DING! DING! DING! We have a winner for the third Recipient of the Ass of the Day Award...And it is...*Drum roll please* I AM SO BAD I SHOULD BE IN DETENTION....Ladies who enjoy being approached in this manner or even performing on cam feel free to hit this one up....Course it is my philosophy if he has to beg for it on a web page chances are he probably sucks at it on cam and in real life...Just an opinion....Have a good day
I am so ba...: wanna cam
->I am so ba...: Do You NOT know how to read????? Or are you just stupid this Early on a Sunday????If you had taken 2 minutes to read even the first paragraph on my profile you would know the answer to your question is hell no....and how dare you approach me so disrespectfully...... It is not appreciated....Have a nice day but please do it on someone else's page....Thank you
I am so bad I should be in detention
@ fubar