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41 Year Old · Female · From New South Wales, Australia · Joined on June 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 9th · 5 referrals joined!
41 Year Old · Female · From New South Wales, Australia · Joined on June 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 9th · 5 referrals joined!

i am a 24 year old female with a 2 1/2 year old boy im pretty layed back and easy going girl live is prety complicated atm but life goes on being a single mum makes it harder as well but i would never ever swap it for the world.

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41 Year Old · Female · From New South Wales, Australia · Joined on June 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 9th · 5 referrals joined!
my intrests are my kid he is 2 1/2 and he is my world other then that i like fishing ,camping ,swimming, loveeeeee the beach, bush walking ,bbqs ,reading, movies , hanging with family and freinds love trying diffrent things

Top 32 Affirmations ~~ hope u enjoy and take the time to read them ~~

~1~ Trust is something that can take a lifetime to acquire, but can disappear in a second.
Trust is something that is earned. Once you give your heart away to trust someone, and they abuse your trust in them, it is hard to ever get it back. Some never do.
Strong foundations for relationship are built on trust and honesty.
Be true to yourselves, therefore you can be true to others, and others will be true to you. Trust and honesty is something that you have to find within before you will have it outwardly.

~2~ If you go outside your home or yourself to search for happiness you will never find it.
If you seek outside of yourself in your search for love or security you will never find it.
People only put others down to pick themselves up.
To have positive working relationships with others, you must first have a positive working relationship with yourself.
The starting point is with the (I), the self, which in its willingness to change, undertakes (partnership) at the highest level.
God only enters into equal partnership.

~3~ Love can be blind it comes in many forms.
People often allow themselves to stay in abusive, violent or relationships that are unhealthy for them, or allow others to abuse them in the blind belief that what they have found is real love, also within this insecurity they hang on to what they have in blind fear that there is nothing better out there for them, if they were to suddenly let go.

~4~ You don't find love out there until you find real love within
Real love is unconditional.

~5~Expectation: If you expect things to turn out the way you want and they don't then you are the only one who can end up hurt and disappointed, remove expectation from your life. God only gives us what we need not always what we want. Everything happens for a reason. Even if we don’t know at the time what that reason is. There is always a positive end to every experience.
You have no God given right to expect anything of anyone else the same, as they have no God given right to expect anything of you.
Not all opportunities are open to us.
Unconditional love is the only true way to love, and the way God intended for us to love others and ourselves.
Give only what you want from your heart, give when you want and how you want. Because when it becomes a have to, no one wants it anymore.
You don’t have to pack your ports to go on anyone’s guilt trips. Know that it is ok to say (NO) this is not what I want without feeling guilt or feeling like you will be loosing love. You will be only gaining love. Love for yourself. And respect.
Never give too much of yourself, and remember; always keep something back for yourself.
Go out and enjoy your life, if something nice happens, it’s a bonus.

~6~If you seek outside of yourself in your search for love you will never find it.

~7~It is better to express in the negative than not express at all.
But learning positive expression is the key. Not many enjoy the company of negative people.

~8~Jealousy and insecurity only pushes people away it does not bring them close.
Security is something you find within before you will have it outwardly.

~9~Life is a school for learning. Accept your lessons graciously.
There are no mistakes only lessons to learn.

~10~What others think of us is really none of our business.

~11~FEAR: Fear holds us and binds us and keeps us from growing. It kills a small piece of us each day and is our own worst enemy. It holds us to what we know and keeps us from what is possible. Fear does not announce itself but is disguised and subtle. It chooses the safe course due to most of us feeling we have no rational reasons to avoid taking the risks. The brave man is not the one without fear but the one who does what he must despite being afraid. To succeed he must be willing to risk total failure. But what is failure but another chance to learn.

~13~Where there is light, darkness cannot enter.

~14~Love is the strongest force in the universe.

~15~The Universal Laws Of Karma
Without action we have no reaction.
With action comes reaction.
You reap what you sow.
Everything that goes around comes around.
When it comes back it comes back 10 fold.
Thoughts are energy.
Everything is energy.
We are all connected.
Thoughts create reality, we create with our mind.
Thoughts are energy.
Everything is energy.
What You Think Is.
Negative thoughts create negative reality.
Positive thoughts create positive reality.

~16~To help others you must first help yourself.
God helps those who help themselves.

~17~Assumptions are the mother of all f#%*# up’s

~18~If you take a lollypop off a baby what does it do? It chucks a tantrum; some adults forget to recognize that they are no longer babies.

~19~Accept Who You Are,
And The Reality, In Which You Live,
Through Patience,
You Will Achieve All That You Desire,
If This Is In Harmony,
With Your Highest Good.

~20~There are no problems, only solutions to find.
Focus on the solution, not the problem.
Being defeated is often only a temporary condition, giving up is what makes it permanent. Handing it over to a higher power to take control of, is not giving up but giving way.
Learn to give up the need to control the outcome of situations in your life, and you may find that things work out better than you imagined they would.
Hand it over to God in prayer, Let it go, and let God.
For it is only in the stillness and the letting go, that the truth will be illuminated.

~21~It is healthy to be skeptic, being skeptical always leaves room for question.
Test everything for yourself therefore you will know what is true for you.
Magic Happens
Anything Is Possible
As Above So Below
Like Attracts Like

~22~All paths lead to the same place and we are all doing what we are supposed to be doing even when we're wondering if we should or shouldn't be doing it or think we're making a mistake or going astray.
God always gives us what we need not always what we want.

~23~Anxiety, Is when we worry about things that have not yet happened yet or that may never happen.
Because we have been hurt in the past our mind keeps jumping to the past, and because we are always looking for a better future our mind keeps jumping to the future, we never keep our mind fully focused on the here and now which makes us unavailable to new opportunities coming in because we are always in our head, we miss the opportunities because we are unavailable to them.
You can use your past pain as a springboard to spring you back to the here and now.

~24~Break away from the cocoon of the past and fly on the ever-changing wings of an ever changing now.

~25~What I am talking about are those fleeting images that come from nowhere that suggest an inspired action that keeps us in the mystery of our own unfolding destiny.

~26~Take full responsibility for all of the experiences in your life.
People only put others down to pick themselves up.
When you put others down, you not only take from them but also from yourself.
When you blame something outside of yourself for the circumstances you experience, you give control of your life to that outer phenomenon. You give it your power. Take back your power and keep it.
When you release blame and go within you will always find what you need.
Always learn to focus on what is best for the highest good of all concerned.
Learn to forgive those for their ignorance against you.
But also, to forgive yourself for your ignorance against them.

~27~Pain is our greatest teacher.
Emotions: Emotions are a gift from God. As is free will.
We are given the gift of free will and freedom of choice to
Choose how we want to feel about any given situation.
Remove anything from your life that no longer serves a purpose.

~28~You are the only one responsible for your own happiness.
You are also the only one responsible for your feelings.
Use the words I feel instead of the blaming word (you).
Put the responsibility back where it belongs.
We are the only one’s who have the ability to change anything in our life we are not happy about.
If you don’t like the picture take yourself out of it, or change it.

~29~Do not suffer over your own suffering.

~30~Violence comes in many forms.
If you condone or support these things in any way they become your problem, (You become the one with the problem, not the user, regardless of weather or not you choose to do any of these things yourself) If you choose to live with, support, condone, or make excuses for someone who is violent, their violence becomes your problem, and the problem for those around you, If you choose to live with, support, condone, or make excuses for an alcoholic, their alcoholism becomes your problem. If you choose to support, condone, or make excuses for, or choose to live with an addict, their addiction becomes your problem. If you choose to support, condone or live with someone who is abusing their body and not respecting it, as in pornography or drug use, or make excuses for it, it becomes your problem. The more you support or condone these things the longer it will take for the person to recover from their dysfunction. The more you pick them up when they fall the longer it will take for them to stand on their own two feet or for them to realize or correct the problem themselves. By lending support you only assist them in the continuation of the dysfunction, and the harder you make their recovery. In other words you’re not helping but hindering their growth.
The best way to help the person with their recovery is to step aside, allow them to realize they have a problem and allow them to fix it. Otherwise they never will, and the cycle will continue to drag down not only you but also everyone around you.

~31~The word power is control over.
The word ability is the key to change.

~32~We are the role models for our children; if we tolerate or accept violence or abuse of any form or if children are raised around any form of violence then they grow up believing violence is a natural acceptable behavior. Due to this, even as adults, they are at much higher risk of either, ending up violent, or becoming victims of violence.

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  • Bree aka hot stuff4ussie 4ngl3s
    July 30, 2008 @ 6:22 am BETTER HUG ME NOW!Pass this hug to all ofyour friends and backto me, see how manyyou get back!1-5 HUGS....Your onsomeones mind!5-10 HUGS...Someonelikes you!10-15 HUGS..Someonewants to be with you!15-20 HUGS..WOW! youare really loved by alot

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 4ussie 4ngl3s

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Bree aka hot stuff4ussie 4ngl3s
    If one day u feel like crying¢¾....¢¾call me¢¾. ¢¾I dont promise that i will make u laugh¢¾, ¢¾but i can cry with u¢¾. ¢¾If one day u want to run away¢¾-- ¢¾dont be afraid to call me¢¾. ¢¾I dont promise to ask u to stop¢¾......¢¾but i can run with u¢¾. ¢¾If one day u dont want to listen to anyone¢¾.....¢¾call me¢¾. ¢¾I promise to be there for u but also promise to remain quiet¢¾. ¢¾But one day if u call¢¾......¢¾and there is no anwser¢¾.....¢¾come fast to see me¢¾. ¢¾Perhaps i need you¢¾. ¢¾Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk¢¾, ¢¾or how close you are¢¾, ¢¾and send it to the person who sent it to you¢¾. ¢¾Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will¢¾. ¢¾Remember¢¾, ¢¾everyone needs a friend¢¾, ¢¾dont ever leave the one u love for the one u like¢¾,¢¾ because the one u like will leave u for the one they love¢¾. ¢¾tonite ur true love will relize how much they love u between 1 and 4 in the morning¢¾.¢¾ tomorrow the shock of your life will occur if u break the chain¢¾. ¢¾you will have bad luck for 10 years¢¾, ¢¾if you don't pass this on to 15 people¢¾.¢¾if u get this it means ur luved!"

    16 years ago · Reply
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  • THE SCORPION KING4ussie 4ngl3s
    Way Cool Flaming Skull

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ 4ussie 4ngl3s
    thanks for the add have a great weekend

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  • Someone ⇒ 4ussie 4ngl3s
    Thanks for the rate

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  • mr cool4ussie 4ngl3s
    PhotobucketCome ROCK with us @ Club Wicked Paranoia. http://fubar.com/new_lounge.php?lid=50245

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  • Someone ⇒ 4ussie 4ngl3s
    Hello there & welcome 2 fubar.I'm stopping by 2 show Ur page some loven.Rated U 10 & Became Ur fan.Please stop by 2 rate & fan me back,that will B very sweet,also feel free 2 add me if ya like.2 fan & rate U have 2 look below the default pic & you'll see the rating scale & the rest of the things U need as a starter.2 gain fast points, U should rate people's profile 10's only lol, & become their fan.

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  • Someone ⇒ 4ussie 4ngl3s
    DANCE FLOOR animated bff club friends girls guys hot kids love night

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