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1 Month: January 1, 2007 to February 1, 2007 Jennifer Born: August 18, 1987 , PA Sun: Leo | Moon: Gemini | Rising: Cancer Table of Contents Chapter 1: Your Personal Venus Chapter 2: Understanding Your Forecast Chapter 3: Love Forecasts for January, 2007 Appendix: Summary of your Birth Chart Chapter 1: Your Personal Venus This section describes the ways that Venus reveals fundamental relationship issues in your birth chart. Venus shows her personality by sign. Venus is also described by house (the places you are most comfortable teaching and learning the lessons of love) and through its relationships with other planets, which act as supportive factors. Which Sign Is Your Venus In? Venus' sign describes how you are best able to give and receive love, enjoy life's pleasures and make connections with others. Venus in Leo: You don’t need to be loved—you need to be adored. Romance is vital with its full array of gifts, praise and celebrations. You need a big-hearted partner who plays at your level. Only those bold enough live the big life need apply for your affection. You take the time and energy to create a loving mood and a romantic atmosphere in your life and in your relationships. You need to be seen for who you are: a wise, stable adult, who possesses an eternally youthful heart. Children sense a kindred spirit in you, and you in them. Yes, you love the trappings of romance—the flowers, wine and song—but it's loyalty and a truly thoughtful, romantic spirit that ignites your soul. Your challenge is to see the other person for who he or she is as an individual, not just in relation to you. Your partner must be very important if their love is going to matter to you. Both of you must shine for the relationship to flourish. Which House Is Your Venus In? Venus' house describes the environments that are most conducive to your positive relationship experiences. Venus in the Second House: The name of the game is first to be comfortable with yourself. Knowing how to please yourself gives you a foundation that makes relationships easier. You are likely to be sensual, loving touch and the feel of fine objects. You may be a collector of things, and measure your worth by what you have, not who you are. You are unflappable and virtually impossible to shock, but much prefer peace and a steady life over chaos and unpredictably. Knowing that you are building a lasting legacy that will live on after you in your work and your relationships gives you the strength and will to enjoy life's pleasures and endure life's miseries. Your Supportive and/or Challenging Factors Supportive factors are planets that are harmoniously aligned with your birth Venus and add value to your relationships. Challenging factors are planets that stress your Venus and show the kinds of adjustments that are needed to smooth love's path. (If no factors are listed, it just means there are no strongly supportive or challenging planetary aspects to Venus in your birth chart). Your Venus sign describes how you are best able to give and receive love, enjoy life's pleasures and make connections with others. Your Venus is in . What it means to have Venus in You don’t need to be loved—you need to be adored. Romance is vital with its full array of gifts, praise and celebrations. You need a big-hearted partner who plays at your level. Only those bold enough live the big life need apply for your affection. You take the time and energy to create a loving mood and a romantic atmosphere in your life and in your relationships. You need to be seen for who you are: a wise, stable adult, who possesses an eternally youthful heart. Children sense a kindred spirit in you, and you in them. Yes, you love the trappings of romance—the flowers, wine and song—but it's loyalty and a truly thoughtful, romantic spirit that ignites your soul. Your challenge is to see the other person for who he or she is as an individual, not just in relation to you. Your partner must be very important if their love is going to matter to you. Both of you must shine for the relationship to flourish. Chapter 2: Understanding Your Forecast Your Love Cycles forecast highlights upcoming planetary cycles that will have the most impact on you in the realm of love and relationships. These cycles are based on key relationships between the planets as they are moving through the sky at a specific time (called transits) and the planetary placements and general orientation of the heavens at the time of your birth (as depicted in your birth chart). Transits indicate the changing patterns of challenge, opportunity, circumstances and moods that you will encounter in your relationships. Cycles can be short or long-term. They can last anywhere from a couple of hours (for the Moon) to several months for the slower moving planets. Contradictions It is possible that some planetary influences in your forecast will seem to contradict one another. Our needs are not always consistent and neither are the circumstances we encounter in life. Sometimes we want security, sometimes stimulation, sometimes a bit of both. We have all experienced periods of time in which great happiness occurs in close proximity to moments of stress or challenge. When contradicting cycles appear in your forecast, the longer one tends to exert a stronger influence. This will be indicated by the meter. Busy Times You may notice that there are times of heightened planetary influence in your forecast, when clusters of transits are present during a particular day or week. These will tend to be busy times in your relationship life. If your forecast shows that you have several contacts involving the same planet during a given time period, this will color the period with the quality of that planet. For example, if you have several Mars contacts in a single week, expect initiative, assertion and impatience (Mars qualities) to be more evident at that time. Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Forecast Each cycle description in your forecast is expressed first in Astrological terms (for example, "Moon Conjunct Venus"), and then in terms that we can all understand ("Moon Conjunct Venus --> A Sweet Encounter"). In this example, the Moon as it is located in the heavens during this cycle is in the same position (conjunct) as Venus was at the time of birth. The date listed for each item in your forecast is the midpoint of that particular cycle, the time when the influence described will be the strongest. Not all cycles are the same length, however, and longer lasting cycles generally have more impact than shorter ones. Some planets also play a stronger role than others. To make it easy for you to decipher which cycles will tend to have the greatest influence on you, we have included a visual key to show the relative intensity of each cycle. A lower intensity rating does not mean you will experience less love! I just means that whatever affect is described will not be as strong or as long as a cycle with a higher rating. -------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Love Forecasts for January, 2007 Jennifer's Detailed Forecast January 1, 2007 Sweet Lovin Venus in the Seventh House If you can dream of love, you can experience it now, through a caring partner, through doing sweet, thoughtful things for yourself or both! You can strive for and achieve balance in relationships and in your everyday life. If something seems out of whack, this is the time to smooth out the rough edges of your world by speaking gently, listening attentively and acting strategically. January 1, 2007 Go with the Nice, Easy Flow Moon Sextile Venus Relationships may get easier now. You find the right words to express your feelings comfortably. Communication works well. Stimulating people tickle your mind with new and interesting ideas. January 2, 2007 A Time to Reflect Moon in the Twelfth House You may prefer to stay out of the spotlight now. Take a break from your usual routine, if possible. Make an effort to listen to your intuition and give time to exploring your dreams and fantasies. Your ability to empathize with those in need earns you much appreciation. January 3, 2007 Going Too Far? Venus Square Jupiter You may be overly indulgent when it comes to food, drink and love. People around you may not be as tolerant of your excessive mood, so try to pace yourself and tone down the extremes just a little! It’s appropriate to expand your boundaries; just use a little discretion so that you don’t embarrass yourself by going too far. January 4, 2007 A Good Time for a Jump Start Moon in the First House You need to spend more time with yourself. Tune in to what brings you joy and comfort. If you are in a stagnant phase, it's best to jump-start your way out of it. Make a move that you feel passionate about. Starting a new project fills you with enthusiasm. Initiating a new relationship or re-inventing an existing one does the same. January 5, 2007 Pleasures of the Flesh Moon in the Second House Good food, good music and good company in a gentle atmosphere all bring you great pleasure and a greater sense of security during this cycle. Give yourself the things that you desire and deserve. Once you have a base of comfort and joy, you can build a better future for yourself and your loved ones. January 6, 2007 A Sweet Encounter Moon Conjunct Venus You could find a loving partner at this time, or discover how much love there already is in your life. This can certainly be a sweet moment, good for pleasure, comfort and graciousness. Your relationships are a reflection of how you feel about yourself, so seek out and develop the best ones. January 7, 2007 Romantic Juices Flow Mars Trine Venus Your creative and romantic juices should be flowing now. There is an ease and comfort with your body that enables you to find pleasure in the simplest of activities. Your charm is obvious, even if you’re not even trying to impress other people. This is a good time to take the initiative in relationships. Take a chance on approaching people for personal or professional reasons as your magnetism puts you in the best possible light. You readily find the balance between aggression and passivity, knowing how to move gracefully in either direction. Remember what you’re learning now, as these sensibilities can serve you well long after this week has passed. January 7, 2007 Flirtation At Its Best Moon in the Third House If you are feeling restless, perhaps you need to socialize more. Your head is full of too many ideas. It's time to bounce them off people! Flirting and verbal repartee are fun diversions. Err on the light side for best results. January 9, 2007 Cutting through Relationship Confusion Venus Square Pluto You may feel aggravated by the complexity that those around you seem compelled to create, or suspicious of partners' motivations during this time. Rather than try to figure out what makes them tick, turn that high-powered perception on yourself! Insightful discoveries come when you accept your own less attractive traits, so that they can begin to change. January 10, 2007 Staying Close to Home Moon in the Fourth House Stick close to home and to those you love most and have known longest. You need to feel warm, cozy and safe, and should seek out the gentle things and people in life. Slow down and take the time to attend to your home and garden. January 11, 2007 Go with the Nice, Easy Flow Moon Sextile Venus Relationships may get easier now. You find the right words to express your feelings comfortably. Communication works well. Stimulating people tickle your mind with new and interesting ideas. January 13, 2007 Communicating Openly Mercury in the Seventh House Say what's in your heart and use the kindest and clearest words. You have the ability to understand partners and to help them to understand you. Use patience and humor to build bridges over the areas where verbal minefields are likely to erupt. January 13, 2007 It's Time to Play! Moon in the Fifth House Playfulness is highlighted now. Acting like a kid and encouraging others to do the same has a fantastic ripple effect in your life and on your heart. It's okay to be a little more dramatic now than during other times. Your spirit of creativity and sense of romance come alive during this cycle! January 13, 2007 Keeping Your Balance Moon Square Venus Your sensitivity to criticism is very strong now. Forcing issues will only frustrate you more. Instead, try to come to an arrangement that benefits you and the people you are dealing with. The relationship is more important than the issue at hand. You'll be glad when you take the path of least resistance. January 15, 2007 A Turn for the Better Venus Sextile Saturn Colleagues and loved ones may cut you some slack based on the strength of your past performance or behavior. You have the chance to restructure your life and your relationships without undue pressure from the outside world. So why not make the most of it and create new schedules and rituals that work for you? January 16, 2007 Enjoying Simple Pleasures Moon Trine Venus Pleasure flows easily now. Enjoy the relationships in your life and take them at face value. The simple things in life bring the most joy. You could discover a gift for giving and a gift for the arts within yourself during this time. Just because something is easy doesn't mean it isn't valuable. January 16, 2007 Rebuilding Love from the Ground Up Saturn Conjunct Venus The reality of relationships has never been stronger. It’s easy to be pessimistic and to become overly negative or critical. The purpose of this time is to take a good hard look at where you’ve been and where you want to go. Love is not something that is just given at this time, but it can be earned with patience, commitment and focus. There are some basic ideas about partnerships and your own worth that may need to be restructured. If you descend into doubt, turn it into action by making concrete changes in how you connect with others, and maybe even in your appearance. The old pleasures may not be quite so satisfying. The point is not to give up on life’s delights, but to establish clear priorities about which are the most important. Sometimes saying “no” to someone else is saying “yes” to yourself. You may feel worth a bit less than usual, but don’t sell out at a bargain price. Invest in the quality of your own life so that you add value to yourself and can be more selective of who you spend your time with. January 16, 2007 Time to Pay Attention Moon in the Sixth House Give yourself a routine and stick to it. You do better in the relationship arena when you focus on one person at a time. The same thing applies to work. Taking care of tasks may require much of your attention during this cycle. Your body can give you clues about how to deal with your feelings and the outside world. Sufficient exercise and some meditation can bring you a sense of connection to yourself and to the universe. January 17, 2007 Personal Power Sun in the Seventh House You can use the force of your personality to gain the attention of others. Once your charm has lured people to you, follow through by being creative, courageous and generous. You’re ready to meet new people with increased levels of confidence. January 17, 2007 Passionate Clarity Venus in the Eighth House It's often good to make a commitment or cut your losses when it comes to your love life, as well as your creative and business relationships, during a period like this. An all-or-nothing approach might be appropriate now, as long as you are clear about what is motivating you. Passions are strong as you exude an attraction for intense people who can share joy with you at a deep level. January 17, 2007 Giving and Receiving With Ease Venus Trine Moon It’s easy to accept and give love at this time. Caring people may come into your world and help make life sweeter. Your instincts are sharp, enabling you to express yourself with great tenderness and compassion. Feelings are shared easily with trusted people who you are likely to attract now. January 18, 2007 Meeting Somebody New Moon in the Seventh House You’re ready to meet new people. Seek out someone who balances you, in mood, in nature and in behavior. You find harmony when you connect with the right partners. Try to even out the rough edges within yourself and aim for a middle ground that satisfies your many different sides. January 20, 2007 Going Deeper with the Right Person Moon in the Eighth House It's best to seek out and do important business with people you trust completely, as you are highly sensitive to the reactions of others. Focus on the relationships that move you on the deepest levels. Partnerships and collaborations are meaningful and dynamic now, as long as they are with the right people. January 20, 2007 Different Strokes Moon Opposite Venus You may connect with someone whose style of relating is very different than your own. There are more colors in your emotional palette than you realize. You are highly sensitive to the responses of others now. Open your heart and overcome the fear of criticism. January 21, 2007 Take a Philosophical Attitude Moon in the Ninth House Spending time outdoors, playing sports and enjoying the natural world will give you a sense of both physical strength and spiritual peace. Traveling to new places and talking to people from different ethnic and philosophical backgrounds is particularly stimulating now. Be the seeker in relationships. January 22, 2007 Your Uniqueness is Hot Venus Sextile Uranus Your quirky characteristics seem charming, rather than odd, at this time. You are able to communicate with freshness and originality, and may be rewarded for your new ideas. These help break down barriers between you and others, opening doors to new people and new kinds of relationships. January 22, 2007 Considering a New Perspective Venus Opposite Mercury Prepare to meet other perspectives about love and relationships. Logic alone will not win the day. This is not a question of who is right. It’s really just a matter of differing tastes. An open mind could lead you to new pleasures. January 22, 2007 Stretching Your Heart Venus Opposite Venus During this transit, you can try on a new hat in terms of how you deal with partners. If you usually let the other person initiate contact, this time you should try being the assertive one. Or vice versa. What do you never do in relationships? Try doing just that! What do you always do to make yourself comfortable? Let it go for once, and go out on a limb. Give yourself the right to experiment. You don’t have to get it right the first time. Different kinds of people and activities may challenge your concepts about the meaning of love and pleasure. Stretching your heart won’t break it—it will open you to more avenues of joy and relationship. January 23, 2007 Grab the Spotlight Now! Venus Opposite Sun This cycle gives you an opportunity to explore your ability to lead and to command the spotlight. People are drawn to you now because of the warmth of your personality and your enthusiasm. While you are so "on" you might as well seek out even more fans and admirers. An opportunity to share more of your life with a lover, be it through work or creative endeavors, is definitely there. Grab it! January 23, 2007 Focus on Responsibilities Moon in the Tenth House Spend time focusing on what you want to accomplish. Making your vision a reality is possible now. Being in a position of authority suits you, but don't take on the burdens of the world, even though others show confidence in you. You've earned that. Now earn more! January 24, 2007 Enjoying Simple Pleasures Moon Trine Venus Pleasure flows easily now. Enjoy the relationships in your life and take them at face value. The simple things in life bring the most joy. You could discover a gift for giving and a gift for the arts within yourself during this time. Just because something is easy doesn't mean it isn't valuable. January 25, 2007 Restrained Passion Venus Opposite Mars Passions are strong just find the right time and place to express them. What makes you uncomfortable yet excited could be just what you need. You can bridge the gap between emotion and desire and bring the two together during this time. Use restraint when handling the force of your own nature, but don't completely tame the tiger. January 26, 2007 Friendship is a High Form of Love Moon in the Eleventh House Being among friends makes you feel more at peace with yourself. Group situations of all kinds are emotionally and intellectually stimulating. Don't be afraid to express contrary opinions. That's what makes you an individual! You will learn much about the way other people think if you detach from old-fashioned ways of looking at the world and open up to new concepts. January 26, 2007 Keeping Your Balance Moon Square Venus Your sensitivity to criticism is very strong now. Forcing issues will only frustrate you more. Instead, try to come to an arrangement that benefits you and the people you are dealing with. The relationship is more important than the issue at hand. You'll be glad when you take the path of least resistance. January 27, 2007 Expanding Your Circle of Love Venus Sextile Jupiter Friends may become lovers or connect you with potential romantic partners at this time. You’re more than likely to find pleasure within a group. You have a good understanding of what makes people tick, giving you opportunities to expand your social circle. January 29, 2007 Be Flexible in How You Communicate Mercury Opposite Venus This is a good time to try out a new voice. Instead of sticking to old ways of communicating, take this chance to sweeten relationships -- and also to be more gentle with yourself -- by adjusting your style a bit. You may be extra alert to what others think about you at this time. That's OK, but try not to engage in debate or get defensive. There are many ways to evaluate a situation, so open your mind to alternative perspectives. If you are flexible and well prepared, this can be a good time to speak in front of a group or make an important presentation. January 29, 2007 Go with the Nice, Easy Flow Moon Sextile Venus Relationships may get easier now. You find the right words to express your feelings comfortably. Communication works well. Stimulating people tickle your mind with new and interesting ideas. January 29, 2007 A Time to Reflect Moon in the Twelfth House You may prefer to stay out of the spotlight now. Take a break from your usual routine, if possible. Make an effort to listen to your intuition and give time to exploring your dreams and fantasies. Your ability to empathize with those in need earns you much appreciation. January 31, 2007 A Good Time for a Jump Start Moon in the First House You need to spend more time with yourself. Tune in to what brings you joy and comfort. If you are in a stagnant phase, it's best to jump-start your way out of it. Make a move that you feel passionate about. Starting a new project fills you with enthusiasm. Initiating a new relationship or re-inventing an existing one does the same. -------------------------------------------------- Appendix A: Summary of your Birth Chart Your forecast interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below: Planet Deg Sign Min Sun 24º Leo 52' Moon 17º Gemini 27' Mercury 22º Leo 53' Venus 23º Leo 31' Mars 27º Leo 09' Jupiter 29º Aries 44' Saturn 14º Sagittarius 32' Uranus 22º Sagittarius 48' Neptune 5º Capricorn 28' Pluto 7º Scorpio 26' Ascendant 27º Cancer 10' Midheaven 11º Aries 20'
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