this is an awesome contest! check it out and enter :) Metal Ron is giving it :)Heres the link and the info :)

This contest is worth getting excited about.....
Im giving away I months VIP & a 3day blast to first place.....But wait,Im also givin away yet another 3 day blast to second place,along with party time gifts of trophies to 1st second and third.....Interested yet???
Send you photo link via private message to me and hurry cause contest begins Friday August 3rd at 700 pm and will end on Saturday,August 11th...
Be a VIP for a month & Fubar blast for 3 days.....
Rule for contest...
1.All contestants and voters must be a friend and fan,no exceptions(you will not be allowed to vote or enter if not)
2.Rates plus comments = total votes... self commenting is allowed & encouraged
3.Aug.3rd @ 7:00 pm thru Aug.11th @ 1:00 pm is contest duration
4.No downrating or abussive commenting the competition...if caught , you will be disqualified
5.Send your pic via private message,please no nsfw pics,they will not be used
1st Prize: a 1 months VIP & a 3 day Fubar blast
2nd Prize: 3 Day Fubar blast
3rd prize: Party time gift
(1st , 2nd & 3rd will recieve part time gifts!)
Wow, what are you waiting for??? Enter & Win...
Have a Wonderful Fubar Day!