Why is it that some people will go out drop a ton of cash on a wardrobe, turn on some country tunes and think they are country?
I have known so many concrete cowboys and cowgirls in my life it isn't funny. The one thing that cracks me up is when you go to call someone out they begin to crawfish.
When you live the life of a cowgirl you are the first one to spot a fake. Many people love the notion of "country", but once they see it is all about hard work and dedication they go back to their previous lifestyle.
Women if you want a cowboy, don't try to be someone you aren't, because when you get sick of rockies, wranglers, chuckas, and hats, at the end of the day if your "cowboy" is true he will still dress in the wranglers and cinch. And eventually will see that you are fake, when it would have been quicker to chase him like you are and see if he likes you for the real person you are.