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Down Raters

It is amazing that Freshmeat who need V.I.P. and others of higher ranking to help them level up come on here, and automatically rate us as a 1. You would think they would try to get us to help them out,instead they work hard at screwing us who have more power to rank them and helping those who are just like them. This is a social community, we are on here to make friends not enemies. We are here to lean how to socialize, and grow from each others experiences. All Down Raters will be put out there by name, picture or both. Everybody will know who you are; no one on here appreciates down raters; especially when you are a newbie. We can tolerate those who have been in this community for a year or more, but the rest; prepare to be mega-blasted!! This blog is written because of the Freshmeat marebear1981, who has come into our community down rating those of us who could of helped her to move up faster. She gives out ones to us, and higher to other Freshmeat. She is not the first Freshmeat to down rate a V.I.P. or higher ranking person in our community, and she will probably not be the last. Note: not all down raters are Freshmeat, but most down raters are out ranked by the people they are down rating. Several of you have actual areas dedicated to the down raters. The question I have is: will they ever learn? We are here to have fun and help each other gain rank along the way. Lets keep it fun, and squash the Down Raters for ever!!!
It really does get to me how someone who is "Freshmeat" and needs people to rate them up can see anyone who is a V.I.P. as fair game to rate at the lowest rating to bring them down. If they really wnated our help at movinjg up; then they would let us know that. I have been on here for just over 9 months, and never had a problem with anyone on here who wanted to move up, with one other exception; I rated the woman a 10, and she felt she should of had an 11, so she went back and re-rated me a 1 and then locked out her account so I could not retaliate. I have come a long way since then, and have done pretty good under the circumstances (a month moving from Japan to San Diego, then four and a half months underway in San Diego). It has not been easy getting to where I am now; there are others on herer who are way past where I stand now in the ranks, who came onboard around the same time as I did. As a community we have always taken care of are own, and invited like minded people to join our community. A few slip in who are not like us, and have a different attitude as to how people should be rated, and who should be rating who. As a community, the majority of us do not beg for ratings; people rate us because they agree with our content, and see us as a potential friend who can help them to improve their status. The only ones who down grade us are the haters who think this community is trash (Anarcho as an example). Too many people have worked very hard to get this community where it is now for it to be soiled by discontented people who do not agree with the way we do things. My example is real; they do not desire to go from freshmeat to a higher ranking; they see us (V.I.P.'s, and other older members) as a 1, and no more. When will people ever learn, not to bite the hand that feeds you??
To all my Cherry Friends and Fans!! It has happend yet again!!! This time I was rating random photos, not knowing where they came from. The owners promptly decided that I am "1" because I rated thier photo less than a "10." My question, is why have a scale from 1 to 10, and 11 if you are a VIP; if everyone demands you rate thier photo either a "10 or 11." Michaele Raven put it perfectly on her profile. The people on here need to wake up, and start acting like adults!!!! We are not children on here!! If one of your photos gets a low rating out of how ever many you have, live with it; and think about the fact that the may of liked your over all profile because of your content!! Not all photos should be rated the same; not all photos deserve that. I really hate Trivial people who have no life!!!!! I spend several weeks to months at a time defending your freedom, and rights to say what you want, and do as you please; coming back to this kind of garbage makes me feel that the sacrifices that I, and others like me make are wasted on people who do not understand the true cost of their freedom, and rights. Their are some of my brothers in arms who have given the ultimate sacrifice, just so you can be trivial and talk bad about them, and the job they do; so you can take money away from them, so they have to live on meager rations. I am inflamed at the ay people on hrere act, if you do not like the way we rate you, then get off of this site!!!! Too many have given up everything for your right to have this site up, and say waht you want to say!! All your trivialness does is make their sacrifices void!!!! Try living on food tha is not fit for human consumption; the same low grade food they feed convicts; yet I am fighting for your freedom, and rights; there are days when we get bread that is either stale or molded; the only time we get good bread is when it is freshly made from scratch on board. We normaly get french toast when they are trying to use up the old bread that has starting going green or hard. For those of you who have never served in the armed services; I would recomend that everyone do at least one tour in any service, so they can understand just what it cost for their rights and freedom. Do not take your freedom of speech lightly, or your ability to judge things as being common; we foought for those rights; and we expec you to use them wisely. If someone wants to rate one of your photos lower than a ten, that is their right!!! This is why we have a scale!!!! Different people see things in different ways!! What is appealing to one can be appauling to another!!!!! Do not be a total moron, because you were rated low, take it;and think about all the others who like you enought to rater you higher, and remeber, to jusge the person who rated you, not on the rating they gave you, but on the true quality of what they have put before you. A man went in to a country that had twin cities side by side; he went to the smith of the first city, and asked to see his best gauntlet; he comened him on his fine work, and said he would be back later. He goes to the second city, and tesl teh smith there; I want to see your best gaunlet, he is shown a gauntlet of silver with jewels inlaid all around and at the rim. He comments on how beutiful it is made; and tells the smith of the work he saw in the first city; he says the gaunlet was perfect, but not as perfect or beutiful as this one. I prefer to have this one over that plain dull one in the first city. The smiths face turns to disgust,and grabs the gaunlet fro the mans hand. The smith replies: sir, the smith you are refering to is one of the best in all the land, he has been commisioned by kings, queens, dukes, governors; by all types of authories in this land and others. Today sir, you are hence barred from buying from me or him ever. The man outraged asked the smith,who do you think you are to tell me that I am wrong in my opinion, that my judgement call is not correct. The smith replies: had you coem to me and bought the gaunlet with out comment; had you not judged the work of the other smith in comparson to me; you would still be able to buy from both of us. Granted you have a right to say what you want, but to say it as you have done, and for the reason you have done it, is wrong. I speak for both of us, beause the other smith is my brother; we have worked together for many years, and we each have our secialties; he does gerat work on wrist bands and kneclaces; I do great work on gaunlets; and tieeras. Together we can make things that rival our individual works. we know sir who you are, and we have seen your work, we know what you can do; and have sent man of our customers your way, expect to see no more custemers from us; for you have shown us today what is really in your heart!! We do not know if we can find another whom we can recomend to out custers, but we will work toward that end; rathe than send them to a self centered; self praisng individual. Sir, good day!! If you have made it through this far, I would hope you understand just what it means to judge someone; not on how they judge you, but on the content of what they present before you!!
When a perosn on this site puts their photos out there and ask to be rated; you would think they want you to be honest with them. A lot of people give you a good selection of photos to choose from so you give them a good rating and a Good commment. There are others who are out there who have less in photos of themselves and more of others; then you have those who have photos of themselves, but they are of body sections. How can you rate someone specifically based on body sextions alone; or a few select photos. If they are new to this site, then you do not expect to see a whole lot from them all at once. People rate you, then you rate them based on what you feel they have. Why do some people feel after you have rated them that you have done and evil deed to them; so they block you from rerating them and taking the high rating you gave them from them,and give you a 1 to say you should of rated them higher; yet they did not give you anyhting to which you could say they derved higher than a 10. This whole site is for fun; so why do some people take this site too seriously and think that one point from 11 is an insult to them. If you put in the tiem to show who you are, and tell who you are, and you have that extra bit that no onme else has, then yes you deserve the highest score on here. That score is golden; and should be not loosely gven out to anyboby on a anybody on a whim. I have not been on her long, but I do understand the ideal of earning a persons respect; which some on here seem to not care about. They feel they deserve something for nothing! Give me something worth giving you the highest score,and I will gladly give it to you; but give me nothing, and I will give the next highest if you are worth it. Vanity should not rule CherryTap. If it does rule CherrTap, tham no one would ever be able to be friends on here; we would all be enemies! Lets becareful, before this site becomes a nightmare; all it takes is one bad apple. Laies and Gentlemen, the ball is in your court!!!
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