43 Year Old
Bradley, IL
Joined on April 9, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on January 9th
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Get Your Sexy Name
Well, my name is Amber. My family is a HUGE part of my life. Sure, we're a little dysfunctional. But that's what makes us so awesome. I would be lost without the family that I have. They are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. They have been there for me thru so much!! They are a lil crazy...okay, a LOT crazy...but I love them all. My friends.....oh where do I even start?!?!?! I have the most absolutely AMAZINGLY wonderful friends that a girl could ask for. If I sat here and named all of them, and why I love them so much, it would take me a year to type it all. You girls know who you are. I would be LOST without you guys in my life. You're always there to catch me when I fall, even when it's my own fault for doing dumb things. When my heart gets broken, you are there to take me out, get me drunk, and help me pick up the pieces. Everyone should have friends as awesome as the ones I have. And even though we don’t all get together as much as we used to or as much as we should, I still love ALL of you guys, and nothing will ever change that. I'm stubborn as they come. You can tell me till you’re blue in the face that I shouldn't do something, and I'm gonna go right out and do it just cause someone told me not to. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm loving, caring, and sometimes way too nice. I forgive easily, and fall in love even easier. I'm silly, I'm goofy. I love laughing till my face hurts. I'm shy till you get to know me then outgoing, and outspoken. I have the capacity to be a MEGA bitch....but I try not to be, cause I'm just not a mean person. I'm tattooed and pierced. And I don't really care if it offends you. I have a wild side that you might not think is there....I just hide it well. I love to stay home and cuddle, but I love to go out and get crazy. I love to go for long walks at night in the summertime. I like to be outside...but I HATE bugs. I'm girly, and yet I can be a bit of a tomboy. I tend to contradict myself often. I underestimate myself WAY too much. I'm random and weird, but you'll learn to love it. I hate people who are closed-minded and judge mental. I believe in second chances. I am a firm believer that people can change. BUT---ONLY if they truly want to. YOU can't change who someone is. We are all responsible for our own destiny. I believe in fate, but I also believe that you can change it. Laughter is the best medicine ALWAYS. I give great advice, but I can never seem to take advice from anyone. I try to see the good in people...even if its not there. I love who I am. I'm ME. I don't care if you don't like it. I'm happy with myself.
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Do you know her favorite color is pink or that she's afraid of spiders? Do you know she can't sleep without at least two pillows or that when someone mentions you her eyes sparkle & face lights up like Christmas. Do you know her favorite song or at least her favorite band? Did you know she hates arguing, but that she's good at it. She loves the way you look at her, but hates to go a day without talking to you. She only giggles if you look at her, but she loves the fact that you do. or that she loves it when you hug her from behind, and kiss her neck? The only thing that bothers her is when people walk into her life and she knows they can't stay. or when shes worked so hard for everything and in an instant shes forgotten by you...You are her only one. Break her heart and she will never get over you.
43 Year Old
Bradley, IL
Joined on April 9, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on January 9th
3 referrals joined!
I have a
crush on someone and 1 person has a
crush on me!
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