , that it is something else..That hit a really bad nerve..and put a LOT of doubts in me.. But James has changed all that ..Ya u might find this funny ..But I wanted ID ..I dont trust anyone anymore..U can NEVER be sure about nothing in life anymore..Just all be real careful out there...U really dont always really know a person ..I dont care how much u talk to that person .. I thought that I knew the guy that I was datin ..and come to find out he wasnt the person I thought he was.. Our yr is startin off good..James has told me things that he would like or plans to do ..Like I told him ..DO NOT every promise my kids or I nothing..Bc promises can get broken ..and I dont like broken promises..We had a lot of them broken .. I have two family members that arent doin so well ..they both have been hospitalized bc of bad health ..Im pray each day that they get better..But I hate to say it , I dont think my uncle cares anymore..he is givin up on life..He has lost the one woman he LOVED dearly which was my aunt..His dad past away yrs ago ..and this past yr(2006)he lost his mom ..So he his giving up and lettin go , so he can be with them all.. I pray each day he will get better..But he is gettin so he dont know who ppl R..They are goin to be puttin him in a nursin home that has care 24/7,bc that is what he needs..Right now he just lays in his hospital bed and sleeps and just lays there..Dont have no energy for nothing.. Now my sis's mom is doin better , but she is stayin in a nursin home for the same 24/7 care..My sis would love to care for her , but also has 2 children of her own that she needs to care for and think of at the sametime.. My kids r doin good ..They have lost 2 friends from school ..The one they arent sure what he died from , Just was way to young to pass..The other child died in a real bad car accident..Our thoughts and prays r with both families.. R.I.P Mike Buffa...R.I.P Zach Hanns... Well to ALL A Happy New Year ..2007....·´`·.·´¯`·.›

Taking A Break

Hey peeps ..Sorry I havent been around ..takin a little break from things.. I have missed all my friends..Dont worry I havent left ya for good or nothing..Just been on my other web site that I chat on .. Been spending time with family as well .. I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday .and happy new year .. I will be back soon peeps .. Love ya all .. Lattah until the next time ..


Well I had a great weekend..Of course Dan come down..We went out to dinner Saturday nite ..then went and did r thing..Then the rest of the nite we spent in ..On Sunday we went out to lunch ..OMG we had to friggin search for a place..We orginally went to Denny's ..while i sat there drinkin my coffee , the waitress comes up to us and says "our kitchen is behind" it is goin to be like a 45 minutes wait for ur food..WOuld u like to wait..Of course we left..Then we went to Bob Evans..That was a joke ..U couldnt even get in the front door it was so packed..Everyone was leaving Denny's and headed to Bob Evans , but found they was just as busy ..So we went and had chinese buffet..Glad we got there when we did ..Bc they had to buses pull in ..OMG did it get packed real fast..Well after we ate lunch we went to teh movies ..We saw The Marine..it is an AWESOME movie..I liked it ..It starred John Ceno in it from WWE wrestlin..I thought it was a very good movie..There wasnt many ppl there on a Sunday afternoon though.. But I enjoyed teh movie and the time I got with my b/f ..I always enjoy my time with Dan ..No matter what we r doin ..here within the next couple weeks we are goin to sit around a fire , be4 the snow falls..We have been thinkin about plans next yr for the summer..He plans on sellin his business and takin 4 months off..I cant wait ..More time for him and I .. Well I guess Im goin to get back to my LC friends..To all a good week ..
Well I am still alive..Just havent been feelin good..I have a really bad head cold and been tryin to rest up ..Yah that is easier said than done..Not when u have three kids .. So how has everyone else been doin ..? Me other than being sick I am doin good..Dan will be done this comin week ..I cant wait to see him ..I miss him alot ..Well I got to get busy on my pc and burn all my shit to a CD bc my b/f thinks that when an ex of mine sent me a spyware program that he sent more than that ..He thinks he sent me a program to watch my ever move on my pc ..I dont like that sounds of that ..bc i had a stalker once..And it wasnt no fun.. SO I guess I will let u all go for now ..I am going to get busy on my pc ..See I cant search my pc for programs bc I wouldnt have the first clue as to what the hell I would be lookin for .Im not computer smart ..I know what I need to know and leave the rest to others .. But why do ppl have to be like that ..That is what I dont understand ..havin to stalk and watch ppl ..that is just wrong..got some sick ppl out there in this world.. And ppl need to grow up that is for sure.. Well till later .. Luv , callgirl..

Another good weekend..!!

Well Dan come down this weekend..We went to the demolition derby saturday ..The weather was shitty out ..Of course it rained ..We got wet .It was friggin cold out ..When we got ready to leave the derby wasnt even over with yet ..When I talked to my son later the next day , he said they didnt get home till 2 am ..WOW ..but my brother won a trophy for his heat..He was the last car running..Which is cool..Another trophy to put on the self with the others.. We seen one lady get pulled from her car..On her first hit , she took it hard..then she got hit and wasnt expecting it ..She grabbed her head and they stopped everything to check her out ..they ended up takin her outta there in an ambulance.. From what my son said "that they told everyone that she was doin ok "Plus she won a trophy for best show..Bc like I said ..that first hit she took ..she deserved it .. My kids are doin great ..My middle son has a g/f now..and damn is she pretty ..I will post up a couple pics of them .. I so cant wait till Monday gets here so I can see Dan ..I already miss him and he has only been gone home since yesterday .. But he will be back on Monday ..And Im not sure what we got planned..but we will figure that out when he gets here .. Well I guess I that is about it for now ..U all have a wonderful week ..I will be here thruout the week..If u dont catch me , leave me a message .. Latah..:) :) :) :) :) Yah that wonderful site I was talkin about in one of my other post..it sucks ass ..Let's just say NOW I wont be goin in there as much as I used too..Bc ppl got to be stickin their nose in my business..That is one thing abuot me I dont like ..And ppl that like to run their mouths abuot shit that they know nothing about ..I hate that crap.. But we move on in life ..and that is what I am doin ..SO ppl just need to stay out and leave me alone ..the ASSHOLES they are..

Good Evenin..

Well my day hasnt been to bad..Went to the dr.to find out what is wrong with my right hand ..He says it is tendinitis..Wow I thought ..that shit is painful..He give me something to help with it..SO until this heals up a little there wont be no crochetin on my b/f's blanket ..I wanted to have it done by Halloween ..But not so sure it is goin to happen now.maybe in a couple days I will try workin on it ..Since I took the Meds it dont hurt to bad..It is also really hard when u r right handed.I can do something's left hand but not all.. Well,Saturday my b/f ,Oldest son and I are goin to watch the demolition derby .. Im sure u all know what that is ..It is really fun to watch ..A lot of my friends and family like to run in it ..My middle son Matt Loves tearin down a car to get it ready for a demo ..I didnt see him most of the summer bc he was helpin my brother work on his.. I went to the Steuben County Bath Fair with my kids and B/F ..We had a good time.The next afternoon my and I went ..We stayed for the truck pulls..that was nice to see too.I plan to have a joyess weekend again ..But it is screwing the days yp that I normally spend with my b/f ..But that is the way things work .. See saturday;s are his busiest days ..Bc of the job he does..Well I should say the business he owns..But he bust his ass , to be able to make money and come spend time with me..At the Bath Fair he bought me a beautiful dolphin blanket ..It is really really soft..I take it just about anywhere we go that we r stayin over..Rather use my own than anyone else..Call me weird .. But that is just me.Well time for me to jet outta here.. I will be back later ..

My weekend...

Well I had an awesome weekend..Went to a party with my b/f and some friends..We got to meet new ppl and also see others we have already met..Let me explian a little bit..I am a member to a site names adultfriendfinder.com..yes it is a sex site ,swinger site..We have parties called Meet and Greets..Yah sounds weird right..Well when i first heard of these parties ,first thing that come to my mind was BIG orgies..I am not that kind of girl ..so Im thinking to myself ..NO WAY am I going to one of these parties..Well come to find out ..They was nothing like I thought they was...It is a party that u go to , and meet ppl that u chat with on a daily basis in a chat room..I have met some really nice ppl and made some really nice friends there in the 3 yrs I have been on the site.. I met my boyfriend on this same site..We have been together for 2 mths and 8 dys..He is the greatest man that I have ever met and he treats be the best..What more could u ask for .. We feel like 2 teenagers on a summer vacation..We have done a lot of things together..And will continue to do many more...My kids like my b/f very much ..And a lot of that has to do with ,bc be4 he would kiss me in front of them ..He asked their permission first..That is one reason why I have respect for him and love him so much..He has great more things about him that I love..But that is the biggest thing .. How many men do u know that would ask permission like that..There isnt many out there..When my ex husband left me I didnt think that I would find someone to fall in love with again,to be my friend and boyfriend..We talk about many things .. Well speakin of my b/f he is on yahoo now .SO I will let u all go ..Enjoy ur week everyone ..

A little Story...

Well I said I would give u a little story .. So here goes..The reason why I said that I respect my b/f so much when it comes to my kids... Bc one they havent had that respect be4 ..why is that u ask ..I was with my ex husband for 14 yrs..We was married 2 of them 14.. Well to really start this out..The reason we arent together today.(which dont hurt my feeling now) Was bc in 2003,Dec.26, my husband decides he is goin to leave me ..yah the day after xmas ..what an asshole right..Well we had his step niece livin with us .Well she went with him ...the reason being is bc now them two are married and have a baby .. My ex husband was an alcoholic..He would sell or trade things just to get alcohol..My kids nor I had much of anything..I would work..And he would take the pay check..I wouldnt ever see it ..My kids would go with things..all the time..He didnt give a rats ass..The only thing he cared about was fillin his gut with beer..Or liquior if that was what he was drinkin.. So u see why I am happy and love my b/f now ..He respects my kids feelings..Shit Be4 the man would kiss me in front of my kids..He asked them for permission ..Now that is what I call respect.. Ok ..I will edit this some more later..My bro is here to use my PC for a bit.. You all have a wonderful day ..and KEEP warm..

Boring weekend...!!! :)

Well this weekend was pretty boring..I had the house to myself..My kids joined my mom and sis to a family reunion..I didnt want to go this year bc my b/f couldnt join me..plus I didnt have a sitter for my beautiful babies..I have to wonderful Rotties..They would never of lasted all weekend here by themselves.I definialetly would of come home to a BIG mess then .. It is almost Monday ..ya ya ..U know what happens on Mondays..I come up missin for a few days..That is right ,my b/f will be down ..We are goin to go and celebrate our 2 mths of being together..They have been the happiest 2 mths that I have had in a very long time..I love my b/f very much ..He is a very loving , caring , respectful man ..Mostly respectful of my kids..That is one of the reason why I love him so much ..Bc he considers their feelings first be4 his and mind.. Someday I will tell u a little story that will probably knock u out of chair or ur chin will def. hit the floor..Maybe I will do that tomorrow ..and then u will understand a little better why I respect my b/f so much .. He treats my kids and I very well..I couldnt ask for a better man ..I have been lookin for this kind of man for 3 yrs now..I finally found him and Im not lettin go .. Yah I may flirt and what not ..but u know what ..there is nothing wrong in this world with ppl flirting..It happens everyday ..but I know where my heart is set and who I want to be with ..and that is my b/f Dan ..We always have a great time together .. ok ok ..i know u have heard enough about Dan .. Anyways the kids will be home tomorrow ..So there goes that peace and quiet time..But that is all well and good..I will hear all abuot there weekend ..And it always makes me smile to see my kids talk about what they have done or r goin to do ..They are doin well in school so far..My son Matt found out it isnt always good to do a favor for a friend..And this friend is like a brother to all my kids..But him and Matt are best friends as well..Yah they have had there bad days ..Trust me when I say that.. But Matt found not to hold somethign for one of ur friends..Bc now my son has what is called SOS ..now what is that ..School On Saturday ..yah it sucks..But that is the way the school works up here..They dont want to see the kids lose there time in school for detention or SSI ..So they give the students SOS..My kids love this school..It is the school that I graduated from and many of my family members..My grandfather when he was alive used to work at the school as a bus driver,cafertia,and janitor..he did a lot .and was a well known man.. god rest his soul.. Well i guess I am goin to get goin and see If I can get some sleep tonight..haha.probably not goin to happen ..but anyways .. Good Nite to all my friends, family and fans..Pleasant dreams to u all and a better tomorrow..Nite folks..*hugs and Kisses*


Hey my friends .. Sorry I havent been on of late..Just havent been interested in the computere lately ..Just have things on my mind ..And spending time with my b/f and kids..It gets pretty boring here during the day now the kids are in school..I enjoy my quiet time..I am glad to see that LC has put up a blog area..That is so cool bc I like to write in my blogs on my 360 page for yahoo..I dont do it every day ,but most of the time ..My sister will be most HAPPY .. Well it will be 2 mths for my b/f and I ..we are goin to go have a special dinner ..Then who knows what else we will be doin ..heheheh Im sure u all can use ur imagination ..Well I will let everyone go now .. Time to go back to crocheting my b/f blanket ..i would like to have it done by halloween ..
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