47 Year Old
Las Vegas, NV
Joined on April 5, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on February 10th
I have a
crush on someone!
I like alot of different music but to name a few: GNR, CCR, Ozzy and Black Sabbath, ACDC, Lynard Skynard, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, Eagles, Bob Marley, Garth Brooks, Hank Williams Jr, Tupac, Eazy E, as you can see a well range of music and I also promote my hommie so when I post his music please give feedback THANKS
The Godfather Series, Scarface, The Usual Suspects, Mobsters, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Pulp Fiction, Young Guns 1&2, Nightmare on Elm St Series, Sting, Eddie Murphy Delerious and Raw, Dillenger, The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, and a whole lot more to many to keep listing......
GOD, Created all this that we enjoy, abuse, take for granted, sometimes appreciate.....Oh and Myself of course, and most importantly all those who where assassinated for speaking the truth and protecting our freedoms, Our Founding Fathers for having the balls to set us free from tyranny and corruption, even though we let the corrupted and tyrants back in power... amd everyone who stands up and be themselves not what they try and brain wash us to be, oh and the last one people who stand for what they belive in 100% not when it only benefits them.....
Video Games
PS3: Assassins Creed Rev, Brotherhood waiting on AC3...Madden
X-BOX360: Halo, Dragon Age Series...