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Daughter of Hell's blog: "Artists"

created on 01/31/2007  |  http://fubar.com/artists/b50451

Michael Hussar

Here is a link to Michael Hussars website his art is quite fascinating Michael Hussar michaelhussar4yk4.jpg

De Es Schwertberger

Just wanted to share this artwork here is a link to his site De Es Schwertberger deesschwertberger7al7.jpg

Meats Meier

I shall let the art speak for itself and here is a link to his website. Meats Meier 450devilca6.jpg

A. Andrew Gonzalez

This guy's work is totally amazing check out his gallery A. Andrew Gonzalez the piece below is a work in progress nagayoginimedxe7.jpg

Will Murai

I found this artist called Will Murai while I was stumbling round the net, here is a link to his gallery Will Murai I fell in love with this picture its called Cyberfeeling. cyberfeelingdetailsjy6.jpg

Steve Argyle

A while back I was talking to Stu about artists and he mentioned Steve Argyle, he is one of Stu's heroes anyway so I thought I would show some of his work and here is link to his gallery Steve Argyle Gallery his stuff is amazing kyofufinalmarchweexa4.jpg

Staz Johnson

I love this site sometimes for the people who you stumble across, today I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with Staz Johnson, he is a comic book artist, he has worked for Marvel and DC comics on all the greats. Please check out his website for more fantastic stuff Staz Johnson and check out Staz Johnson's myspace page below are some of his work on 2000AD 2000ad1th0.jpg 2000ad5dw5.jpg anyway here is a link to his profile Staz

@ CherryTAP

Stu Smith

Well what can I say about Stu without gushing all over the place. I was introduced to him by a guy who I had briefly chatted to and I put out a blog that I was looking for an artist for the Scarybirds project. Anyway I got a message off Jeremy saying he was working with a guy called Stu Smith and he was crazy. Well that kind of did it for me so I mailed him I had no idea of what his work was like. We chatted on the phone and I was kind of vague in telling him what I wanted but I asked him to draw me what a daughter of hell should look like. Anyway we have been working together for just over a year now and I tell you, I have never laughed so much in my life as his sense of humour is off the wall and his talent is off the scale, he manages to draw what has been inside my head which is brilliant as half the time I cant explain in words. please check out his website just the writing alone will have you in stitches - Stu Smith he also has more at Stu Smith - Art Wanted My two favourite pieces of Stu's are the following Fear of a Clown fearofaclownvy9.jpg Suicide Paradiso suicideparadisofa0.jpg Also if you want to check out the project work he has done for us look in the Immortal Ego Project folder and the Web of Heretics, I have also dedicated a folder to all his works. Also here is a link to his profile although please note for all his talent as an artist he is shite at the social networking thing. vodooka stu

@ CherryTAP

Robert Harris

I met Robert on this site a wee while back and we had a chat then he showed me some of his work as he didnt have any posted in his pics, as well as being a really good guy to talk to and totally talented he has a good attitude about him which is rare to find. please go check out his site on deviant art Robert Harris aka Dark Limit Anyway here are my two favourite pieces by him, the first is called Silence of Innocence and the next one is called Still Life - Prisoner of Evil silenceofinnocenceav2.jpgstilllifeprisonerofevilyq6.jpg you may also know him on this site as a DJ Bloodust anyway here is a link to his profile. DJ BlOoDuSt -BlOoDStAiN Fetish-

@ CherryTAP

Melanie Delon

I stumbled across this artist's site yesterday and her artwork just blew me away please go check her out her stuff is fabulous Melanie Delon this is one her pieces called All of My Hate if you go to her site and click on the gallery there is a short description of each one allmyhatevk3.jpg
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