38 Year Old
From Cleveland, OH·
Joined on July 26, 2007
Born on May 16th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
my name is sarah, but i go by ava 'cause that's the name i was given by my egg donor. i'm twenty years old, turning twenty-one may sixteenth. i have naturally strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes that change all the time. i'm five feet nine inches and i weigh too much. i dye my hair dark brown like it's a part of my religion. i hate having long finger nails and i never paint them. i wear glasses and i like it that way. i prefer wearing girls boxer briefs to girls panties. i'd much rather wear oversized sweat pants and shirts that are way too big rather than tight clothes . i'd choose pencils over pens anyday. i was once asked what my favorite meal was and i honestly answered "mashed potatoes". i'm never barefoot, except when i'm in water. i always wear socks and i hate shoes. alecia moore is my role model, only because she's a strong woman that has a strong soul and was able to get through hard times in her life, and express it through her music, which has in turn, helped me through a lot. i have too many porcelain dolls and i still have reason to believe that one of them was possessed. i was adopted two days after i was born. i've heard tons of different stories about why, and about my biological parents. i try to make myself believe that i don't care about them, but deep down inside, i want to know why.
38 Year Old
From Cleveland, OH·
Joined on July 26, 2007
Born on May 16th
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
i freakin love you...but this site is a little confusing...god... do we not have a life woman..must we join every lame site on the internet!?...i guess so..lmfao..thanks for the request...and giving me one more damn web site i have to check everytime i get online, haha!!!